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United States/Stamps : Dull Gum



17 Jan 2016
I have a few stamps that I just can't figure out if they are dull gum or soaked off paper. For instance I'm looking in my Scott catalog and I see stamp 2175 states dull gum and I have stamp 2176 but it does not say dull gum in the Scott catalog. They are from the great American series so I was assuming they all would be printed the same. Is there a list in the Scott catalog that lists dull gum stamps that I am missing? Or is there a list somewhere that lists the dull gum for USA stamps?
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17 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

It's an inconsistency in the Scott catalog... no surprise there.

2176 is on dull gum.

For this set, Scott only mentions the dull gum on the major number if there is a minor number for the same stamp that has shiny gum. Of course, Scott doesn't mention that.

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18 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

Thank you Michael. So am I safe to say there is not list any where for dull stamps from the USA?

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18 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

Such a presumption is never safe to say.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

18 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

"It's an inconsistency in the Scott catalog... no surprise there."

I wouldn't call it an inconsistency. Scott typically doesn't describe the gum unless there are varieties.

2175, 2175a, and 2175c are dull gum
2175d and 2175e are shiny gum.

2176 only has a tagging omitted variety, so no need to describe the gum. I don't know if there are publications that list all the different gums for each issue, but be aware that when the Great American Series was printed they were run on Several different presses:

A Press
C Press
D Press
T/A Press
Stevens Press
Epikos Press

(I think the B Press only did Transportation coils at that time, but I'm not certain). If you need to know about a specific series, look for a publication specifically for that series. You may be able to check one out from the APRL Library.

If you just want to be able to visually see what different gums look like, I suggest making a template like this:

Image Not Found

For your purposes you may want to add a dull gum stamp with the gum soaked off. Once you have those reference items, a quick look under magnification is all it takes! I got so tired of trying to identify pebbled gum v. smooth gum and dull gum v. low gloss gum that I created my own reference sheet using inexpensive issues from the era.

Hope that helps.

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19 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

That is plain genius Lars!

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19 Jan 2016
re: Dull Gum

Hi Everyone;

That is pure genius Lars!

You just inspired me to make similar templates on 120# card stock at 5½" x 8½", format and spiral bind
them into a small booklet.

I like the plastic spiral binding system that uses the rectangle punches, because as you booklet grows
you just throw the strip away and add a larger diameter strip. Also the pages always lay flat and unlike
3-ring binders, the punched holes do not need reinforcement or become enlarged and worn.

Does anyone use the spiral binding system for albums, I wonder? Thinking

Just a thought....

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08 Mar 2016
re: Dull Gum

So I am on the hunt for different gum types to make the template like Lars did. Not as easy as it sounds. I am stumped again because of the way Scott lists them.
This dull gum still gets me confused but I am trying to get it figured out but Scott sure doesn't help much. LOL
Hoping I can find the stamps needed for the template. I have shiny gum and dull gum but not low gloss been looking to get all 3 from the same catalog # like Lars has but I haven't found them yet.

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08 Mar 2016
re: Dull Gum

Get a bunch of us duplicate US stamps from the 70's to the 90's and turn them over. You will pick out the types real easy. A dealers giant face value box at a show is a great place as well.

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08 Mar 2016
re: Dull Gum

Once I get the stamps I need things should be a whole lot easier, thanks.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

08 Mar 2016
re: Dull Gum

If you want a definitive dull gum / low gloss pair, get plate number coil (PNC) strips of 2452a. Plate #1 is dull gum. Plate #2 is low gloss gum. But I just found a seller that offered all 3 gum types of 2225b. Once you see them, it's easy to categorize the rest.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."




17 Jan 2016

I have a few stamps that I just can't figure out if they are dull gum or soaked off paper. For instance I'm looking in my Scott catalog and I see stamp 2175 states dull gum and I have stamp 2176 but it does not say dull gum in the Scott catalog. They are from the great American series so I was assuming they all would be printed the same. Is there a list in the Scott catalog that lists dull gum stamps that I am missing? Or is there a list somewhere that lists the dull gum for USA stamps?

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17 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

It's an inconsistency in the Scott catalog... no surprise there.

2176 is on dull gum.

For this set, Scott only mentions the dull gum on the major number if there is a minor number for the same stamp that has shiny gum. Of course, Scott doesn't mention that.

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18 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

Thank you Michael. So am I safe to say there is not list any where for dull stamps from the USA?

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18 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

Such a presumption is never safe to say.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
18 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

"It's an inconsistency in the Scott catalog... no surprise there."

I wouldn't call it an inconsistency. Scott typically doesn't describe the gum unless there are varieties.

2175, 2175a, and 2175c are dull gum
2175d and 2175e are shiny gum.

2176 only has a tagging omitted variety, so no need to describe the gum. I don't know if there are publications that list all the different gums for each issue, but be aware that when the Great American Series was printed they were run on Several different presses:

A Press
C Press
D Press
T/A Press
Stevens Press
Epikos Press

(I think the B Press only did Transportation coils at that time, but I'm not certain). If you need to know about a specific series, look for a publication specifically for that series. You may be able to check one out from the APRL Library.

If you just want to be able to visually see what different gums look like, I suggest making a template like this:

Image Not Found

For your purposes you may want to add a dull gum stamp with the gum soaked off. Once you have those reference items, a quick look under magnification is all it takes! I got so tired of trying to identify pebbled gum v. smooth gum and dull gum v. low gloss gum that I created my own reference sheet using inexpensive issues from the era.

Hope that helps.

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19 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

That is plain genius Lars!

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19 Jan 2016

re: Dull Gum

Hi Everyone;

That is pure genius Lars!

You just inspired me to make similar templates on 120# card stock at 5½" x 8½", format and spiral bind
them into a small booklet.

I like the plastic spiral binding system that uses the rectangle punches, because as you booklet grows
you just throw the strip away and add a larger diameter strip. Also the pages always lay flat and unlike
3-ring binders, the punched holes do not need reinforcement or become enlarged and worn.

Does anyone use the spiral binding system for albums, I wonder? Thinking

Just a thought....

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www.webstore.com/sto ...

08 Mar 2016

re: Dull Gum

So I am on the hunt for different gum types to make the template like Lars did. Not as easy as it sounds. I am stumped again because of the way Scott lists them.
This dull gum still gets me confused but I am trying to get it figured out but Scott sure doesn't help much. LOL
Hoping I can find the stamps needed for the template. I have shiny gum and dull gum but not low gloss been looking to get all 3 from the same catalog # like Lars has but I haven't found them yet.

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08 Mar 2016

re: Dull Gum

Get a bunch of us duplicate US stamps from the 70's to the 90's and turn them over. You will pick out the types real easy. A dealers giant face value box at a show is a great place as well.

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08 Mar 2016

re: Dull Gum

Once I get the stamps I need things should be a whole lot easier, thanks.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
08 Mar 2016

re: Dull Gum

If you want a definitive dull gum / low gloss pair, get plate number coil (PNC) strips of 2452a. Plate #1 is dull gum. Plate #2 is low gloss gum. But I just found a seller that offered all 3 gum types of 2225b. Once you see them, it's easy to categorize the rest.


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