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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : 10 Smallest Countries in the World


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10 Jul 2017
Ever wonder where those hard to place stamps from small countries come from? Here's a look at the ten smallest countries in the world:

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

10 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Sealand is notorious in IT circles as harboring part of the 'dark web'. It failed as a 'data haven' about 10 years ago but various attempts keep popping up as a way to dodge cyber laws.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

11 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

In Europe the list of small countries reads as follows:

Vatican City (0.44 km2) ...
Monaco (1.95 km2) ...
San Marino (61 km2) ...
Liechtenstein (160 km2) ...
Malta (316 km2) ...
Andorra (468 km2) ...
Luxembourg (2,586 km2) ...

My favorite...Andorra, where I have been stuck by a snow blizzard in August, some years back. Philatelic related...I finally got 2 more of the French Andorra's 1931 Merson set of 5, and I just need the last 2 to complete my collection...but at their current price, I will need a miracle!


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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11 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Probably going to show my age (and stupidity) but at school, a long time ago, we were always taught that the notation should be Sq Km rather than Km2. The latter I appreciate is now the accepted form but I still read it as as meaning the number multiplied by itself.
Example; Monaco I would think of as 1.95Km times 1.95Km, total 3.8025 rather than a total of 1.95Km.
No offence meant and hopefully none taken.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

km² would be the right way.
Most people don't know mathematical symbols, so they write sq km or km2
I agree that km2 is a poor substitute for km², but seems to be the one used by the sources I have looked at.
You are correct in stating that km2 has a potential for misunderstanding the results.
I used to memorize all the greek and mathematical symbols when I was in grad school, as I used them a lot...but to be honest, I seldom use them today and my memory only retains important things! I had to look up ² (Alt0178, if you need to know)

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Strangely enough, today the BBC carries a story re the ice sheet break-up and uses sq K; link here http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40321674
Thanks for the shortcut to ALT0178, I normally open Word go to special characters and select the symbol and cut and paste. Within Stamporama the short-cut seems not to work.
Like rrr- My single brain cell only retains a vague memory that there is a special symbol and I have to go and look up the answer.

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APS Member #196859

12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Mathematically speaking,

(1.95 km)² = 3.085 km² > 1.95 km²

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
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12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Being pedantic (1.95 km)² = 3.80 km² (rounded to 2 decimal places)


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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

2km² is not the same as (2km)²

km² is a dimension of surface like sqft so 2sqft is not the same as (2 ft)square notated (2ft)² (=4 sqft)

In mathematics, the sequence of operation is paramount, as is the correct notation.
I keep seeing these problems (on FB, for example) of simple equations and the majority of the people answering still get the answer wrong. The rules are so simple though. You needed to memorize them once, in grade school, and then apply them!

Here is an example (was in my in box last week) but it is presented in pictorial form to remove the scare of the numbersImage Not Found. By the way, most of these have a trap...needing attention to details.
In math terminology:

4+3x2 =?

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Just remember dear old BODMAS and you should end up with 3 pliers and a screwdriver.

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12 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Oops, seem to opened a can of mathematical worms, sorry everyone.
Message to brain cell, are you lonely in there?

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APS Member #196859

14 Jul 2017
re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

"2km² is not the same as (2km)²"

Correct. As I wrote, (1.95 km)² = 3.085 km² > 1.95 km²

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."


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10 Jul 2017

Ever wonder where those hard to place stamps from small countries come from? Here's a look at the ten smallest countries in the world:

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
10 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Sealand is notorious in IT circles as harboring part of the 'dark web'. It failed as a 'data haven' about 10 years ago but various attempts keep popping up as a way to dodge cyber laws.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"


Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
11 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

In Europe the list of small countries reads as follows:

Vatican City (0.44 km2) ...
Monaco (1.95 km2) ...
San Marino (61 km2) ...
Liechtenstein (160 km2) ...
Malta (316 km2) ...
Andorra (468 km2) ...
Luxembourg (2,586 km2) ...

My favorite...Andorra, where I have been stuck by a snow blizzard in August, some years back. Philatelic related...I finally got 2 more of the French Andorra's 1931 Merson set of 5, and I just need the last 2 to complete my collection...but at their current price, I will need a miracle!


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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11 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Probably going to show my age (and stupidity) but at school, a long time ago, we were always taught that the notation should be Sq Km rather than Km2. The latter I appreciate is now the accepted form but I still read it as as meaning the number multiplied by itself.
Example; Monaco I would think of as 1.95Km times 1.95Km, total 3.8025 rather than a total of 1.95Km.
No offence meant and hopefully none taken.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

km² would be the right way.
Most people don't know mathematical symbols, so they write sq km or km2
I agree that km2 is a poor substitute for km², but seems to be the one used by the sources I have looked at.
You are correct in stating that km2 has a potential for misunderstanding the results.
I used to memorize all the greek and mathematical symbols when I was in grad school, as I used them a lot...but to be honest, I seldom use them today and my memory only retains important things! I had to look up ² (Alt0178, if you need to know)

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Strangely enough, today the BBC carries a story re the ice sheet break-up and uses sq K; link here http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40321674
Thanks for the shortcut to ALT0178, I normally open Word go to special characters and select the symbol and cut and paste. Within Stamporama the short-cut seems not to work.
Like rrr- My single brain cell only retains a vague memory that there is a special symbol and I have to go and look up the answer.

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APS Member #196859
12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Mathematically speaking,

(1.95 km)² = 3.085 km² > 1.95 km²

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
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12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Being pedantic (1.95 km)² = 3.80 km² (rounded to 2 decimal places)


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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

2km² is not the same as (2km)²

km² is a dimension of surface like sqft so 2sqft is not the same as (2 ft)square notated (2ft)² (=4 sqft)

In mathematics, the sequence of operation is paramount, as is the correct notation.
I keep seeing these problems (on FB, for example) of simple equations and the majority of the people answering still get the answer wrong. The rules are so simple though. You needed to memorize them once, in grade school, and then apply them!

Here is an example (was in my in box last week) but it is presented in pictorial form to remove the scare of the numbersImage Not Found. By the way, most of these have a trap...needing attention to details.
In math terminology:

4+3x2 =?

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Just remember dear old BODMAS and you should end up with 3 pliers and a screwdriver.

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12 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

Oops, seem to opened a can of mathematical worms, sorry everyone.
Message to brain cell, are you lonely in there?

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APS Member #196859
14 Jul 2017

re: 10 Smallest Countries in the World

"2km² is not the same as (2km)²"

Correct. As I wrote, (1.95 km)² = 3.085 km² > 1.95 km²

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."

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