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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Two Small Tokens of Appreciation


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07 Oct 2016
A pleasant practice among two of the Italian dealers I have recently bought from on Delcampe is to include with my order a 'free gift' which they think I will like. Here are two such:

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The first came with a handwritten note: "gift for a friend".

The two offerings are not, shall we say, of equal condition - the first is a complete MNH set (though with dealer's pencilled marks on the reverse), the second CTO with a glaring fault. (As it happens, I already have the second one, and the first is just outside my collecting period.) However, the gesture from both dealers was heartwarming.

And, of course, if I have any friends on SOR for whom the San Marino gift would fill a gap, do let me know through the usual channels!

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08 Oct 2016
re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

By some coincidence, I received a few cheap covers from a UK based Delcampe seller this morning.

One of the envelopes was a bit bulkier than expected and upon looking inside I found two small covers that I hadn't ordered. Perhaps they were a free gift, thought I:

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In case they had been 'misfiled' (I tend to do this sort of thing myself), I emailed the seller about them.

She replied, "Can you send me a scan?"...... So obviously not a freebie!

I sent back a scan. A couple of minutes later came the response,


You can keep them. It’s not worth sending them back.


So, I did get a small gift after all, but the gesture wasn't quite so 'heartwarming' as Guthrum's.

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23 Oct 2016
re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

Don't knock it ! She saved you the return postage. Legitimate for her to ask - they could have been valuable covers, and she has a living to make !


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13 Nov 2016
re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

Years ago, I would buy special stamps and send to some of my traders as a freebie. Especially if it was on their want list. It was cheap for me to buy and send but expensive for them in a foreign country to acquire. (saves on postage since I was already sending them other stamps) Isn't is nice to have friends all over the world.

One of my first traders was Jan-Simon. Little did I know he is such a big Collector and has his own web site. I don't think I every sent him anything special, but he always sent me great stamps.


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07 Oct 2016

A pleasant practice among two of the Italian dealers I have recently bought from on Delcampe is to include with my order a 'free gift' which they think I will like. Here are two such:

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The first came with a handwritten note: "gift for a friend".

The two offerings are not, shall we say, of equal condition - the first is a complete MNH set (though with dealer's pencilled marks on the reverse), the second CTO with a glaring fault. (As it happens, I already have the second one, and the first is just outside my collecting period.) However, the gesture from both dealers was heartwarming.

And, of course, if I have any friends on SOR for whom the San Marino gift would fill a gap, do let me know through the usual channels!

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08 Oct 2016

re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

By some coincidence, I received a few cheap covers from a UK based Delcampe seller this morning.

One of the envelopes was a bit bulkier than expected and upon looking inside I found two small covers that I hadn't ordered. Perhaps they were a free gift, thought I:

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In case they had been 'misfiled' (I tend to do this sort of thing myself), I emailed the seller about them.

She replied, "Can you send me a scan?"...... So obviously not a freebie!

I sent back a scan. A couple of minutes later came the response,


You can keep them. It’s not worth sending them back.


So, I did get a small gift after all, but the gesture wasn't quite so 'heartwarming' as Guthrum's.

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23 Oct 2016

re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

Don't knock it ! She saved you the return postage. Legitimate for her to ask - they could have been valuable covers, and she has a living to make !


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13 Nov 2016

re: Two Small Tokens of Appreciation

Years ago, I would buy special stamps and send to some of my traders as a freebie. Especially if it was on their want list. It was cheap for me to buy and send but expensive for them in a foreign country to acquire. (saves on postage since I was already sending them other stamps) Isn't is nice to have friends all over the world.

One of my first traders was Jan-Simon. Little did I know he is such a big Collector and has his own web site. I don't think I every sent him anything special, but he always sent me great stamps.


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