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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding


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APS Life Member

06 Jul 2016
I suspect I am at the mercy of a buyer here. I recently sold a hingeless album to a buyer here in the US, according to tracking it arrived ten days ago. I suddenly realized shortly afterward I left some stamps in it! I have messaged the buyer asking they check and offered to refund a portion of his price if he returns. I see no other recourse here. I have in fact messaged him three times. Nothing.

Something like this happened a few years back, sold an album for Canada and later realized I'd overlooked removing a full set of Large Queens from one page. I went back and forth with that guy.It was apparent he'd found them and also had no intent of returning them. I wound up telling him it was on his conscience. Never heard anymore from him. All I could do was block him. He is still out there.

Really just venting here. I feel so stupid. I am sure Paypal/Ebay would not side with me, probably would interpret these stamps as a gift to the buyer. Anyone else have this happen?

Is there any sort of action I can take trough Ebay or Paypal?
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06 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding


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06 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

you did this TWICE?

Sorry, couldn't resist. could've happened to anyone, i guess Confused

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APS Life Member

06 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

First time was back about 2010 or earlier, so I guess once a decade is par, or something.

This was an album for Germany and I believe a run of NH sets from 1960-about 75 was left in. If any consolation, that material is not nearly as valuable as it used to be.

It happened to me as a buyer once and i notified the seller who quickly refunded part of my purchase price and I mailed them back. This guy uses a PO box in Miami but is registered in Canada. I'm screwed.

It'd be tempting to leave him a false positive feedback but I think I will just not leave him any. He knows what happened and for now it looks like he doesn't want to be bothered. life goes on..

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06 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding


You got some bad luck with those buyers. Most buyers would do the right thing and send the stamps back. At least I would like to believe that.

Don't beat yourself up. Everyone on this planet has made mistakes. I myself made one back in 1962. Or was it 63.

Or was it yesterday.

This is why I wish time travel was a reality, so I could go back and undue some of my foolishness.

Keep doing the right thing, it will pay off eventually.

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07 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Time travel is possible!! Just yesterday I went back to the 60's- with a pair of earphones and Led Z. on the CD player!!

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APS Life Member

08 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Today I filed a Buyer Complaint on this. Submitted a statement of what happened. Got an email from Ebay thanking me for the contribution but of course, as I read between the lines they have no leverage. If this were reversed and some seller cheated me I could file a claim. It does not go two ways, it's Ebay after all. I can't even warn others about him. I blocked him from future bidding.

It takes all kinds.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

10 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Just to add to your misery and additionally shine the light on the better stampers.
I once sent a payment of $30 to a chap in a London suburb mistaking a $100.oo bill or a ten-spot.
Having made a couple of expenditures afterward I could neither figure out what had happened nor where the $100 went. I wasn't all that sure I hadn't spent it somewhere. However a prompt e-mail arrived to explain that he had received the $120 in error and we made arrangements to return part in currency and the rest in added purchases.

A few weeks ago an envelope arrived with about six dollars from a member to whom I must have sent double payments.

I'll go with the club community anytime.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Tom in Exton, PA

10 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

One time I sold a book to person on eBay who was a pain from the start. He paid via Paypal and overpaid postage by $2. We communicated and agreed I'd refund it. So I put two dollar bills inside the front cover of the book, packed and mailed it.

A week later I get a Paypal dispute. He wants his $2 postage back. I told him to look inside the book, and he agreed he found $2 cash there, but "anything you find inside a book is finders keepers." Paypal found in his favor!

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I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

10 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Fortunately I have only had one bad experience with a seller on Ebay and even that one ended up in my favor.

