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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : On line exhibits


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18 Aug 2016
Here is a link to Richard Frajola's web site exhibit page. He is having a one frame on line exhibition of one frame exhibits. When you get to the exhibit page there is a link at the top for "Philamercury Digital Rendezvous 2016 (PDR2016)
Closes Oct 1"
When you get to an exhibit you want to view make sure you click on the PDF format, much easier viewing.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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19 Aug 2016
re: On line exhibits

Excellent stuff Vinman-many thanks for the reference.
Dan C

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19 Aug 2016
re: On line exhibits

Hi Vinman,

Thanks very much for sharing this link.

I've just had a quick look at Richard Frajola's exhibit of imperf 1d black/1d red/2d blue stamps and covers with all the stamps having "RF" corner letters.

What a stunning collection!

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04 Sep 2016
re: On line exhibits

Just giving this thread a bump. There are now 35 single frame exhibits posted.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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23 Sep 2016
re: On line exhibits

Another bump. There are now 72 one frame exhibits posted. Lots of interesting material.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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02 Oct 2016
re: On line exhibits

My last bump for this thread. The on line exhibit has 96 one frame exhibits and the competition has ended. Richard Frajola plans to leave the exhibits on line for viewing. There is a large variety of exhibits.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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APS #213005

02 Oct 2016
re: On line exhibits

Awesome site before.....now even better!

Thanks for the heads-up on this, Vince!

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19 Mar 2017
re: On line exhibits

T%he Collectors Club of Chicago has a few on line exhibits posted on their web site. Here is the link. Most are Champion of Champion exhibits.

This is the post that is on Richard Frajol's site.

Posted Mar 19, 17 5:01 by Charles E. Cwiakala (cecwiakala@aol.com)
CCC WebSite Includes Over 50 Exhibit Collections ...
The Collectors Club of Chicago website includes over fifty exhibit collections created by CCC members, the large majority being in the Champion-of-Champion, Large Gold or Gold classes (www.collectorsclubchicago.org/exhibits.php):
ALGERIA - Algerian Postal History to 1876, Kenneth R. Nilsestuen
BALTIC AREA - Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I, Alfred F. Kugel
BURMA - Burma - The First Two Issues, 1937-1942, Michael J. Ley
CANADA - Canadian 1972-1978 Definitives - The ‘Caricatures’ and ‘Landscapes’ Issues, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - Money Order and Savings Bank Postmarks of Ceylon, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - Postal and Revenue Evidence of Ceylon’s 1836-1910 Evolution from Coffee to Tea, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - 1864-1903 Ceylon ‘Too Late’ Markings, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - The Evolution of Slave Island, Ceylon, and its PostmarkS, Kathryn J. Johnson
CHILE - 3 Months in ’31: The Brief Service Life of Chile’s Elusive Vermilion 2 Peso Airmail ProvisionaL, Carlos A. Vergara
GERMANY - 1886-1917 German Post Offices in China, Jerry A. Miller
GERMANY - Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921, Alfred F. Kugel
GERMANY - Die Wiederaufnahme des Auslandpostverkehrs in Deutschland 1945-1949 (The Resumption of International Mail Services in Germany, 1945-1949), Walter T. Farber
GERMANY/SWITZERLAND - Mail between Switzerland and Germany from 1 April 1945 to 1 April 1946, Walter T. Farber
GREAT BRITAIN - London Experimental Fancy Geometric Postmarks, Kathryn J. Johnson
HONDURAS - Honduras - A Traditional Exhibit of the ‘Guardiola’ and ‘Medina’ Issues, Kathryn J. Johnson
ISRAEL - The 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
ISRAEL - The 1948 Doar Ivri and D’mei Doar Issue of Israel and Their Usage, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
ISRAEL - Artists’ Drawings, Essays and Proofs of the 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
JAPAN - Japanese WWI Occupations of the Pacific Islands, Perry Goldberg
LEEWARD ISLANDS - Leeward Islands Federal Postal Stationery of the King George V Reign, Paul A. Larsen
LUNDY ISLAND - Atlantic Coast Air Services ‘Tramtickets’ for Lundy Island, Richard E. Drews
MAURITIUS - Mauritius Revenues, 1858-1904, Kathryn J. Johnson
MAURITIUS -The British Development of Mauritius, Kathryn J. Johnson
MILITARY MAIL -European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I, Alfred F. Kugel
PALESTINE- Palestine Emergency Deliveries Inc., Dr. Robert B. Pildes
PHILIPPINES - Spanish-American War, 1898, Alfred F. Kugel
SAAR - Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935, Alfred F. Kugel
SÉNÉGAL - Sénégal - 1914-1940 French Colonial Africa, Kathryn J. Johnson
TOPICAL COLLECTION - Buddha: the Prophet of the East, Anonymous
UBANGI-SHARI-CHAD - Ubangi-Shari-Chad, 1900-1938, Paul A. Larsen
UNITED STATES - Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, John H. Barwis
UNITED STATES - 1970 Disabled American Veterans and Honoring U.S. Servicemen / P.O.W. and M.I.A. Memorial Issue, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - America’s Victory Mail - World War II V-Mail, 1942-1945, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Gordon Eubanks
UNITED STATES - Exclusive Uses of the 50-Cent ‘Prexie’ Issue, Michael J. Ley
UNITED STATES - Galena’s 1838-1869 Lead Mining Era: An American “Boom to Bust” Story, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - State Taxation of Harvested Marijuana, Robert R. Henak
UNITED STATES - The 10¢ Postage Stamp of 1861, Kenneth D. Gilbart
UNITED STATES - The 10¢ Postage Stamp of 1869, Michael M. Laurence
UNITED STATES - The 1938 Presidential Issue - A Survey of Rates, Robert A. Schlesinger
UNITED STATES - The ‘Prexies’ Go To War, Alfred F. Kugel
UNITED STATES - The Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail of 1894, Leonard H. Hartmann
UNITED STATES - The United States Imperforate Issues of 18S1-1856 and their Importance in an Expanding Postal System, Gordon E. Eubanks
UNITED STATES - The United States 1943-1944 Overrun Countries Series, Dr. James P. Mazepa
UNITED STATES - The 50¢ Zeppelin Issue: A Study in Design, Cheryl R. Ganz
UNITED STATES - U.S. Issues of 1861-1868: Essays, Proofs, Specimens and Issued Stamps, Richard E. Drews
UNITED STATES - Vignettes of American History: Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790, Benjamin Franklin Bailar
UNITED STATES - Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919, Alfred F. Kugel
‘VIA SIBERIA’ - The Evolution of “Via Siberia” Mail, 1899-1945, Jerry H. Miller
VICTORIA - Carrying the Mail from Victoria, John H. Barwis
Charles E. Cwiakala, President
Collectors Club of Chicago

