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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Paypal charges


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16 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals
Few days ago, I received a message from SOR membre Telling me that it is not allowed to mention "Paypal charges" separately but to have to include thème with item Price. I Read thé Paypal charte without any success regarding This point. Is there Someone who can admise on how to mention these charges tank hou
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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

Here is the section in the PayPal user agreement:
4.5 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

Stamporama does not enforce policies that are not its own.

Policies relating to charges outside of Stamporama are between the account holder and the related company. Enforcement of violations of a policy is between the account holder and the company, not Stamporama.

A Stamporama member who does not like a seller's terms and conditions of sale should not buy from the seller.

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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

Basically, it means, if you charge a "handling fee" for one type of payment, you have to charge the same fee for any other form of payment. And you can't say it is to cover PayPal fees.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

Again, this is between the seller and, in this specific instance, PayPal. It has nothing to do with Stamporama, or Stamporama rules.

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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"A Stamporama member who does not like a seller's terms and conditions of sale should not buy from the seller."

It's easy to cop that attitude; not so good, though, when the disgruntled customer reports you ro PayPal and your account gets suspended.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals
re: Paypal charges

I have my PAYPAL option set up to be for $5, yet sometimes people send me money via paypal for less than $5. I have absolutely no idea how they do this. To my way of thinking, if the invoice is under $5, PAYPAL should not appear as an option of payment - yet it must be. For foreign buyers who only pay with PAYPAL, I charge $1.85 shipping. Usually I will wait until they spend over $5 to send them an invoice. For any other people (these being the ones who are still using paypal for under $5 purchases) I state on my invoice "Please ignore the extra charges if paying with cash, check or MNH stamps. No place on it does it say the word PAYPAL. So far, so good.

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APS #156650

16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"I have my PAYPAL option set up to be for $5, yet sometimes people send me money via paypal for less than $5. I have absolutely no idea how they do this.

If they have paid you with paypal in the past, it is easy to look up your paypal email address and pay you the amounts under $5. I've had the same problem, too. Perhaps they overlook the fact that there is no paypal link on the bottom of the invoice for a reason. Not seeing the link, they go to paypal, get your address and send the money thinking they have taken care of the matter.

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"Just one more small collection, hun, really! LoL "
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

I have noticed that most of the sellers on Delcampe have a surcharge for Paypal and Skrill fees. I wonder how they get away with it.

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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

I think if a buyer insists on shorting my payment, I would refuse/refund the payment from Paypal and inform the buyer what the correct amount for their voice is and to please remit it correctly. Buying and selling stamps on SOR is a privilege and those that want to be dishonest will not be doing either one for very long.

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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"when the disgruntled customer reports you ro PayPal and your account gets suspended."

Stamporama does not report sellers to PayPal. What sellers and buyers do with their PayPal accounts is between them and PayPal. Violate the rules, and risk punitive action. It's the same as here. Violate Stamporama rules, and risk punitive action.

When people sign up at PayPal, they are told by PayPal to read the rules, and their joining is an acknowledgement that they have done so. If someone joins and doesn't read the rules, then the same as here, when a rule is broken and the person is notified, there is no valid, "Well I didn't know." excuse.

Don't follow the rules, and you take your chance at not being caught.
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16 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"It's easy to cop that attitude"

It's not Stamporama's purview to tell people what to do outside of Stamporama.

It's not an attitude. It's simple fact. If it is stated in the item listing, you were advised of the seller's terms, and buying the item indicates that you understood the terms.

So, once again, if you do not like a seller's terms, do not buy from that seller!
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17 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

@Soundcrest above.

For topical collectors, many of their purchases are single stamps rather than sets, and often single stamps of minimal value. In my latest frenetic round of buying from a well-known online outfit, probably 90% of my purchases are less than $5, and it is true that in nearly all cases I pay much more for 'packing' or 'postage' than for the stamp itself. I am well aware that sellers will mark up the invoice to reflect the tedium of packaging, addressing and posting a single stamp, and willingly accept that.

There is only one seller, so far, whose mark-up seemed to me entirely unreasonable (namely, 6.75 euros on a 0.75 euro stamp), and I have noted that seller as a future 'block'. So, no more letters from Gibraltar for me.

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17 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals
re: Paypal charges

I suspect that sellers on all sites mark up items to reflect the costs of PAYPAL and "fees" In fact I believe that Ebay has already said someplace that mark up the cost of items and offer free shipping, which to me is insane if you are sending anything other than something in a letter. I don't mind eating the cost of PAYPAL when the buyer spends a few dollars. I do like others sometimes get purchase that amount to less than a dollar and to use PAYPAL for that pretty much almost becomes a negative transaction.

To charge almost 7 Euros on a small transaction is a good way to lose customers, though I have seen things almost as crazy here in the US as well. I really can't justify high shipping costs here on SOR with there being no fees being paid by sellers. I have sent out orders that have far more postage than 50 cents but I figure if you are going to spend $100, you shouldn't be paying more than 50 cents.

