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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail


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APS Life Member

04 Apr 2017
Last week I made my first purchase in months from HipStamp, a group of three German Colony Stamps totaling nearly $20. Today I got the mailing, the left side of the envelope was carefully slit open and the contents all removed.

The mailing was not registered or insured so I guess I take the hit here. Have contacted the seller and probably all I will get is a 'sorry'. The seller lives near Columbus Ohio, and i am wondering if anyone has had anything they ordered go missing from that area?
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04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Does it refer to HipStamp or stamp collecting anywhere on the envelope?

There are reports coming in from various collectors of items not received, usually registered, but at this point I think stamp mailings will have to be more clandestine as far as indicating on the envelope what the contents might be.

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APS Life Member

04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

No, just a return sticker with the sellers name and address. I cannot remember when anything like this happened to me in the past.

For some reason I tend to think it happened at the point of origination, near Columbus Ohio, it apparently passed through that sorting office. No disrespect to all the fine folks in Ohio but with all the drug issues that seem to be going on there I would imagine there is a lot of petty theft taking place. If so the nitwit that took them probably has no idea what they are. He also is worse off than I am.

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APS Life Member

04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Good news and bad news. The good news is that it was not the German colonies stamps, that seller replied that he was mailing tomorrow. It instead had to have been a dinky little order of a bit over a dollar plus postage that I had forgotten doing about the same time. It is probably not worth pursuing.

I was telling my college aged son who still lives with us about it. His response was 'stamps? Someone took Stamps? Why?'

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04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

If someone did steal them they probably don't even know the value or how to sell them. Is your mailbox enclosed with a lock? Could it be a neighbor?

I have never had this happen and never had a buyer that didn't get their order. I don't put anything on the envelope to let them know what is inside either.

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04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Regardless, you should report it to the postal authorities. If someone is pilfering mail sent from the seller or the mail coming to you, that someone now knows what is in the envelopes, and will be looking for more. We need to get such ilk in prison.

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04 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Legally you are probably correct. From a practical standpoint the only way a seller could protect themselves would be to send everything either first class package plus insurance or Priority mail.

If that were the case than if you want to purchase a 20 cent stamp be prepared to pay the seller the cost accordingly.

A little common sense goes a long way. I've sent thousands of packages since 1985 and only two have been lost - in both cases I did refund the loss (in one case over $30). My choice is to self insure because it appears the loss ratio has been something I can live with to date.

I've had one incoming cover lost and the seller did offer to refund but it was under $5 total and I just chalked it up to part of the cost of doing business.

Whether this is a hobby, a business, or a hobby-business let's just treat others the way we would want to be treated. My personal threshold of pain is $50 to good customers or new customers with good feedback (off Ebay) or APS membership. Otherwise closer to $20. It depends on the type of purchase.

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04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I know how you feel,same thing happened to me ,with another SOR member in Canada she received the package but it had been opened at the side and the contents were missing.
Now I put tape around the sides as extra security if they are larger envelopes I will even seal them in a plastic sleeve,after getting the stamps cancelled that is.

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APS #187980

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Craig / Snick1946: Can I ask how the envelope was prepared? Was the return address showing a personal address, or did it imply it was a stamp business?

Also, how was the postage paid? Was it with recent stamps, or with older stamps [edited to add] to make up the current rate, as is common with philatelic mailers?

I ask because I always try to make my mailings look like a personal mailing. (I handwrite the address and my return address, use my regular name, and I use a recent stamp (usually a commemorative, but sometimes I question if I should even do that).

(And if I'm mailing overseas, I tend to use "social stationery" envelopes, so that it looks like a greeting card.)

[Edited briefly for clarification, 5 Apr 2017]

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"


05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Have you ever thought of endorsing envelope "Wedding photographs please do not bend" (especially with envelopes that look like they have an enclosure)?

Who would ever want to steal wedding photographs ( yawn )?


