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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps

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Club Business & Announcements/Member Intro : Welcome to our new members, from the management Team


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13 Sep 2017
Dear Old members,
We have gotten many new members, some of whom you may already be in touch with. To be a bit more consistent in the welcoming process, the Management Team has authorized me to reach out. To make you aware of the past 60 day enrollment, I will be listing them all for you to view. Reach out to them as you see fit.
Dan C.
Dear new member to Stamporama. Your Mangement Team has authorized me to reach out
and to welcome you aboard. I'll be your contact person should you need help in
navigating the site or just to say 'howdie'. We're a pretty friendly group and
we're all delighted to have you join us.Feel free to make contact or not- whatever
suits you.
Looking forward to good stamping.
Dan Cohen
Robert Sefton(rsefton)
Margaret York(MaggieYork)
Eric Weil(Pockets)
Chuck Mason(chuckles)
David Cline(Cedar81)
Lee Coen(BlueCollarWrench)
Northcote Cecilia(samuraidrift)
Zakir Choudhry(zakir_pk)
Lawrence Hortick(FacebookStamps)
Stefan Wrammerfors(Wuwwy)
Michael Frick(Mwfrick)
James Koehn(Birdieman63)
Charles Long(Michael16)
Bart Fletcher(BAFletcher)
John Lowe(Shodan)
John Wallis(Benygys)
Crystal Jordan(New2stamping)
David Brown(Begin71)
Sidney Dikes(Kapul)
Michael Wekwert(wekwertm12)
Richard Adams(Jstone)
Dexter Hawn(ocelot23)
Amanda Berofsky(sopraffina)
Craig Hoffman(Brando)
Gordon Graham(Gordyboy)
Jenni Silberstein(Jennisi)
Karl Uhl(Nikki)
Rachel Mcaboy(Simone04)
Edith Robbins(esrobbins)
Michael Schwartz(DadsStamps)
Xi Zhang(west6)
Guinn Darla(dsguinn)
Clif Day(ccday)
Christopher Washler(pcolaphilatelist)
Barry Rosenberg(StampChemist)
Ricky Garrett(garrettrl24)
Ron Stephens(Paladin2017)
David Stockbridge(DAS4stamps)
Danial Spratford(Dan1968)
Paul Green(Fisherfuryman)
Jayendra Pathmaperuma(peru57)
Harry Wentworth(wenty)
Roberto Cornejo(rcornejo)
Benjamin May(westchop2)
Andy Herrera (Smiggy7127)
Bernie Smith(BCSmith)
Wendy Dodson(wendy)
Donald Gradeless(Gradeless)
Jared Heyde(Jch1979)
Mary Rubin(bluesheep5)
Maria Nagler(gismar)
Gene Borden(gborden800)
Frank Hebert(FH1947)
Michael Malloy(malby66)
Ray Mcintire(raymac)
Vsrinivasarao Moluguru(Srinumoluguru)
Jeff Ursillo(bnmjeff)
Dana Gould(kaptncoke)
Lew Feucht(Lew4Stamps)
Tim Neuberger(HighCV)
Nancy Roberts(nlroberts1961)
Ben Pearce(Ruddy01)
Jeffrey Coney(JConey)
Andre Neves(cosmophilatelist)
Jens Loeffler(Jenne44)
Douglas Vail(dougmv214)
Thomas Knauber(Stampnut55)
Lee Halverson(hazmateer)
Primoz Cebulj(primoz)
Johannes Henegan(Johan)
Anton Sebastian(THILLAKAN)
Raymond Kerstetter(luraybelmont)
Renaud De Montbas(pecheurdetimbres)
Dimo Famera(catnapper)
Bill Koby(yvrbill)
Taras Chepil(TarasCH)
Leslie Shanklin(LeslieDawn707)
Andrew Hartung(Kolvir)
Jesper Mondrup(JesperDK)
Thomas Murtha(tommyseven)
James Tavernier(noahcota)
Dave Geisler(daveg28)
David Steinman(dsteinman)
William Tutty(b2t)
Marie Oskowitz(marieo)
Zachary Waters(Zdub)

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APS Member #196859

13 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Wow! A big welcome to everyone!