But I just have to tell you about a recent experience with a seller in Canada. He advertised a Great Britain Scott #7 or SG60 for $85 with $3 shipping with BIN or make and offer. He also indicated that there was a small thin. I offered $77 figuring that with shipping it would be an even $80. What was a big surprise was that he counter offered for $40 indicating that the thin was larger than he had originally thought. That surprised me so much that I asked for a scan of the back to determine for myself if the thin was to much. He indicated that he had just switched to Windows 10 and was having a hard time trying to scan to his old scanner, but would find someway to send the scan. He did manage to send a scan and although there was a thin, it was not enough to prevent me from paying about 5% of catalogue value. Oh, and I should mention that the stamp has 4 good clear margins. Just had to give a shout out to one of the finest dealers I have ever encountered on Ebay.

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APS Life Member

24 Jul 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

The buyer replied today, very terse message- 'I will look into it'.

I wonder if he/she heard from Ebay following my complaint, but that is unlikely. I've already moved on and written this off.

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APS Life Member

01 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

He has now acknowledged getting the stamps, he said he wants to buy them. Fine by me- I quoted him a price $10 below the lowest price I could find on line for them. That was a week or more ago, nothing. I sent him a Paypal invoice for the amount, he replied five days ago saying he would 'get back', still nothing.

He's not a slouch- I Googled him, he's a noted expert in a scientific field. I get the sense this is a 'deer in the headlights' sort of thing. He just cannot process it. It's avoidance.

I no longer feel I will get my stamps or money back and it's now just more or less a waste of my time. He knows what he did. Anyway it's been interesting.

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01 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

I don't mean any offense, but this is entirely not the buyer's problem. He wanted to purchase an album, you made a mistake, and now you want him to bear the brunt of the hassle and on your time schedule. Not reasonable IMO. Its not surprising it has taken the buyer some time to figure this out.

He offered to buy them, so you got a good response. He's probably trying to determine if that price is reasonable. I hope that $10 off is a significant discount to the value of the stamps, to pay for the buyer's hassle.

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01 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Hey Snick, if you want to commission Dave "The Enforcer" LeMaven to collect for you I'll take some stamps in return. Let me know, I'm pretty good at convincing people it's in their best interest to do the right thing...

Cheers, Dave.


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APS Life Member

02 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Dave, thanks for the offer. Do you ever get down to where he lives in Miami? Happy

Just for the record, we're talking about a full run of mint NH Germany 1960-1979. Not as pricey these days as before but the lowest prices I could find on Ebay total over $50. I offered a price of $40. I also told him I will pay for his postage and trouble up to $25 to send them back.

I will send him a reminder via Paypal the end of this week, after that I am washing my hands of it. Yeah I made a dumb mistake. IMO that does not absolve him of doing the right thing. I suspect he is embarrassed or something. I've run into this sort of thing before.

And no, I won't post again on this. Thanks for all who responded.

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APS Life Member

14 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

I said I wouldn't post on this again but...

What wound up happening is that I sent him a Paypal payment for $20 to cover his postage in sending back the stamps plus expenses- he said he usually charges $60 an hour for his professional services but felt that would be unreasonable here (he's right). He calculated the mileage to the PO etc; it was sort of a hoot. Then he asked for the $20. I paid immediately and messaged back that was about what I planned to do anyway. That seemed to take the fight out of him.

I had a block on his bidding. About an hour ago he messages pleading that I remove that because I have some items closing this evening he is interested in. This is a guy who goes after what he wants and I sort of respect that. I removed the block and he has already bid on some closing items.

Just trying to avoid a bad feedback on the last deal. Also needed some bids on a couple things. Hope I'm not sorry..

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

15 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

So we can have a little fun here betting on whether you will be sorry, sad, disappointed or strutting around "Cock-of-the-walk."

I suspect it will be sorry.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS Life Member

20 Aug 2016
re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

cdj, you were on the money.

I got the stamps back this week, was going over them this morning. I did not get back all that I know were sent. There are several big gaps in coverage. What's missing is not worth that much, I rather suspect he tired of tasking on this and just sent back enough to look good.

Anyone who thinks I will be asking him about this is smoking something. Good riddance. He perhaps thinks the same of me. Life goes on..