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05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"Who would ever want to steal wedding photographs"

The way people are now, "wedding" pictures could mean "wedding night".
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APS Life Member

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

The seller placed a sticker with his name (Prefaced by his Military Rank) and address. That's all. No mention of stamps. It is possible that the envelope was cut open somehow in processing. I cannot think how but maybe possible.

Since this turned out to be a matter of a couple of dollars I have not as yet contacted the Postal people, am waiting for the seller to contact me back. If he does not then I will proceed to report it.

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APS #187980

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

What kind of postage was used on the envelope?


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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

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APS Life Member

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Seller used one Forever Purple Heart stamp.

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APS #187980

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Thanks very much for the reply!

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

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05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Could it be that someone at the seller's local post office has figured out what he's mailing on a regular basis? If so, this may not be an isolated incident.

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Hi Everyone;

I don't mean to be harsh to you Snick1946, but you should do what Michael#### said. This person is in violation of a federal law. That is taken very seriously by our Government. If you saw an escaped federal prison convict in your neighborhood would you just go back to watching your football game?

It matters not if the seller replaces the item, or if you think the item is too small. You are not the judge of what is a crime and what is not. The law is, and nobody else.

So none of you should do what snick is doing, just writing off the loss of a cheap stamp. The person who stole that stamp obviously doesn't know it's cheap or he would not have risked his job to take it in the first place. He probably thinks he just took a very valuable stamp.

The thief now has this seller's address, and knows he sells stamps for money. He is now able to get a gun and go to the seller's house, kill him and clean out his entire inventory. A smart thief could pull off this crime and never get fired for stealing, because he doesn't need to anymore.

Or he can just choose to keep stealing until someone does his duty as a good citizen and reports him.

Also if the post office has a sorting or canceling machine that is damaging our mail, they can't fix it if they don't know about it. I'm sorry but that is a disturbingly cavalier attitude. Do the right thing and report this.

If I caught you in a store putting things in your pocket, you would not get out of that store until I reported you. When the cops arrive, I would make sure they knew that I would make myself available to testify at your trial. You would not pass GO, and you would not collect $200.00. Otherwise how can our justice system possibly work if nobody does the right thing.

We all like to complain about crime and violence. So go be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem!

The stamp sheriff....

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APS Life Member

05 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

In my last posting I did say I would report it. I plan to call the local carrier station tomorrow morning whether or not I have heard from the seller.

Not to minimize the real criminal offense of someone stealing from the mails. I don't think I was. I think the seller has a right to decide how he wants to handle this.

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President Cortlandt Stamp Club

06 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

What a coincidence...the same thing happened to a guy name stamps1962 on another board.At Wits End

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APS Life Member

06 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Yes it did. A lot of this stuff going on out there.

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President Cortlandt Stamp Club

07 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail


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APS Life Member

07 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

This is like the climax of a thriller where the masked man gets unmasked and the audience all gasps.

Yeah I have another identity. I started using the alternate a few years back after joining on here. As I posted on here some while back I started drawing some negativity as an 'older'poster on other boards due to my DOB being part of my ID. That never was an issue on here.

Cross-posting. It sounds a bit like cross dressing, sort of naughty. It probably is never a good idea. I don't do it often and sort of wish I hadn't on this topic. If it means anything I got treated a lot better on here than on that other board. I got a lot of helpful, practical advice on here.

I have now made a report to a local postal person who took my information and will supposedly be getting back to me. It was not a large monetary loss but I know it needs to be followed up on.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

07 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I, and the other two Mods, work pretty hard trying to keep the 'other board' a friendly and family forum.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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Tom in Exton, PA

07 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I only belong to one stamp board, but in the model car world I belong to several. Not uncommon to have people post the exact same thing to two different boards. What drives me crazy is when I replied to one, then see the second one and think the moderators deleted my posts! Then I realize I posted on the other board.

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07 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I had a mailing from Florida go missing for some time but it finally arrived with no contents. The envelope as this one was neatly sliced open at one end.

My loss was minimal (subjective, I know) but I did email the USPS with the post office location of origin and my zip code location.

This was about 10 years ago.

