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United States/Stamps : USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps


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20 Mar 2015

USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps, if you leave them on paper, how close to the stamp do you cut off the excessive paper?

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

20 Mar 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

As close as you can without cutting into the stamp.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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20 Mar 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Hi Doug,

I have asked this question in the past and gotten a number of different responses. Some like all excess paper removed. Some think it appropriate to have a 1/4 to 1/2 inch paper frame around the stamp. Most of mine are close-cropped unless a cancel is being preserved with the stamp (on piece).


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20 Mar 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Hi Everyone;

Good luck trying to close your album after jamming a few hundred of those things in there!

You all need to watch the Mike & Molly episode of Molly jumping on a suitcase, trying to close
that monster. Whenever I hear about mounting stamps still on the paper, that scene always
comes to mind and I end up doing this; Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Just chilliin'....

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20 Mar 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I do the same as Antonio. I clip them as close as possible unless the cancel is worth preserving too. This usually ends up being within 1-2 mm of the stamp edge. I only trim them when I have plenty of time and patience as it requires a steady hand, good lighting, and close-up viewing.

White stamp borders on white paper....don't want to cut into the stamp itself. I have heard from some who prefer to leave much wider borders of paper. I think it all comes down to how you plan to mount them...too much extra paper means you cannot fit as many on a line and have it look right.

I haven't had any problems with the albums being difficult to close though. I make my own pages and use 3 ring binders, so they can be as thick or thin as I want.


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06 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

The self adhesive can be fully removed from 99% of these stamps. The result leaves a perfect stamp. No sticky backs at all. There are a few exceptions. For instance, the Frank Sinatra stamp, the self adhesive comes off but the back of the stamp has a grainy feel. Still you end up with a copy that can be displayed without the backing paper and no thinning. Just my 2 cents worth.

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07 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps


Explain what method you use to accomplish the removal.



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18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Only on the phone. Sorry. I hate typing & it would take 30 minutes.

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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations

18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

CNDD, is this a chemical method or water?

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18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I find warm water works well.....

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18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Thank you ccndd for the information on removing the self adhesives. I tried this method with great success and on the 35 stamps I tried, I now have 35 stamps ready for mounting. Again. thanks!!!!!!!

I can see why you gave the information on the phone instead of posting it. It would have been to involved to post it. This way I could call you back if I had a problem with the instructions. Thanks!!!!!!!

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18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I would say that this is a chemical product, but it is a very common product that can be purchased in a hardware store very cheaply.

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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations

18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Probably a bad idea for an asthmatic to use. Winking Good luck getting the stamps off!

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

18 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

CLICK HERE to read an article from the American Philatelist (APS journal) of October 2010 on removal of used self adhesive stamps from paper.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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20 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Tried using "Goo Gone" on a UK self adhesive Christmas stamp but it did not work, maybe the concentration is too low. Will look out for Bestine or Zep when next in hardware store or Walmart.

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25 Year APS Member

20 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I think Lorens is referring to WD40. I've seen the Youtube videos on WD40 use in removing stamps.

My thinking is to leave the paper on. I have a bunch!


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

20 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I love WD-40. Use it all the time. But I would NEVER use it on a stamp!

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations

21 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I broke down yesterday after tearing a SA stamp soaking in water. I bought Un-Do at Michaels and tried it.

Guess what? IT IS AMAZING!!!! After it dried I put a little talc on the back and it worked just like the article from APS said. No damage. Thumbs Up

As for the smell there is nearly none.

I hate the smell of WD-40. And now I remember the bathroom door needs some......Angry

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22 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Un-Du works for me on 80% of self adhesive stamps. The 1999 33c Leaping Reindeer Christmas stamps in particular do not cooperate.

Have not tried the microwave method yet.

Do not use WD-40. I saw the video several months ago and posted a question here. While responses came in, I bought a small WD-40 "pen" applicator (same as in the video), and did some tests. When WD-40 touches porous paper, it soaks in quickly and does not leave. It leaves permanent stains.

In the video, the guy puts the WD-40 on the back of the envelope and the adhesive is released from the back. The self adhesive stamps are somewhat plastic and non-porous, so a casual look might make it seem that there was no damage. But, some of the WD-40 does get into the stamp, and I don't know of a way to get it out without harming the stamp.

The active chemical in Un-Du (Heptane) is different from WD-40 (includes Petroleum Base Oil), and 4 out of 5 or so responses to my question said that Heptane was as safe as other chemicals used with stamps such as watermark detecting fluid. Normal precautions of adequate ventilation apply.

So, it is Un-Du for me. For now.


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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."
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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations

22 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I just bought some un-du at the craft store, and the stamps are coming off the paper like BUTTER! I let them dry a bit on wax paper and then put talc on the back.

I was concerned about the smell, but there is almost none. It is amazing stuff!

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22 May 2015
re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

If you use WD-40, maybe giving the stamp a bath in dish detergent like Dawn will get the oil out of the paper? Dish detergent lifts oil out of clothing. Just a thought.

