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General Philatelic/Newcomer Cnr : 247?



21 Nov 2015
I got this stamp and was listed as 247 Mint. So I am examining it and the Scott number might be right but seems there is something wrong with this stamp. The gum on the back to me looks very unmint like. So is this stamp 247 and what is wrong with the gum?
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21 Nov 2015
re: 247?

To me it looks like the stamp has been regummed.

To regum a stamp, the perpetrator has to clean the back of the stamp in order to get the new gum to stick to the back of the stamp. This cleaning process removes the dirt and grime. It also removes the fraying found on the perfs. Your perfs look too clean for a normal stamp of that age. At least that's how it looks with your image.

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21 Nov 2015
re: 247?

That top corner looks a bit cancelled to me. Does it feel like there is gum on it?

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

21 Nov 2015
re: 247?

" ... That top corner looks a bit cancelled to me. ..."

A bit cancelled, smudged, re-gummed or whatever, whether accidental, incidental or sentimental, it certainly is not the way it looked the day it came out of the press so therefore, not mint.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

21 Nov 2015
re: 247?

When I received it the first thought that went thru my mind was regummed also. It also looks to nice on the front compared to the back.
Yes doe I also thought there was a little cancel mark in the corner. I have never touched it except with a tongs doe so I don't know. If it is not mint and regummed should I touch it and find out?
So far it has not made it in my album because it looked canceled and regummed to me. Not mint and it doesn't go in the album.
So the next question is what to do with it.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

22 Nov 2015
re: 247?

" ... Not mint and it doesn't go in the album. ..."

Put it in the auction with a good photo and note the mark and possibly gum problem.
If a knowing buyer bids and wins, it is no longer your problem.
Or if you feel someone might buy it and then try to resell it as mint, soak the gum off and sell it as used.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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22 Nov 2015
re: 247?

"...So is this stamp 247..."

Have you checked for a watermark? If it has one the stamp is Scott 264.
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"APS Member #130102; SRS Member #1570"


22 Nov 2015
re: 247?

I'm not sure how to check for a watermark, seems I need special stuff for that.

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23 Nov 2015
re: 247?

Hi all;

@ carabop;

I would ask the seller for a refund as soon as possible. An honest seller would not have a problem with that.

Just thinkin'....

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23 Nov 2015
re: 247?

TuskenRaider I didn't have to pay anything for the stamp so that is a good thing. I probably shouldn't be complaining but when someone lists it as mint it should be mint and not regummed with a small cancel mark. Probably why it was a freebie Big Grin

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

23 Nov 2015
re: 247?


Misidentification is very common. I cannot tell you how many times I have received stamps sold as NH only to find a hinge mark or that the stamp has been regummed. Most of the time the mistake is excusable, but every now and then it is a matter of the seller just being careless in his identification. Very seldom is it deliberate, and when it is, that is when I see red!

In your case, at least you are not out any money. Perhaps the person from whom you obtained the stamp is inexperienced in making such identification. Regardless, this is an excellent learning opportunity and you will exit the experience much more knowledgeable than you were before.


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"


23 Nov 2015
re: 247?

Very true Bobby.

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07 Dec 2015
re: 247?

Here is the stamp after I got a scan of it. Any thoughts on it now? This is my first try at scanning a stamp.
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21 Nov 2015

I got this stamp and was listed as 247 Mint. So I am examining it and the Scott number might be right but seems there is something wrong with this stamp. The gum on the back to me looks very unmint like. So is this stamp 247 and what is wrong with the gum?
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21 Nov 2015

re: 247?

To me it looks like the stamp has been regummed.

To regum a stamp, the perpetrator has to clean the back of the stamp in order to get the new gum to stick to the back of the stamp. This cleaning process removes the dirt and grime. It also removes the fraying found on the perfs. Your perfs look too clean for a normal stamp of that age. At least that's how it looks with your image.

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21 Nov 2015

re: 247?

That top corner looks a bit cancelled to me. Does it feel like there is gum on it?

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
21 Nov 2015

re: 247?

" ... That top corner looks a bit cancelled to me. ..."

A bit cancelled, smudged, re-gummed or whatever, whether accidental, incidental or sentimental, it certainly is not the way it looked the day it came out of the press so therefore, not mint.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

21 Nov 2015

re: 247?

When I received it the first thought that went thru my mind was regummed also. It also looks to nice on the front compared to the back.
Yes doe I also thought there was a little cancel mark in the corner. I have never touched it except with a tongs doe so I don't know. If it is not mint and regummed should I touch it and find out?
So far it has not made it in my album because it looked canceled and regummed to me. Not mint and it doesn't go in the album.
So the next question is what to do with it.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
22 Nov 2015

re: 247?

" ... Not mint and it doesn't go in the album. ..."

Put it in the auction with a good photo and note the mark and possibly gum problem.
If a knowing buyer bids and wins, it is no longer your problem.
Or if you feel someone might buy it and then try to resell it as mint, soak the gum off and sell it as used.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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22 Nov 2015

re: 247?

"...So is this stamp 247..."

Have you checked for a watermark? If it has one the stamp is Scott 264.
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"APS Member #130102; SRS Member #1570"

thestampforum.boards ...

22 Nov 2015

re: 247?

I'm not sure how to check for a watermark, seems I need special stuff for that.

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23 Nov 2015

re: 247?

Hi all;

@ carabop;

I would ask the seller for a refund as soon as possible. An honest seller would not have a problem with that.

Just thinkin'....

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www.webstore.com/sto ...

23 Nov 2015

re: 247?

TuskenRaider I didn't have to pay anything for the stamp so that is a good thing. I probably shouldn't be complaining but when someone lists it as mint it should be mint and not regummed with a small cancel mark. Probably why it was a freebie Big Grin

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
23 Nov 2015

re: 247?


Misidentification is very common. I cannot tell you how many times I have received stamps sold as NH only to find a hinge mark or that the stamp has been regummed. Most of the time the mistake is excusable, but every now and then it is a matter of the seller just being careless in his identification. Very seldom is it deliberate, and when it is, that is when I see red!

In your case, at least you are not out any money. Perhaps the person from whom you obtained the stamp is inexperienced in making such identification. Regardless, this is an excellent learning opportunity and you will exit the experience much more knowledgeable than you were before.


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

23 Nov 2015

re: 247?

Very true Bobby.

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07 Dec 2015

re: 247?

Here is the stamp after I got a scan of it. Any thoughts on it now? This is my first try at scanning a stamp.
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