My email was answered alerting me that an investigation was ongoing about this particular route which had been experiencing pilfering. Although I was warned that I would likely never see the contents of my mailer, at least I had something to comfort me: An ongoing investigation.

It would never cross my mind to press the seller for a refund because I had the option of buying insurance.

Still rankles me though--the theft. Wonder if the postal inspectors got their man, er -- or woman.


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APS #220693 ATA#57179

08 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I had an envelope partially sliced open at bottom just last week, but the contents were intact. I wonder if processing equipment could be causing SOME of this. I certainly wouldn't start with the premise of an untrustworthy dealer or postal workers on Meth, but that's just me.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

09 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

One thing that I have noticed over time is the number of sellers who fail to put a functionable return address on their mailings.
I see this occurring on mail from otherwise careful, decent members especially by European sellers. Is there anyone who thinks that "Bigstampstore" ( No street, no PO box, no town, no state, no province, no mail code or country !!! )in the upper left hand corner will be enough to get an envelope returned to the seller should an error be made while hand writing the buyer's address ?
Perhaps one of our clever postal workers in the foreign office might recognize the country form the stamp, but I'd hate to rely on that as a safeguard of valued collectible stamps.
Well that is equivalent to what one seller just used on an envelope from a European country.. (I changed the actual business name sightly.)
I am thinking of keeping those envelopes and routinely providing a copy to the mods to use should someone complain about not receiving a shipment.
Perhaps we need a rule, or at least an advisory, that failure to provide an appropriate return address makes the sender responsible for a refund or replacement.
Has anyone else received a shipment that had no, or a sketchy return address ?

Should this be a separate thread ? I caqn change it.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS Life Member

12 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail


You hit on one of my pet peeves. I am buying a lot recently from UK sellers. About half of them put NO return address on the envelope. I don't know what the reasoning is. I could see it if the word 'stamp' was part of the address but an individual?

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12 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"UK sellers. About half of them put NO return address on the envelope. I don't know what the reasoning is."

They don't want to pay the return international postage rates if the package is undeliverable.
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Tom in Exton, PA

12 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I believe US postal regulations require a return address. Last week I had a bunch of small parcels going out and the clerk pointed out one that I had neglected to add a return label. I had to write my return address on that one to proceed.

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12 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot, especially from Canadian mailers. Better than none!

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

13 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

" ... I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot,
especially from Canadian mailers. ......"

In my experience Canadian mailers are not the problem.
Potential problem anyway.
Nor does it seem to happen on mail from the Far East.
But from Ireland east to the old Iron Curtain a significant
percentage of the incoming mail would likely be lost
if the return address were needed.
I didn't know that the fees for the return of international mail
were so high that it dwarfed the value of lost shipments ]
as well as the loss of the recipient's good will.
Trust is a subjective quality and once lost will be difficult to regain.
I guess we should all be very thankful
so little mail gets lost in the stream.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

13 Apr 2017

Auctions - Approvals
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

RE:- Return Addresses on mail from the UK

NOT writing a return address is built into the UK psyche.

Many, many, many years ago, as a boy in school, I was taught how to address a letter.

There was never any instruction/requirement to put a return address on the back. Therefore it became a national habit not to put a return address.

ALL UK mail never had a requirement for a return address until last year!!

I have had mail returned to me without any charges being levied by Royal Mail.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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13 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Return addresses are required for the following circumstances:

1.5.3 Required Use of Return Addresses
The sender’s domestic return address must appear legibly on:

a. Mail of any class bearing a printed ancillary service request or an ancillary service request embedded within an Intelligent Mail barcode.
b. Official mail.
c. Mail paid with precanceled stamps (except Standard Mail pieces weighing 13 ounces or less and bearing a mailer's postmark in accordance with 604.3.4).
d. Matter bearing a company permit imprint.
e. Priority Mail (including Critical Mail).
f. Periodicals in envelopes or wrappers.
g. Package Services (except unendorsed Bound Printed Matter).
h. Parcel Select (including Parcel Select Regional Ground).
i. Registered Mail.
j. Insured mail.
k. Collect on delivery (COD) mail.
l. Certified Mail if a return receipt is requested.
m. Express Mail if a return receipt is requested. The return address on the Express Mail label meets this standard.
n. Detached addressed labels (DALs).

