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Asia/China : HONG KONG.1891."Jubilee" Issue Scott #66. "LOADED WITH ERRORS!" $500++


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19 Oct 2015
Well, I've used the eBay item title as the description for this thread, as I can't think of anything better.

Here we have another example of an eBay offering by someone who is, putting it politely; disingenuous:

Image Not Found

Had this been listed by someone who obviously knew little about this this issue, I would not have commented.

But to deliberately embroider the description with complete twaddle, is sheer arrogance:

Image Not Found

eBay item number:391297507938, starting price $150. See link: here

So what do we have here? Either a one off major error, resulting from the type-setter having had one too many puffs on his opium pipe. Or...

A crude forgery.

Here's an image of a genuine Tall "K" in Kong variety. I can't show any more of the other 'multiple errors', as either they don't actually exist, or they bear no resemblance to that work of fiction:

Image Not Found

I despair at these pathetic attempts to cheat.

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19 Oct 2015
re: HONG KONG.1891."Jubilee" Issue Scott #66. "LOADED WITH ERRORS!" $500++

This statement

"The black grid cancel appears to be number "62""

also indicates someone who does not know the most common Hong Kong obliterator cancel of the period, the B62, or doesn't care either way but attempts to make it appear "rare" by the inclusion on that list.

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20 Dec 2017

re: HONG KONG.1891."Jubilee" Issue Scott #66. "LOADED WITH ERRORS!" $500++

Not HongKong,but another blatant forgery NWPI 1d overprints on the 5d brown and 1/- green/blue.
The genuine overprint is on the 5d ,the forgery is on the 1/-.The genuine overprint is noticeable by the 0 in the one it is very narrow ,the forgery is much more open . you see these mainly on eBay and buyers think they are getting a bargain.
In Gibbons they are £90-00 & £100-00 respectivelyImage Not Found.
Image Not Found

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19 Oct 2015

Well, I've used the eBay item title as the description for this thread, as I can't think of anything better.

Here we have another example of an eBay offering by someone who is, putting it politely; disingenuous:

Image Not Found

Had this been listed by someone who obviously knew little about this this issue, I would not have commented.

But to deliberately embroider the description with complete twaddle, is sheer arrogance:

Image Not Found

eBay item number:391297507938, starting price $150. See link: here

So what do we have here? Either a one off major error, resulting from the type-setter having had one too many puffs on his opium pipe. Or...

A crude forgery.

Here's an image of a genuine Tall "K" in Kong variety. I can't show any more of the other 'multiple errors', as either they don't actually exist, or they bear no resemblance to that work of fiction:

Image Not Found

I despair at these pathetic attempts to cheat.

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19 Oct 2015

re: HONG KONG.1891."Jubilee" Issue Scott #66. "LOADED WITH ERRORS!" $500++

This statement

"The black grid cancel appears to be number "62""

also indicates someone who does not know the most common Hong Kong obliterator cancel of the period, the B62, or doesn't care either way but attempts to make it appear "rare" by the inclusion on that list.

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20 Dec 2017


re: HONG KONG.1891."Jubilee" Issue Scott #66. "LOADED WITH ERRORS!" $500++

Not HongKong,but another blatant forgery NWPI 1d overprints on the 5d brown and 1/- green/blue.
The genuine overprint is on the 5d ,the forgery is on the 1/-.The genuine overprint is noticeable by the 0 in the one it is very narrow ,the forgery is much more open . you see these mainly on eBay and buyers think they are getting a bargain.
In Gibbons they are £90-00 & £100-00 respectivelyImage Not Found.
Image Not Found

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