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"Seesomething you like in my Hipstore? Contact me for a deal!"

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17 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"... if they buy something for a pound the seller pays total charges of ... 82% on costs, never mind the cost of the goods, the envelopes, and time etc ..."

Brechinite is correct, of course, but where is it written that we should be able to sell something of little value, over some distance, for small change, and turn a profit?


/s/ ikeyPikey
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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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17 Apr 2016
re: Paypal charges

"but where is it written that we should be able to sell something of little value, over some distance, for small change, and turn a profit?"

I think it's in the same place where it says if I go to Macy's to buy a shirt, I should only have to pay for the cost of the cloth.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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01 May 2016

Auctions - Approvals
re: Paypal charges

Thank you for your messages and notices of charges related to the transactions.
I changed my terms to stick the settlement Paypal even if it appears on the current sales, it will not be the same on the next ones and I do not count the cost of those in progress.

I draw the attention of delcampe for example, (I do not know if it is similar to other online sales sites), most sellers indicate the charges accruing to it for allowing to know the exact price of product and highlight the related expenses (postage, handling, etc ...?), I'm on delcampe for years and no one has called my attention to this detail.

I know my English is not strong, there are subtleties in each language I could not understand (I use google translate for my texts, so is anyone tell if PayPal applies the same rules when it comes to a US holder and not US or by country or continent, is PayPal has specific regulations?



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04 May 2016
re: Paypal charges

Hi Everyone;

This rule is very easy to get around.

In Illinois credit card companies also do not like sellers passing on a 'penalty' to buyers for using credit. This can cause buyers to not use the service and thus a loss of revenue.

So at gas stations all over Illinois, they offer an x cents per gallon of gas for using cash, due to the extra time involved in paperwork and time spent processing credit transactions.

Sellers could put this in their terms, and offer a discount, without mentioning the word PayPal. The problem is doing business by mail using cash is problematic to say the least. Currency conversion being the worst for foreign sales. Checks and money orders aren't much better. They involve a lot more hassle for sellers. I accept them in my payment terms, but do not encourage them, because of the extra hassle of cashing them.

So just add the equivalent of 25¢ US Dollars to shipping, charges will offset part of the PayPal. The rest of the amount they charge is worth it just to have the faster payment method.

Just thinkin'....

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16 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals

Few days ago, I received a message from SOR membre Telling me that it is not allowed to mention "Paypal charges" separately but to have to include thème with item Price. I Read thé Paypal charte without any success regarding This point. Is there Someone who can admise on how to mention these charges tank hou

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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

Here is the section in the PayPal user agreement:
4.5 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

Stamporama does not enforce policies that are not its own.

Policies relating to charges outside of Stamporama are between the account holder and the related company. Enforcement of violations of a policy is between the account holder and the company, not Stamporama.

A Stamporama member who does not like a seller's terms and conditions of sale should not buy from the seller.

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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

Basically, it means, if you charge a "handling fee" for one type of payment, you have to charge the same fee for any other form of payment. And you can't say it is to cover PayPal fees.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

Again, this is between the seller and, in this specific instance, PayPal. It has nothing to do with Stamporama, or Stamporama rules.

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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"A Stamporama member who does not like a seller's terms and conditions of sale should not buy from the seller."

It's easy to cop that attitude; not so good, though, when the disgruntled customer reports you ro PayPal and your account gets suspended.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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16 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Paypal charges

I have my PAYPAL option set up to be for $5, yet sometimes people send me money via paypal for less than $5. I have absolutely no idea how they do this. To my way of thinking, if the invoice is under $5, PAYPAL should not appear as an option of payment - yet it must be. For foreign buyers who only pay with PAYPAL, I charge $1.85 shipping. Usually I will wait until they spend over $5 to send them an invoice. For any other people (these being the ones who are still using paypal for under $5 purchases) I state on my invoice "Please ignore the extra charges if paying with cash, check or MNH stamps. No place on it does it say the word PAYPAL. So far, so good.

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APS #156650
16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"I have my PAYPAL option set up to be for $5, yet sometimes people send me money via paypal for less than $5. I have absolutely no idea how they do this.

If they have paid you with paypal in the past, it is easy to look up your paypal email address and pay you the amounts under $5. I've had the same problem, too. Perhaps they overlook the fact that there is no paypal link on the bottom of the invoice for a reason. Not seeing the link, they go to paypal, get your address and send the money thinking they have taken care of the matter.

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"Just one more small collection, hun, really! LoL "
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16 Apr 2016


re: Paypal charges

I have noticed that most of the sellers on Delcampe have a surcharge for Paypal and Skrill fees. I wonder how they get away with it.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

I think if a buyer insists on shorting my payment, I would refuse/refund the payment from Paypal and inform the buyer what the correct amount for their voice is and to please remit it correctly. Buying and selling stamps on SOR is a privilege and those that want to be dishonest will not be doing either one for very long.