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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04 May 2018
re: On line exhibits

I just "found" another source for online exhibits and mounted collections.

You can also download all of the Siegel auction catalogs from their web site.


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"


05 May 2018
re: On line exhibits

For those not aware, the Exponet sites contain a fascinating and wide-ranging number of on-line exhibits.

http://www.exponet.info/ which is slowly incorporating its earlier version:


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18 Aug 2016

Here is a link to Richard Frajola's web site exhibit page. He is having a one frame on line exhibition of one frame exhibits. When you get to the exhibit page there is a link at the top for "Philamercury Digital Rendezvous 2016 (PDR2016)
Closes Oct 1"
When you get to an exhibit you want to view make sure you click on the PDF format, much easier viewing.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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19 Aug 2016

re: On line exhibits

Excellent stuff Vinman-many thanks for the reference.
Dan C

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19 Aug 2016

re: On line exhibits

Hi Vinman,

Thanks very much for sharing this link.

I've just had a quick look at Richard Frajola's exhibit of imperf 1d black/1d red/2d blue stamps and covers with all the stamps having "RF" corner letters.

What a stunning collection!

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04 Sep 2016

re: On line exhibits

Just giving this thread a bump. There are now 35 single frame exhibits posted.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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23 Sep 2016

re: On line exhibits

Another bump. There are now 72 one frame exhibits posted. Lots of interesting material.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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02 Oct 2016

re: On line exhibits

My last bump for this thread. The on line exhibit has 96 one frame exhibits and the competition has ended. Richard Frajola plans to leave the exhibits on line for viewing. There is a large variety of exhibits.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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APS #213005
02 Oct 2016

re: On line exhibits

Awesome site before.....now even better!

Thanks for the heads-up on this, Vince!

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19 Mar 2017

re: On line exhibits

T%he Collectors Club of Chicago has a few on line exhibits posted on their web site. Here is the link. Most are Champion of Champion exhibits.

This is the post that is on Richard Frajol's site.