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
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14 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Doug you slay me!! We agree that it is not as personal as we'd like it to be, but this is the beginning of the effort to try to reach out and extend a 'howdie' to new folks. Of course it's not a new effort, just an attempt to be more consistent.

Having said all that I could use some help in the effort- care to join me?

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APS Member #196859

14 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dan, I hope my post wasn't taken the wrong way. I wasn't being sarcastic. My "wow" was sincere; that there are many new members. And I was just welcoming everyone, hoping that the folks on this list would see the post. I didn't intend my post as a comment that this effort wasn't much of a "big welcome." I'm not sure by your response whether you took it that way or not. Such are the pitfalls of textual messaging in the absence of other communicative clues. In any case, I'd be happy to help. Please PM with details.

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
Members Picture

14 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Thanks for the clarification. No offense taken, and all help much appreciated. I'll be messaging you on the PM.
Dan C.

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14 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.

You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C. and Doug P.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

15 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dan's comments are quite useful.

it's helpful for any new member to look at the rules for the various areas they want to visit, especially the discussion board, approvals, and auctions, where rules have been developed to protect us all and to ensure that we're all on the same philatelic page.

Love having new peeps here


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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Tom in Exton, PA

15 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Does a new member get an automatic welcome email when they register?

Perhaps that email could have some very basics for each area with a link to read further.

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Members Picture

15 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

An interesting idea BenFranklin. Right now we are in the process of trying to be as consistently welcoming and as informative to new members as we can. Doug and I are the 'welcoming' committee so far.Would you like to join us and implement your thoughts?
Dan C.

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Tom in Exton, PA

15 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Sure, I can help.

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22 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Thanks Ben-contact me on the personal messages board and I'll bring you up to speed. Glad to have you aboard.
Dan C.

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Members Picture

22 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Welcome to our new members, from the management Team
Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.
You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members
desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the
scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site
function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion
without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I
can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug, Ben and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C,Doug P.and Ben F.

New MembersSadIn the last 60 days)

James Stedman(egertoni)
John Wagner(silverstamp)
Donald Lobmeyer Jr(RhinoHunter)
Lucy Hui(xiaomid0)
Lance Kunzer(usgems1)
Marc Debusschere(Debusschere)
Tim Pollard(greatpollardo)
Muhammad Nurul Hoque Mithu(NURUL )
Dominic Sgro(lpn9)
Frank Mariner(froland)

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Members Picture

22 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I have no clue as to why there is a sad moticon!!My machine has gremlins. It adds stuff!!
Dan C.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

22 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

No gremlins...just logicaly following instructions. So this is why:
Sad is : (no space) (
And this is why your parenthesis shows no opening (

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
Members Picture

22 Sep 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

son of a gun-who knew!!Much obliged rrr.
Dan C.

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Tom in Exton, PA

22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I thought he was growling at us until I realized rrr was his initials!

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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

New Members (In the last 13 days)
Padraig O Shea(Ravenstamps)
Abhay Shenoy (Abhay )
Laura Smith(Philnovice)
Morris Friedman(morrylev)
Vincent Nesci(vnesci)
Wayne Harriman(waynethepain)
Ron Stephens(Paladin201702)
Maurice Cohen(MOECOHEN)
Michael Chasse(mchasse)
Nathan Marks(nathanmarks303)
Robert Wordell(specs7)
Joseph Luft(USClassics)
Andy Busard(busarda)
Dudley Richards(kdudley)
Benjamin Berumen(Ben10)
Kevin Ingram(kbirevere)
Franz Thrupp(Horamakhet)
Janinne Dinsmore(Penguin17)
Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.
You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members
desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the
scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site
function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion
without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I
can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug, Tom and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C,Doug P.and Tom G.

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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Can I "re-apply" as a new member?

I never got this kind of love 18 months ago.

Then again, considering what a jackass I've been - on occasion - maybe it's all for the best...


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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dear Dave,
As penance I believe you are now involved as a moderator, or am I mistaken?
Belated and special 'Welcome Aboard'.
Dan C.

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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Just remember everyone, if you don't want to get involved -- take one step backward.