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20 Mar 2015


USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps, if you leave them on paper, how close to the stamp do you cut off the excessive paper?


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
20 Mar 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

As close as you can without cutting into the stamp.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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20 Mar 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Hi Doug,

I have asked this question in the past and gotten a number of different responses. Some like all excess paper removed. Some think it appropriate to have a 1/4 to 1/2 inch paper frame around the stamp. Most of mine are close-cropped unless a cancel is being preserved with the stamp (on piece).


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canalzonepostalhisto ...
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20 Mar 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Hi Everyone;

Good luck trying to close your album after jamming a few hundred of those things in there!

You all need to watch the Mike & Molly episode of Molly jumping on a suitcase, trying to close
that monster. Whenever I hear about mounting stamps still on the paper, that scene always
comes to mind and I end up doing this; Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Just chilliin'....

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20 Mar 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I do the same as Antonio. I clip them as close as possible unless the cancel is worth preserving too. This usually ends up being within 1-2 mm of the stamp edge. I only trim them when I have plenty of time and patience as it requires a steady hand, good lighting, and close-up viewing.

White stamp borders on white paper....don't want to cut into the stamp itself. I have heard from some who prefer to leave much wider borders of paper. I think it all comes down to how you plan to mount them...too much extra paper means you cannot fit as many on a line and have it look right.

I haven't had any problems with the albums being difficult to close though. I make my own pages and use 3 ring binders, so they can be as thick or thin as I want.


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06 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

The self adhesive can be fully removed from 99% of these stamps. The result leaves a perfect stamp. No sticky backs at all. There are a few exceptions. For instance, the Frank Sinatra stamp, the self adhesive comes off but the back of the stamp has a grainy feel. Still you end up with a copy that can be displayed without the backing paper and no thinning. Just my 2 cents worth.

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07 May 2015


re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps


Explain what method you use to accomplish the removal.



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18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Only on the phone. Sorry. I hate typing & it would take 30 minutes.

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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations
18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

CNDD, is this a chemical method or water?

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18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I find warm water works well.....

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18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Thank you ccndd for the information on removing the self adhesives. I tried this method with great success and on the 35 stamps I tried, I now have 35 stamps ready for mounting. Again. thanks!!!!!!!

I can see why you gave the information on the phone instead of posting it. It would have been to involved to post it. This way I could call you back if I had a problem with the instructions. Thanks!!!!!!!

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18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I would say that this is a chemical product, but it is a very common product that can be purchased in a hardware store very cheaply.

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Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations
18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Probably a bad idea for an asthmatic to use. Winking Good luck getting the stamps off!

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
18 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

CLICK HERE to read an article from the American Philatelist (APS journal) of October 2010 on removal of used self adhesive stamps from paper.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...
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20 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Tried using "Goo Gone" on a UK self adhesive Christmas stamp but it did not work, maybe the concentration is too low. Will look out for Bestine or Zep when next in hardware store or Walmart.

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25 Year APS Member
20 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I think Lorens is referring to WD40. I've seen the Youtube videos on WD40 use in removing stamps.

My thinking is to leave the paper on. I have a bunch!


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
20 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I love WD-40. Use it all the time. But I would NEVER use it on a stamp!

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations
21 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I broke down yesterday after tearing a SA stamp soaking in water. I bought Un-Do at Michaels and tried it.

Guess what? IT IS AMAZING!!!! After it dried I put a little talc on the back and it worked just like the article from APS said. No damage. Thumbs Up

As for the smell there is nearly none.

I hate the smell of WD-40. And now I remember the bathroom door needs some......Angry

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22 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

Un-Du works for me on 80% of self adhesive stamps. The 1999 33c Leaping Reindeer Christmas stamps in particular do not cooperate.

Have not tried the microwave method yet.

Do not use WD-40. I saw the video several months ago and posted a question here. While responses came in, I bought a small WD-40 "pen" applicator (same as in the video), and did some tests. When WD-40 touches porous paper, it soaks in quickly and does not leave. It leaves permanent stains.

In the video, the guy puts the WD-40 on the back of the envelope and the adhesive is released from the back. The self adhesive stamps are somewhat plastic and non-porous, so a casual look might make it seem that there was no damage. But, some of the WD-40 does get into the stamp, and I don't know of a way to get it out without harming the stamp.

The active chemical in Un-Du (Heptane) is different from WD-40 (includes Petroleum Base Oil), and 4 out of 5 or so responses to my question said that Heptane was as safe as other chemicals used with stamps such as watermark detecting fluid. Normal precautions of adequate ventilation apply.

So, it is Un-Du for me. For now.


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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."

Wanting to bring the joy of stamp collecting to younger generations
22 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

I just bought some un-du at the craft store, and the stamps are coming off the paper like BUTTER! I let them dry a bit on wax paper and then put talc on the back.

I was concerned about the smell, but there is almost none. It is amazing stuff!

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22 May 2015

re: USA Self Adhesive Used Stamps

If you use WD-40, maybe giving the stamp a bath in dish detergent like Dawn will get the oil out of the paper? Dish detergent lifts oil out of clothing. Just a thought.

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