Posted Mar 19, 17 5:01 by Charles E. Cwiakala (cecwiakala@aol.com)
CCC WebSite Includes Over 50 Exhibit Collections ...
The Collectors Club of Chicago website includes over fifty exhibit collections created by CCC members, the large majority being in the Champion-of-Champion, Large Gold or Gold classes (www.collectorsclubchicago.org/exhibits.php):
ALGERIA - Algerian Postal History to 1876, Kenneth R. Nilsestuen
BALTIC AREA - Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I, Alfred F. Kugel
BURMA - Burma - The First Two Issues, 1937-1942, Michael J. Ley
CANADA - Canadian 1972-1978 Definitives - The ‘Caricatures’ and ‘Landscapes’ Issues, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - Money Order and Savings Bank Postmarks of Ceylon, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - Postal and Revenue Evidence of Ceylon’s 1836-1910 Evolution from Coffee to Tea, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - 1864-1903 Ceylon ‘Too Late’ Markings, Kathryn J. Johnson
CEYLON - The Evolution of Slave Island, Ceylon, and its PostmarkS, Kathryn J. Johnson
CHILE - 3 Months in ’31: The Brief Service Life of Chile’s Elusive Vermilion 2 Peso Airmail ProvisionaL, Carlos A. Vergara
GERMANY - 1886-1917 German Post Offices in China, Jerry A. Miller
GERMANY - Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921, Alfred F. Kugel
GERMANY - Die Wiederaufnahme des Auslandpostverkehrs in Deutschland 1945-1949 (The Resumption of International Mail Services in Germany, 1945-1949), Walter T. Farber
GERMANY/SWITZERLAND - Mail between Switzerland and Germany from 1 April 1945 to 1 April 1946, Walter T. Farber
GREAT BRITAIN - London Experimental Fancy Geometric Postmarks, Kathryn J. Johnson
HONDURAS - Honduras - A Traditional Exhibit of the ‘Guardiola’ and ‘Medina’ Issues, Kathryn J. Johnson
ISRAEL - The 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
ISRAEL - The 1948 Doar Ivri and D’mei Doar Issue of Israel and Their Usage, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
ISRAEL - Artists’ Drawings, Essays and Proofs of the 1948 Doar Ivri Issue of Israel, Dr. Robert B. Pildes
JAPAN - Japanese WWI Occupations of the Pacific Islands, Perry Goldberg
LEEWARD ISLANDS - Leeward Islands Federal Postal Stationery of the King George V Reign, Paul A. Larsen
LUNDY ISLAND - Atlantic Coast Air Services ‘Tramtickets’ for Lundy Island, Richard E. Drews
MAURITIUS - Mauritius Revenues, 1858-1904, Kathryn J. Johnson
MAURITIUS -The British Development of Mauritius, Kathryn J. Johnson
MILITARY MAIL -European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I, Alfred F. Kugel
PALESTINE- Palestine Emergency Deliveries Inc., Dr. Robert B. Pildes
PHILIPPINES - Spanish-American War, 1898, Alfred F. Kugel
SAAR - Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935, Alfred F. Kugel
SÉNÉGAL - Sénégal - 1914-1940 French Colonial Africa, Kathryn J. Johnson
TOPICAL COLLECTION - Buddha: the Prophet of the East, Anonymous
UBANGI-SHARI-CHAD - Ubangi-Shari-Chad, 1900-1938, Paul A. Larsen
UNITED STATES - Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, John H. Barwis
UNITED STATES - 1970 Disabled American Veterans and Honoring U.S. Servicemen / P.O.W. and M.I.A. Memorial Issue, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - America’s Victory Mail - World War II V-Mail, 1942-1945, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Gordon Eubanks
UNITED STATES - Exclusive Uses of the 50-Cent ‘Prexie’ Issue, Michael J. Ley
UNITED STATES - Galena’s 1838-1869 Lead Mining Era: An American “Boom to Bust” Story, Kathryn J. Johnson
UNITED STATES - State Taxation of Harvested Marijuana, Robert R. Henak
UNITED STATES - The 10¢ Postage Stamp of 1861, Kenneth D. Gilbart
UNITED STATES - The 10¢ Postage Stamp of 1869, Michael M. Laurence
UNITED STATES - The 1938 Presidential Issue - A Survey of Rates, Robert A. Schlesinger
UNITED STATES - The ‘Prexies’ Go To War, Alfred F. Kugel
UNITED STATES - The Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail of 1894, Leonard H. Hartmann
UNITED STATES - The United States Imperforate Issues of 18S1-1856 and their Importance in an Expanding Postal System, Gordon E. Eubanks
UNITED STATES - The United States 1943-1944 Overrun Countries Series, Dr. James P. Mazepa
UNITED STATES - The 50¢ Zeppelin Issue: A Study in Design, Cheryl R. Ganz
UNITED STATES - U.S. Issues of 1861-1868: Essays, Proofs, Specimens and Issued Stamps, Richard E. Drews
UNITED STATES - Vignettes of American History: Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790, Benjamin Franklin Bailar
UNITED STATES - Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919, Alfred F. Kugel
‘VIA SIBERIA’ - The Evolution of “Via Siberia” Mail, 1899-1945, Jerry H. Miller
VICTORIA - Carrying the Mail from Victoria, John H. Barwis
Charles E. Cwiakala, President
Collectors Club of Chicago

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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04 May 2018

re: On line exhibits

I just "found" another source for online exhibits and mounted collections.

You can also download all of the Siegel auction catalogs from their web site.


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"


05 May 2018

re: On line exhibits

For those not aware, the Exponet sites contain a fascinating and wide-ranging number of on-line exhibits.

http://www.exponet.info/ which is slowly incorporating its earlier version:


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