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APS Life Member
06 Jul 2016

I suspect I am at the mercy of a buyer here. I recently sold a hingeless album to a buyer here in the US, according to tracking it arrived ten days ago. I suddenly realized shortly afterward I left some stamps in it! I have messaged the buyer asking they check and offered to refund a portion of his price if he returns. I see no other recourse here. I have in fact messaged him three times. Nothing.

Something like this happened a few years back, sold an album for Canada and later realized I'd overlooked removing a full set of Large Queens from one page. I went back and forth with that guy.It was apparent he'd found them and also had no intent of returning them. I wound up telling him it was on his conscience. Never heard anymore from him. All I could do was block him. He is still out there.

Really just venting here. I feel so stupid. I am sure Paypal/Ebay would not side with me, probably would interpret these stamps as a gift to the buyer. Anyone else have this happen?

Is there any sort of action I can take trough Ebay or Paypal?

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06 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding


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www.webstore.com/sto ...
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06 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

you did this TWICE?

Sorry, couldn't resist. could've happened to anyone, i guess Confused

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APS Life Member
06 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

First time was back about 2010 or earlier, so I guess once a decade is par, or something.

This was an album for Germany and I believe a run of NH sets from 1960-about 75 was left in. If any consolation, that material is not nearly as valuable as it used to be.

It happened to me as a buyer once and i notified the seller who quickly refunded part of my purchase price and I mailed them back. This guy uses a PO box in Miami but is registered in Canada. I'm screwed.

It'd be tempting to leave him a false positive feedback but I think I will just not leave him any. He knows what happened and for now it looks like he doesn't want to be bothered. life goes on..

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06 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding


You got some bad luck with those buyers. Most buyers would do the right thing and send the stamps back. At least I would like to believe that.

Don't beat yourself up. Everyone on this planet has made mistakes. I myself made one back in 1962. Or was it 63.

Or was it yesterday.

This is why I wish time travel was a reality, so I could go back and undue some of my foolishness.

Keep doing the right thing, it will pay off eventually.

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07 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Time travel is possible!! Just yesterday I went back to the 60's- with a pair of earphones and Led Z. on the CD player!!

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APS Life Member
08 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Today I filed a Buyer Complaint on this. Submitted a statement of what happened. Got an email from Ebay thanking me for the contribution but of course, as I read between the lines they have no leverage. If this were reversed and some seller cheated me I could file a claim. It does not go two ways, it's Ebay after all. I can't even warn others about him. I blocked him from future bidding.

It takes all kinds.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
10 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Just to add to your misery and additionally shine the light on the better stampers.
I once sent a payment of $30 to a chap in a London suburb mistaking a $100.oo bill or a ten-spot.
Having made a couple of expenditures afterward I could neither figure out what had happened nor where the $100 went. I wasn't all that sure I hadn't spent it somewhere. However a prompt e-mail arrived to explain that he had received the $120 in error and we made arrangements to return part in currency and the rest in added purchases.

A few weeks ago an envelope arrived with about six dollars from a member to whom I must have sent double payments.

I'll go with the club community anytime.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Tom in Exton, PA
10 Jul 2016


re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

One time I sold a book to person on eBay who was a pain from the start. He paid via Paypal and overpaid postage by $2. We communicated and agreed I'd refund it. So I put two dollar bills inside the front cover of the book, packed and mailed it.

A week later I get a Paypal dispute. He wants his $2 postage back. I told him to look inside the book, and he agreed he found $2 cash there, but "anything you find inside a book is finders keepers." Paypal found in his favor!

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I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
10 Jul 2016


re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Fortunately I have only had one bad experience with a seller on Ebay and even that one ended up in my favor.