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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

OY!! Dave, I remembered your email on Angore, and miss-remembered who was the moderator. My bad- I'm so sorry for any confusion I caused.
With apologies,
Dan C.

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APS #213005

06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team


I think you scared Dave -

I believe he thought for a second there that he had an actual job!

Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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06 Oct 2017
re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I know-my bad. However, there are many opportunities to be of significant help in a variety of activities for those who might be interested in helping. I'd be happy to chat with any of our members about it- just email or pm (personal message) me.
Dan C.

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Members Picture

13 Sep 2017

Dear Old members,
We have gotten many new members, some of whom you may already be in touch with. To be a bit more consistent in the welcoming process, the Management Team has authorized me to reach out. To make you aware of the past 60 day enrollment, I will be listing them all for you to view. Reach out to them as you see fit.
Dan C.
Dear new member to Stamporama. Your Mangement Team has authorized me to reach out
and to welcome you aboard. I'll be your contact person should you need help in
navigating the site or just to say 'howdie'. We're a pretty friendly group and
we're all delighted to have you join us.Feel free to make contact or not- whatever
suits you.
Looking forward to good stamping.
Dan Cohen
Robert Sefton(rsefton)
Margaret York(MaggieYork)
Eric Weil(Pockets)
Chuck Mason(chuckles)
David Cline(Cedar81)
Lee Coen(BlueCollarWrench)
Northcote Cecilia(samuraidrift)
Zakir Choudhry(zakir_pk)
Lawrence Hortick(FacebookStamps)
Stefan Wrammerfors(Wuwwy)
Michael Frick(Mwfrick)
James Koehn(Birdieman63)
Charles Long(Michael16)
Bart Fletcher(BAFletcher)
John Lowe(Shodan)
John Wallis(Benygys)
Crystal Jordan(New2stamping)
David Brown(Begin71)
Sidney Dikes(Kapul)
Michael Wekwert(wekwertm12)
Richard Adams(Jstone)
Dexter Hawn(ocelot23)
Amanda Berofsky(sopraffina)
Craig Hoffman(Brando)
Gordon Graham(Gordyboy)
Jenni Silberstein(Jennisi)
Karl Uhl(Nikki)
Rachel Mcaboy(Simone04)
Edith Robbins(esrobbins)
Michael Schwartz(DadsStamps)
Xi Zhang(west6)
Guinn Darla(dsguinn)
Clif Day(ccday)
Christopher Washler(pcolaphilatelist)
Barry Rosenberg(StampChemist)
Ricky Garrett(garrettrl24)
Ron Stephens(Paladin2017)
David Stockbridge(DAS4stamps)
Danial Spratford(Dan1968)
Paul Green(Fisherfuryman)
Jayendra Pathmaperuma(peru57)
Harry Wentworth(wenty)
Roberto Cornejo(rcornejo)
Benjamin May(westchop2)
Andy Herrera (Smiggy7127)
Bernie Smith(BCSmith)
Wendy Dodson(wendy)
Donald Gradeless(Gradeless)
Jared Heyde(Jch1979)
Mary Rubin(bluesheep5)
Maria Nagler(gismar)
Gene Borden(gborden800)
Frank Hebert(FH1947)
Michael Malloy(malby66)
Ray Mcintire(raymac)
Vsrinivasarao Moluguru(Srinumoluguru)
Jeff Ursillo(bnmjeff)
Dana Gould(kaptncoke)
Lew Feucht(Lew4Stamps)
Tim Neuberger(HighCV)
Nancy Roberts(nlroberts1961)
Ben Pearce(Ruddy01)
Jeffrey Coney(JConey)
Andre Neves(cosmophilatelist)
Jens Loeffler(Jenne44)
Douglas Vail(dougmv214)
Thomas Knauber(Stampnut55)
Lee Halverson(hazmateer)
Primoz Cebulj(primoz)
Johannes Henegan(Johan)
Anton Sebastian(THILLAKAN)
Raymond Kerstetter(luraybelmont)
Renaud De Montbas(pecheurdetimbres)
Dimo Famera(catnapper)
Bill Koby(yvrbill)
Taras Chepil(TarasCH)
Leslie Shanklin(LeslieDawn707)
Andrew Hartung(Kolvir)
Jesper Mondrup(JesperDK)
Thomas Murtha(tommyseven)
James Tavernier(noahcota)
Dave Geisler(daveg28)
David Steinman(dsteinman)
William Tutty(b2t)
Marie Oskowitz(marieo)
Zachary Waters(Zdub)

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APS Member #196859
13 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Wow! A big welcome to everyone!