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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"when the disgruntled customer reports you ro PayPal and your account gets suspended."

Stamporama does not report sellers to PayPal. What sellers and buyers do with their PayPal accounts is between them and PayPal. Violate the rules, and risk punitive action. It's the same as here. Violate Stamporama rules, and risk punitive action.

When people sign up at PayPal, they are told by PayPal to read the rules, and their joining is an acknowledgement that they have done so. If someone joins and doesn't read the rules, then the same as here, when a rule is broken and the person is notified, there is no valid, "Well I didn't know." excuse.

Don't follow the rules, and you take your chance at not being caught.
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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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16 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"It's easy to cop that attitude"

It's not Stamporama's purview to tell people what to do outside of Stamporama.

It's not an attitude. It's simple fact. If it is stated in the item listing, you were advised of the seller's terms, and buying the item indicates that you understood the terms.

So, once again, if you do not like a seller's terms, do not buy from that seller!
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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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17 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

@Soundcrest above.

For topical collectors, many of their purchases are single stamps rather than sets, and often single stamps of minimal value. In my latest frenetic round of buying from a well-known online outfit, probably 90% of my purchases are less than $5, and it is true that in nearly all cases I pay much more for 'packing' or 'postage' than for the stamp itself. I am well aware that sellers will mark up the invoice to reflect the tedium of packaging, addressing and posting a single stamp, and willingly accept that.

There is only one seller, so far, whose mark-up seemed to me entirely unreasonable (namely, 6.75 euros on a 0.75 euro stamp), and I have noted that seller as a future 'block'. So, no more letters from Gibraltar for me.

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17 Apr 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Paypal charges

I suspect that sellers on all sites mark up items to reflect the costs of PAYPAL and "fees" In fact I believe that Ebay has already said someplace that mark up the cost of items and offer free shipping, which to me is insane if you are sending anything other than something in a letter. I don't mind eating the cost of PAYPAL when the buyer spends a few dollars. I do like others sometimes get purchase that amount to less than a dollar and to use PAYPAL for that pretty much almost becomes a negative transaction.

To charge almost 7 Euros on a small transaction is a good way to lose customers, though I have seen things almost as crazy here in the US as well. I really can't justify high shipping costs here on SOR with there being no fees being paid by sellers. I have sent out orders that have far more postage than 50 cents but I figure if you are going to spend $100, you shouldn't be paying more than 50 cents.

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"Seesomething you like in my Hipstore? Contact me for a deal!"

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17 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"... if they buy something for a pound the seller pays total charges of ... 82% on costs, never mind the cost of the goods, the envelopes, and time etc ..."

Brechinite is correct, of course, but where is it written that we should be able to sell something of little value, over some distance, for small change, and turn a profit?


/s/ ikeyPikey
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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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17 Apr 2016

re: Paypal charges

"but where is it written that we should be able to sell something of little value, over some distance, for small change, and turn a profit?"

I think it's in the same place where it says if I go to Macy's to buy a shirt, I should only have to pay for the cost of the cloth.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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01 May 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Paypal charges

Thank you for your messages and notices of charges related to the transactions.
I changed my terms to stick the settlement Paypal even if it appears on the current sales, it will not be the same on the next ones and I do not count the cost of those in progress.

I draw the attention of delcampe for example, (I do not know if it is similar to other online sales sites), most sellers indicate the charges accruing to it for allowing to know the exact price of product and highlight the related expenses (postage, handling, etc ...?), I'm on delcampe for years and no one has called my attention to this detail.

I know my English is not strong, there are subtleties in each language I could not understand (I use google translate for my texts, so is anyone tell if PayPal applies the same rules when it comes to a US holder and not US or by country or continent, is PayPal has specific regulations?



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04 May 2016

re: Paypal charges

Hi Everyone;

This rule is very easy to get around.

In Illinois credit card companies also do not like sellers passing on a 'penalty' to buyers for using credit. This can cause buyers to not use the service and thus a loss of revenue.

So at gas stations all over Illinois, they offer an x cents per gallon of gas for using cash, due to the extra time involved in paperwork and time spent processing credit transactions.

Sellers could put this in their terms, and offer a discount, without mentioning the word PayPal. The problem is doing business by mail using cash is problematic to say the least. Currency conversion being the worst for foreign sales. Checks and money orders aren't much better. They involve a lot more hassle for sellers. I accept them in my payment terms, but do not encourage them, because of the extra hassle of cashing them.

So just add the equivalent of 25¢ US Dollars to shipping, charges will offset part of the PayPal. The rest of the amount they charge is worth it just to have the faster payment method.

Just thinkin'....

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