But I just have to tell you about a recent experience with a seller in Canada. He advertised a Great Britain Scott #7 or SG60 for $85 with $3 shipping with BIN or make and offer. He also indicated that there was a small thin. I offered $77 figuring that with shipping it would be an even $80. What was a big surprise was that he counter offered for $40 indicating that the thin was larger than he had originally thought. That surprised me so much that I asked for a scan of the back to determine for myself if the thin was to much. He indicated that he had just switched to Windows 10 and was having a hard time trying to scan to his old scanner, but would find someway to send the scan. He did manage to send a scan and although there was a thin, it was not enough to prevent me from paying about 5% of catalogue value. Oh, and I should mention that the stamp has 4 good clear margins. Just had to give a shout out to one of the finest dealers I have ever encountered on Ebay.

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APS Life Member
24 Jul 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

The buyer replied today, very terse message- 'I will look into it'.

I wonder if he/she heard from Ebay following my complaint, but that is unlikely. I've already moved on and written this off.

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APS Life Member
01 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

He has now acknowledged getting the stamps, he said he wants to buy them. Fine by me- I quoted him a price $10 below the lowest price I could find on line for them. That was a week or more ago, nothing. I sent him a Paypal invoice for the amount, he replied five days ago saying he would 'get back', still nothing.

He's not a slouch- I Googled him, he's a noted expert in a scientific field. I get the sense this is a 'deer in the headlights' sort of thing. He just cannot process it. It's avoidance.

I no longer feel I will get my stamps or money back and it's now just more or less a waste of my time. He knows what he did. Anyway it's been interesting.

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01 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

I don't mean any offense, but this is entirely not the buyer's problem. He wanted to purchase an album, you made a mistake, and now you want him to bear the brunt of the hassle and on your time schedule. Not reasonable IMO. Its not surprising it has taken the buyer some time to figure this out.

He offered to buy them, so you got a good response. He's probably trying to determine if that price is reasonable. I hope that $10 off is a significant discount to the value of the stamps, to pay for the buyer's hassle.

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01 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Hey Snick, if you want to commission Dave "The Enforcer" LeMaven to collect for you I'll take some stamps in return. Let me know, I'm pretty good at convincing people it's in their best interest to do the right thing...

Cheers, Dave.


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APS Life Member
02 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

Dave, thanks for the offer. Do you ever get down to where he lives in Miami? Happy

Just for the record, we're talking about a full run of mint NH Germany 1960-1979. Not as pricey these days as before but the lowest prices I could find on Ebay total over $50. I offered a price of $40. I also told him I will pay for his postage and trouble up to $25 to send them back.

I will send him a reminder via Paypal the end of this week, after that I am washing my hands of it. Yeah I made a dumb mistake. IMO that does not absolve him of doing the right thing. I suspect he is embarrassed or something. I've run into this sort of thing before.

And no, I won't post again on this. Thanks for all who responded.

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APS Life Member
14 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

I said I wouldn't post on this again but...

What wound up happening is that I sent him a Paypal payment for $20 to cover his postage in sending back the stamps plus expenses- he said he usually charges $60 an hour for his professional services but felt that would be unreasonable here (he's right). He calculated the mileage to the PO etc; it was sort of a hoot. Then he asked for the $20. I paid immediately and messaged back that was about what I planned to do anyway. That seemed to take the fight out of him.

I had a block on his bidding. About an hour ago he messages pleading that I remove that because I have some items closing this evening he is interested in. This is a guy who goes after what he wants and I sort of respect that. I removed the block and he has already bid on some closing items.

Just trying to avoid a bad feedback on the last deal. Also needed some bids on a couple things. Hope I'm not sorry..

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
15 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

So we can have a little fun here betting on whether you will be sorry, sad, disappointed or strutting around "Cock-of-the-walk."

I suspect it will be sorry.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS Life Member
20 Aug 2016

re: Buyer got More Than Intended- Not Responding

cdj, you were on the money.

I got the stamps back this week, was going over them this morning. I did not get back all that I know were sent. There are several big gaps in coverage. What's missing is not worth that much, I rather suspect he tired of tasking on this and just sent back enough to look good.

Anyone who thinks I will be asking him about this is smoking something. Good riddance. He perhaps thinks the same of me. Life goes on..

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