Why? Keep in mind that the Post Office keeps a photographic record of every piece of mail in the system. They can now send you an email showing you the outside of every piece of mail that will be delivered to you on any given day. Read the following Newsweek article to see just how far this program has gone and how it is used and abused by various law enforcement agencies.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I understood that any correctly franked cover continues on its way without additional money due if forwarding or return to sender is required, assuming that they use first class or its eviqualent. Is that not true?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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13 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I would believe that to be correct except in the cases cited by the Post Office above. In those cases I am not sure what they would do.

I know that our Post Office will not accept anything over the counter without a return address - citing the photographing and cataloguing of each piece of mail as the reason.

I also know from personal experience that even properly addressed mail is sometimes declared "undeliverable". I sold a scarce botanical book to an employee of the Arnold Arboretum in Massachusetts (Harvard University). I sent it priority mail. A week later the buyer asked if I had sent it. I checked tracking and it showed nothing. It was returned to me 3 weeks later as "undeliverable" with markings from several different locations. My postmaster looked up the address and it was clearly on the list. How several different attempts at different locations screwsd up is a mystery. But I was happy it had a return address.

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APS member since 2004

13 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"" ... I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot,
especially from Canadian mailers. ......""

That is the usual procedure in Canada... I was taught to address a letter like that as a schoolboy.

David Giles
Ottawa, Ont. Canada
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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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13 Apr 2017
re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

If I am posting a parcel then my return address and recipient details go on the box before wrapping as well as on the outside.
My mail always has a return address, usually as a printed label. Despite this, my family frequently get the address wrong when posting Christmas cards.

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APS Life Member
04 Apr 2017

Last week I made my first purchase in months from HipStamp, a group of three German Colony Stamps totaling nearly $20. Today I got the mailing, the left side of the envelope was carefully slit open and the contents all removed.

The mailing was not registered or insured so I guess I take the hit here. Have contacted the seller and probably all I will get is a 'sorry'. The seller lives near Columbus Ohio, and i am wondering if anyone has had anything they ordered go missing from that area?

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04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Does it refer to HipStamp or stamp collecting anywhere on the envelope?

There are reports coming in from various collectors of items not received, usually registered, but at this point I think stamp mailings will have to be more clandestine as far as indicating on the envelope what the contents might be.

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canalzonepostalhisto ...
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APS Life Member
04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

No, just a return sticker with the sellers name and address. I cannot remember when anything like this happened to me in the past.

For some reason I tend to think it happened at the point of origination, near Columbus Ohio, it apparently passed through that sorting office. No disrespect to all the fine folks in Ohio but with all the drug issues that seem to be going on there I would imagine there is a lot of petty theft taking place. If so the nitwit that took them probably has no idea what they are. He also is worse off than I am.

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APS Life Member
04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Good news and bad news. The good news is that it was not the German colonies stamps, that seller replied that he was mailing tomorrow. It instead had to have been a dinky little order of a bit over a dollar plus postage that I had forgotten doing about the same time. It is probably not worth pursuing.

I was telling my college aged son who still lives with us about it. His response was 'stamps? Someone took Stamps? Why?'

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04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

If someone did steal them they probably don't even know the value or how to sell them. Is your mailbox enclosed with a lock? Could it be a neighbor?

I have never had this happen and never had a buyer that didn't get their order. I don't put anything on the envelope to let them know what is inside either.

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04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Regardless, you should report it to the postal authorities. If someone is pilfering mail sent from the seller or the mail coming to you, that someone now knows what is in the envelopes, and will be looking for more. We need to get such ilk in prison.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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04 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Legally you are probably correct. From a practical standpoint the only way a seller could protect themselves would be to send everything either first class package plus insurance or Priority mail.

