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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Signopost Watermark Detector


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18 Jan 2015
Hi All,
One of the most tedious chores for me is determining watermarks. Some stamps are easy but some are difficult- maybe it's just me. I know there are soluble solutions you can apply to the stamp but I hate thinking about "wetting" a stamp that is older and may already be in fragile condition. Lo and behold (after almost 50 years of collecting) I find out there is a contraption called a Signopost Watermark Detector. Does anyone have any experience with this machine and if so does it work well and are any liquids involved. Thanks in advanced for any comments and information.
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18 Jan 2015

re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I have a Signoscope. It works for many watermarks, but not all. It is better than working with chemicals.


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19 Jan 2015
re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I must admit to a contrary experience. I found the Signoscope less helpful than using Clarity, especially for stamps on colored paper (red and blue being the worst).


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19 Jan 2015
re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I have yet to find any method to give satisfactory methods with yellow Washington-Franklins.

I have a Sign-o-Scope and every time I think of selling it I find I need it to identify something.....

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

19 Jan 2015
re: Signopost Watermark Detector

"I have yet to find any method to give satisfactory methods with yellow Washington-Franklins. "

Amen, sister!
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

19 Jan 2015

re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I agree with everyone re; finding the WM on the colored W/F. Following is an idea I picked up at a seminar during the last World Stamp Show in Washington.

Try using a colored filter. If you’re really serious about this, you may want to try a photographic or scientific supply house to get filters specifically designed to remove light of a specific color. I obtained a complete set of colored filter samples from a store that sells lighting for stage shows. Alternately, colored cellophane wrapping paper, for example the kind that fruit baskets come in, often does the job. Either way, you will want to use a filter of the complimentary color of the stamp in question. For example, you would want to use a blue filter for the difficult orange stamp, a purple filter for the yellow stamp, and a red to reddish violet filter for the olive green stamp. The filter should be translucent enough to let plenty of light through and yet block the color of light reflected from the ink of the stamp.

This doesn't work every time, but I have been able to find both the single and double line WM on the Yellow, Orange, and Green W/F. Another way, but a little more expensive is to obtain a block of those stamps. The WM is easier to find. And it goes without saying if used, the lighter the postmark the better.


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18 Jan 2015

Hi All,
One of the most tedious chores for me is determining watermarks. Some stamps are easy but some are difficult- maybe it's just me. I know there are soluble solutions you can apply to the stamp but I hate thinking about "wetting" a stamp that is older and may already be in fragile condition. Lo and behold (after almost 50 years of collecting) I find out there is a contraption called a Signopost Watermark Detector. Does anyone have any experience with this machine and if so does it work well and are any liquids involved. Thanks in advanced for any comments and information.

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18 Jan 2015


re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I have a Signoscope. It works for many watermarks, but not all. It is better than working with chemicals.


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19 Jan 2015

re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I must admit to a contrary experience. I found the Signoscope less helpful than using Clarity, especially for stamps on colored paper (red and blue being the worst).


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19 Jan 2015

re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I have yet to find any method to give satisfactory methods with yellow Washington-Franklins.

I have a Sign-o-Scope and every time I think of selling it I find I need it to identify something.....

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
19 Jan 2015

re: Signopost Watermark Detector

"I have yet to find any method to give satisfactory methods with yellow Washington-Franklins. "

Amen, sister!
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
19 Jan 2015


re: Signopost Watermark Detector

I agree with everyone re; finding the WM on the colored W/F. Following is an idea I picked up at a seminar during the last World Stamp Show in Washington.

Try using a colored filter. If you’re really serious about this, you may want to try a photographic or scientific supply house to get filters specifically designed to remove light of a specific color. I obtained a complete set of colored filter samples from a store that sells lighting for stage shows. Alternately, colored cellophane wrapping paper, for example the kind that fruit baskets come in, often does the job. Either way, you will want to use a filter of the complimentary color of the stamp in question. For example, you would want to use a blue filter for the difficult orange stamp, a purple filter for the yellow stamp, and a red to reddish violet filter for the olive green stamp. The filter should be translucent enough to let plenty of light through and yet block the color of light reflected from the ink of the stamp.

This doesn't work every time, but I have been able to find both the single and double line WM on the Yellow, Orange, and Green W/F. Another way, but a little more expensive is to obtain a block of those stamps. The WM is easier to find. And it goes without saying if used, the lighter the postmark the better.


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