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General Philatelic/Identify This? : Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:


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03 Jul 2015
Hi All,

I found the below pictured stamps in the bottom of an old box lot. There was a packet with hundreds of these on which the surcharge is badly printed on most of them leading me to conclude that they are printers waste that was not wasted.

I found one picture of the not surcharged stamp design on the net. It was stated to be a consular revenue stamp of 1885. The single stamp pictured was not perforated but did have the same basic design.

These stamps that I have appear to be very old as they all have crystallized gum. The surcharge is to reduce the face value in all cases.

I am hoping that one of our members who can read Arabic, can confirm my observations above and give some further information on these issues. I do not have any catalogs for foreign revenue items.

The black stamp at the top is particularly interesting as it has a denomination of 0 and is the only one not surcharged. Any information on what this one may have been used for would be welcome.

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Best Regards to all,


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

04 Jul 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Perhaps: ٥‎ = "5"

٠‎ = 0
۱‎ = 1
۲‎ = 2
٣‎ = 3
٤‎ = 4
٥‎ = 5
٦‎ = 6
٧‎ = 7
٨‎ = 8
٩‎ = 9
۱٠‎= 10
Û±Ù¥ = 15

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Jul 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Yes, these are consular/revenue stamps for the Ottomon Empire.

The black "0" or null value stamp was used to indicate that a fee was not collected. I believe the primary intended use was for the poor. Nice -- not often seen. You will need to measure the perfs -- perf 13 for the 1882 issue and perf 12 (pelure paper) for the 1907 issue. Your block appears to be perf 13 (1882).

The surcharge/overprint indicates the country. Therefore, all 5 of your surcharged blocks are for Great Britain. I don't know the date of issue on the surcharged stamps, but it should be 1907 or later.

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04 Jul 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Only the top corners are in Arabic. Therefore, the "0" in the bottom corners is the same as the number "0" in English.

The surcharge in Arabic is the top rightmost character(s) in the surcharged stamps.

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04 Jul 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Hi All,

Many thanks to you all for the above information. It will be most useful.



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28 Jul 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Michael the catalogue you are referring to:

Süleymaniye, Emir Erray (March 2010) Revenue stamps of Ottoman Empire, Dumat, Ankara, Turkey

It is really superb and a gem in any bookcase! Prices however seem a bit too high. After its publication prices of Turkish revenues increased considerably, especially offers from Turkey on Ebay.

Hardcover: 587 pages
Language: Turkish/English
Dimensions: 137.8 x 11.8 x 8.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.6 pounds (!!)
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17 Aug 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

The numeral "5" is written as "0" in Arabic.

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18 Aug 2015
re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

That is not correct.

On Turkish stamps of that era, 5 = ٥‎, not 5 = 0.

As mdroth and I have posted above, the "0" is in fact a "0" or null value. This is confirmed by the catalog listings.

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03 Jul 2015

Hi All,

I found the below pictured stamps in the bottom of an old box lot. There was a packet with hundreds of these on which the surcharge is badly printed on most of them leading me to conclude that they are printers waste that was not wasted.

I found one picture of the not surcharged stamp design on the net. It was stated to be a consular revenue stamp of 1885. The single stamp pictured was not perforated but did have the same basic design.

These stamps that I have appear to be very old as they all have crystallized gum. The surcharge is to reduce the face value in all cases.

I am hoping that one of our members who can read Arabic, can confirm my observations above and give some further information on these issues. I do not have any catalogs for foreign revenue items.

The black stamp at the top is particularly interesting as it has a denomination of 0 and is the only one not surcharged. Any information on what this one may have been used for would be welcome.

Image Not Found

Best Regards to all,


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
04 Jul 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Perhaps: ٥‎ = "5"

٠‎ = 0
۱‎ = 1
۲‎ = 2
٣‎ = 3
٤‎ = 4
٥‎ = 5
٦‎ = 6
٧‎ = 7
٨‎ = 8
٩‎ = 9
۱٠‎= 10
Û±Ù¥ = 15

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Jul 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Yes, these are consular/revenue stamps for the Ottomon Empire.

The black "0" or null value stamp was used to indicate that a fee was not collected. I believe the primary intended use was for the poor. Nice -- not often seen. You will need to measure the perfs -- perf 13 for the 1882 issue and perf 12 (pelure paper) for the 1907 issue. Your block appears to be perf 13 (1882).

The surcharge/overprint indicates the country. Therefore, all 5 of your surcharged blocks are for Great Britain. I don't know the date of issue on the surcharged stamps, but it should be 1907 or later.

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04 Jul 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Only the top corners are in Arabic. Therefore, the "0" in the bottom corners is the same as the number "0" in English.

The surcharge in Arabic is the top rightmost character(s) in the surcharged stamps.

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04 Jul 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Hi All,

Many thanks to you all for the above information. It will be most useful.



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28 Jul 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

Michael the catalogue you are referring to:

Süleymaniye, Emir Erray (March 2010) Revenue stamps of Ottoman Empire, Dumat, Ankara, Turkey

It is really superb and a gem in any bookcase! Prices however seem a bit too high. After its publication prices of Turkish revenues increased considerably, especially offers from Turkey on Ebay.

Hardcover: 587 pages
Language: Turkish/English
Dimensions: 137.8 x 11.8 x 8.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.6 pounds (!!)
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17 Aug 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

The numeral "5" is written as "0" in Arabic.

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18 Aug 2015

re: Ottoman Turkish Revenue Stamps:

That is not correct.

On Turkish stamps of that era, 5 = ٥‎, not 5 = 0.

As mdroth and I have posted above, the "0" is in fact a "0" or null value. This is confirmed by the catalog listings.

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