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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Linn's May 11, 2015 Report on Gibbons


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10 May 2015
Linn's is reporting in its May 11, 2015 issue that Gibbons stock value recently dropped 10% in London after its April profit warning.

The "Financial Times" related the loss in profits to "failed deals". This includes a high valued sale that was not paid for, and Gibbons' acquisitions and purchases made over the past two years of philatelic, numismatic and other collectible competitors in an effort to diversify itself.

Gibbons has placed high expectations on implementation of its internet marketplace being developed from what was BidStart, which Gibbons bought in 2009 (six years ago!). Technical issues have delayed implementation. Gibbons says the implementation will be in May 2015. Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to tell from the discussions going on over at BS.

Still, six years is a long time to be silent and out of the public eye. Internet users don't hang around for long on internet sites that are non-productive. Sales sites come and go very quickly. It will be interesting to see when Gibbons does implement its marketplace exactly what direction it will take over the first 18 months. From the Linn's report, it looks like Gibbons is interested in high-end and investment quality collectibles. How will low-end philatelic items fit into that model?
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14 Jun 2017
re: Linn's May 11, 2015 Report on Gibbons

Resurrected only because it appears SG is for sale. Stock sits around 12 but toyed with 8 a little over a month ago.

It sounds like the investment angle they created has backfired to some extent. Comments make interesting reading.


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APS Life Member

15 Jun 2017
re: Linn's May 11, 2015 Report on Gibbons

When an investment firm named 'Disruptive' takes a look at a company then passes, you know things are dire.

If SG had just focused on their core. Instead they wasted tons of money trying to build up other 'investments'. Autographs, historical artifacts, etc. Their catalog prices have no resemblance to reality. Prices are kept artificially high in an attempt to avoid losing money on existing retail stock. I have not bought a new Gibbons catalog for years. I rely on it for catalog numbers, not values. An older edition works fine for that.

A lot of us have a vested interest in seeing this company survive. I wish to heck someone would step in, offer SG a deal to buy the stamp division only and save their album, supply and catalog line from oblivion.

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10 May 2015

Linn's is reporting in its May 11, 2015 issue that Gibbons stock value recently dropped 10% in London after its April profit warning.

The "Financial Times" related the loss in profits to "failed deals". This includes a high valued sale that was not paid for, and Gibbons' acquisitions and purchases made over the past two years of philatelic, numismatic and other collectible competitors in an effort to diversify itself.

Gibbons has placed high expectations on implementation of its internet marketplace being developed from what was BidStart, which Gibbons bought in 2009 (six years ago!). Technical issues have delayed implementation. Gibbons says the implementation will be in May 2015. Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to tell from the discussions going on over at BS.

Still, six years is a long time to be silent and out of the public eye. Internet users don't hang around for long on internet sites that are non-productive. Sales sites come and go very quickly. It will be interesting to see when Gibbons does implement its marketplace exactly what direction it will take over the first 18 months. From the Linn's report, it looks like Gibbons is interested in high-end and investment quality collectibles. How will low-end philatelic items fit into that model?

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14 Jun 2017

re: Linn's May 11, 2015 Report on Gibbons

Resurrected only because it appears SG is for sale. Stock sits around 12 but toyed with 8 a little over a month ago.

It sounds like the investment angle they created has backfired to some extent. Comments make interesting reading.


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APS Life Member
15 Jun 2017

re: Linn's May 11, 2015 Report on Gibbons

When an investment firm named 'Disruptive' takes a look at a company then passes, you know things are dire.

If SG had just focused on their core. Instead they wasted tons of money trying to build up other 'investments'. Autographs, historical artifacts, etc. Their catalog prices have no resemblance to reality. Prices are kept artificially high in an attempt to avoid losing money on existing retail stock. I have not bought a new Gibbons catalog for years. I rely on it for catalog numbers, not values. An older edition works fine for that.

A lot of us have a vested interest in seeing this company survive. I wish to heck someone would step in, offer SG a deal to buy the stamp division only and save their album, supply and catalog line from oblivion.

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