If that were the case than if you want to purchase a 20 cent stamp be prepared to pay the seller the cost accordingly.

A little common sense goes a long way. I've sent thousands of packages since 1985 and only two have been lost - in both cases I did refund the loss (in one case over $30). My choice is to self insure because it appears the loss ratio has been something I can live with to date.

I've had one incoming cover lost and the seller did offer to refund but it was under $5 total and I just chalked it up to part of the cost of doing business.

Whether this is a hobby, a business, or a hobby-business let's just treat others the way we would want to be treated. My personal threshold of pain is $50 to good customers or new customers with good feedback (off Ebay) or APS membership. Otherwise closer to $20. It depends on the type of purchase.

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04 Apr 2017


re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I know how you feel,same thing happened to me ,with another SOR member in Canada she received the package but it had been opened at the side and the contents were missing.
Now I put tape around the sides as extra security if they are larger envelopes I will even seal them in a plastic sleeve,after getting the stamps cancelled that is.

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APS #187980
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Craig / Snick1946: Can I ask how the envelope was prepared? Was the return address showing a personal address, or did it imply it was a stamp business?

Also, how was the postage paid? Was it with recent stamps, or with older stamps [edited to add] to make up the current rate, as is common with philatelic mailers?

I ask because I always try to make my mailings look like a personal mailing. (I handwrite the address and my return address, use my regular name, and I use a recent stamp (usually a commemorative, but sometimes I question if I should even do that).

(And if I'm mailing overseas, I tend to use "social stationery" envelopes, so that it looks like a greeting card.)

[Edited briefly for clarification, 5 Apr 2017]

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Have you ever thought of endorsing envelope "Wedding photographs please do not bend" (especially with envelopes that look like they have an enclosure)?

Who would ever want to steal wedding photographs ( yawn )?


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05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"Who would ever want to steal wedding photographs"

The way people are now, "wedding" pictures could mean "wedding night".
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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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APS Life Member
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

The seller placed a sticker with his name (Prefaced by his Military Rank) and address. That's all. No mention of stamps. It is possible that the envelope was cut open somehow in processing. I cannot think how but maybe possible.

Since this turned out to be a matter of a couple of dollars I have not as yet contacted the Postal people, am waiting for the seller to contact me back. If he does not then I will proceed to report it.

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APS #187980
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

What kind of postage was used on the envelope?


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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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APS Life Member
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Seller used one Forever Purple Heart stamp.

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APS #187980
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Thanks very much for the reply!

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Could it be that someone at the seller's local post office has figured out what he's mailing on a regular basis? If so, this may not be an isolated incident.

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Hi Everyone;

I don't mean to be harsh to you Snick1946, but you should do what Michael#### said. This person is in violation of a federal law. That is taken very seriously by our Government. If you saw an escaped federal prison convict in your neighborhood would you just go back to watching your football game?

It matters not if the seller replaces the item, or if you think the item is too small. You are not the judge of what is a crime and what is not. The law is, and nobody else.

So none of you should do what snick is doing, just writing off the loss of a cheap stamp. The person who stole that stamp obviously doesn't know it's cheap or he would not have risked his job to take it in the first place. He probably thinks he just took a very valuable stamp.

The thief now has this seller's address, and knows he sells stamps for money. He is now able to get a gun and go to the seller's house, kill him and clean out his entire inventory. A smart thief could pull off this crime and never get fired for stealing, because he doesn't need to anymore.

Or he can just choose to keep stealing until someone does his duty as a good citizen and reports him.

Also if the post office has a sorting or canceling machine that is damaging our mail, they can't fix it if they don't know about it. I'm sorry but that is a disturbingly cavalier attitude. Do the right thing and report this.

If I caught you in a store putting things in your pocket, you would not get out of that store until I reported you. When the cops arrive, I would make sure they knew that I would make myself available to testify at your trial. You would not pass GO, and you would not collect $200.00. Otherwise how can our justice system possibly work if nobody does the right thing.

We all like to complain about crime and violence. So go be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem!

The stamp sheriff....

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APS Life Member
05 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

In my last posting I did say I would report it. I plan to call the local carrier station tomorrow morning whether or not I have heard from the seller.

Not to minimize the real criminal offense of someone stealing from the mails. I don't think I was. I think the seller has a right to decide how he wants to handle this.

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President Cortlandt Stamp Club

06 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

What a coincidence...the same thing happened to a guy name stamps1962 on another board.At Wits End

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APS Life Member
06 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Yes it did. A lot of this stuff going on out there.

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President Cortlandt Stamp Club

07 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail


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APS Life Member
07 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

This is like the climax of a thriller where the masked man gets unmasked and the audience all gasps.

Yeah I have another identity. I started using the alternate a few years back after joining on here. As I posted on here some while back I started drawing some negativity as an 'older'poster on other boards due to my DOB being part of my ID. That never was an issue on here.

Cross-posting. It sounds a bit like cross dressing, sort of naughty. It probably is never a good idea. I don't do it often and sort of wish I hadn't on this topic. If it means anything I got treated a lot better on here than on that other board. I got a lot of helpful, practical advice on here.

I have now made a report to a local postal person who took my information and will supposedly be getting back to me. It was not a large monetary loss but I know it needs to be followed up on.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
07 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I, and the other two Mods, work pretty hard trying to keep the 'other board' a friendly and family forum.

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Tom in Exton, PA
07 Apr 2017


re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I only belong to one stamp board, but in the model car world I belong to several. Not uncommon to have people post the exact same thing to two different boards. What drives me crazy is when I replied to one, then see the second one and think the moderators deleted my posts! Then I realize I posted on the other board.

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07 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I had a mailing from Florida go missing for some time but it finally arrived with no contents. The envelope as this one was neatly sliced open at one end.

My loss was minimal (subjective, I know) but I did email the USPS with the post office location of origin and my zip code location.

This was about 10 years ago.

My email was answered alerting me that an investigation was ongoing about this particular route which had been experiencing pilfering. Although I was warned that I would likely never see the contents of my mailer, at least I had something to comfort me: An ongoing investigation.

It would never cross my mind to press the seller for a refund because I had the option of buying insurance.

Still rankles me though--the theft. Wonder if the postal inspectors got their man, er -- or woman.


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APS #220693 ATA#57179
08 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I had an envelope partially sliced open at bottom just last week, but the contents were intact. I wonder if processing equipment could be causing SOME of this. I certainly wouldn't start with the premise of an untrustworthy dealer or postal workers on Meth, but that's just me.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
09 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

One thing that I have noticed over time is the number of sellers who fail to put a functionable return address on their mailings.
I see this occurring on mail from otherwise careful, decent members especially by European sellers. Is there anyone who thinks that "Bigstampstore" ( No street, no PO box, no town, no state, no province, no mail code or country !!! )in the upper left hand corner will be enough to get an envelope returned to the seller should an error be made while hand writing the buyer's address ?
Perhaps one of our clever postal workers in the foreign office might recognize the country form the stamp, but I'd hate to rely on that as a safeguard of valued collectible stamps.
Well that is equivalent to what one seller just used on an envelope from a European country.. (I changed the actual business name sightly.)
I am thinking of keeping those envelopes and routinely providing a copy to the mods to use should someone complain about not receiving a shipment.
Perhaps we need a rule, or at least an advisory, that failure to provide an appropriate return address makes the sender responsible for a refund or replacement.
Has anyone else received a shipment that had no, or a sketchy return address ?

Should this be a separate thread ? I caqn change it.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS Life Member
12 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail


You hit on one of my pet peeves. I am buying a lot recently from UK sellers. About half of them put NO return address on the envelope. I don't know what the reasoning is. I could see it if the word 'stamp' was part of the address but an individual?

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12 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"UK sellers. About half of them put NO return address on the envelope. I don't know what the reasoning is."

They don't want to pay the return international postage rates if the package is undeliverable.
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Tom in Exton, PA
12 Apr 2017


re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I believe US postal regulations require a return address. Last week I had a bunch of small parcels going out and the clerk pointed out one that I had neglected to add a return label. I had to write my return address on that one to proceed.

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12 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot, especially from Canadian mailers. Better than none!

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www.noernbergstamps. ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

" ... I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot,
especially from Canadian mailers. ......"

In my experience Canadian mailers are not the problem.
Potential problem anyway.
Nor does it seem to happen on mail from the Far East.
But from Ireland east to the old Iron Curtain a significant
percentage of the incoming mail would likely be lost
if the return address were needed.
I didn't know that the fees for the return of international mail
were so high that it dwarfed the value of lost shipments ]
as well as the loss of the recipient's good will.
Trust is a subjective quality and once lost will be difficult to regain.
I guess we should all be very thankful
so little mail gets lost in the stream.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
13 Apr 2017

Auctions - Approvals

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

RE:- Return Addresses on mail from the UK

NOT writing a return address is built into the UK psyche.

Many, many, many years ago, as a boy in school, I was taught how to address a letter.

There was never any instruction/requirement to put a return address on the back. Therefore it became a national habit not to put a return address.

ALL UK mail never had a requirement for a return address until last year!!

I have had mail returned to me without any charges being levied by Royal Mail.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

Return addresses are required for the following circumstances:

1.5.3 Required Use of Return Addresses
The sender’s domestic return address must appear legibly on:

a. Mail of any class bearing a printed ancillary service request or an ancillary service request embedded within an Intelligent Mail barcode.
b. Official mail.
c. Mail paid with precanceled stamps (except Standard Mail pieces weighing 13 ounces or less and bearing a mailer's postmark in accordance with 604.3.4).
d. Matter bearing a company permit imprint.
e. Priority Mail (including Critical Mail).
f. Periodicals in envelopes or wrappers.
g. Package Services (except unendorsed Bound Printed Matter).
h. Parcel Select (including Parcel Select Regional Ground).
i. Registered Mail.
j. Insured mail.
k. Collect on delivery (COD) mail.
l. Certified Mail if a return receipt is requested.
m. Express Mail if a return receipt is requested. The return address on the Express Mail label meets this standard.
n. Detached addressed labels (DALs).

Why? Keep in mind that the Post Office keeps a photographic record of every piece of mail in the system. They can now send you an email showing you the outside of every piece of mail that will be delivered to you on any given day. Read the following Newsweek article to see just how far this program has gone and how it is used and abused by various law enforcement agencies.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
13 Apr 2017


re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I understood that any correctly franked cover continues on its way without additional money due if forwarding or return to sender is required, assuming that they use first class or its eviqualent. Is that not true?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

I would believe that to be correct except in the cases cited by the Post Office above. In those cases I am not sure what they would do.

I know that our Post Office will not accept anything over the counter without a return address - citing the photographing and cataloguing of each piece of mail as the reason.

I also know from personal experience that even properly addressed mail is sometimes declared "undeliverable". I sold a scarce botanical book to an employee of the Arnold Arboretum in Massachusetts (Harvard University). I sent it priority mail. A week later the buyer asked if I had sent it. I checked tracking and it showed nothing. It was returned to me 3 weeks later as "undeliverable" with markings from several different locations. My postmaster looked up the address and it was clearly on the list. How several different attempts at different locations screwsd up is a mystery. But I was happy it had a return address.

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APS member since 2004
13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

"" ... I see return addresses on the back of the envelope a lot,
especially from Canadian mailers. ......""

That is the usual procedure in Canada... I was taught to address a letter like that as a schoolboy.

David Giles
Ottawa, Ont. Canada
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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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13 Apr 2017

re: HipStamp Purchase Stolen in Mail

If I am posting a parcel then my return address and recipient details go on the box before wrapping as well as on the outside.
My mail always has a return address, usually as a printed label. Despite this, my family frequently get the address wrong when posting Christmas cards.

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