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
Members Picture

14 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Doug you slay me!! We agree that it is not as personal as we'd like it to be, but this is the beginning of the effort to try to reach out and extend a 'howdie' to new folks. Of course it's not a new effort, just an attempt to be more consistent.

Having said all that I could use some help in the effort- care to join me?

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APS Member #196859
14 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dan, I hope my post wasn't taken the wrong way. I wasn't being sarcastic. My "wow" was sincere; that there are many new members. And I was just welcoming everyone, hoping that the folks on this list would see the post. I didn't intend my post as a comment that this effort wasn't much of a "big welcome." I'm not sure by your response whether you took it that way or not. Such are the pitfalls of textual messaging in the absence of other communicative clues. In any case, I'd be happy to help. Please PM with details.

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"All hobbies are absurd to those on the outside, and a joy to those within."
Members Picture

14 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Thanks for the clarification. No offense taken, and all help much appreciated. I'll be messaging you on the PM.
Dan C.

1 Member
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Members Picture

14 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.

You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C. and Doug P.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
15 Sep 2017


re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dan's comments are quite useful.

it's helpful for any new member to look at the rules for the various areas they want to visit, especially the discussion board, approvals, and auctions, where rules have been developed to protect us all and to ensure that we're all on the same philatelic page.

Love having new peeps here


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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Tom in Exton, PA
15 Sep 2017


re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Does a new member get an automatic welcome email when they register?

Perhaps that email could have some very basics for each area with a link to read further.

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Members Picture

15 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

An interesting idea BenFranklin. Right now we are in the process of trying to be as consistently welcoming and as informative to new members as we can. Doug and I are the 'welcoming' committee so far.Would you like to join us and implement your thoughts?
Dan C.

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Tom in Exton, PA
15 Sep 2017


re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Sure, I can help.

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22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Thanks Ben-contact me on the personal messages board and I'll bring you up to speed. Glad to have you aboard.
Dan C.

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Members Picture

22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Welcome to our new members, from the management Team
Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.
You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members
desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the
scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site
function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion
without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I
can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug, Ben and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C,Doug P.and Ben F.

New MembersSadIn the last 60 days)

James Stedman(egertoni)
John Wagner(silverstamp)
Donald Lobmeyer Jr(RhinoHunter)
Lucy Hui(xiaomid0)
Lance Kunzer(usgems1)
Marc Debusschere(Debusschere)
Tim Pollard(greatpollardo)
Muhammad Nurul Hoque Mithu(NURUL )
Dominic Sgro(lpn9)
Frank Mariner(froland)

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22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I have no clue as to why there is a sad moticon!!My machine has gremlins. It adds stuff!!
Dan C.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

No gremlins...just logicaly following instructions. So this is why:
Sad is : (no space) (
And this is why your parenthesis shows no opening (

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
Members Picture

22 Sep 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

son of a gun-who knew!!Much obliged rrr.
Dan C.

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Tom in Exton, PA
22 Sep 2017


re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I thought he was growling at us until I realized rrr was his initials!

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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

New Members (In the last 13 days)
Padraig O Shea(Ravenstamps)
Abhay Shenoy (Abhay )
Laura Smith(Philnovice)
Morris Friedman(morrylev)
Vincent Nesci(vnesci)
Wayne Harriman(waynethepain)
Ron Stephens(Paladin201702)
Maurice Cohen(MOECOHEN)
Michael Chasse(mchasse)
Nathan Marks(nathanmarks303)
Robert Wordell(specs7)
Joseph Luft(USClassics)
Andy Busard(busarda)
Dudley Richards(kdudley)
Benjamin Berumen(Ben10)
Kevin Ingram(kbirevere)
Franz Thrupp(Horamakhet)
Janinne Dinsmore(Penguin17)
Dear all newest members and perhaps some of our older ones, a special 'heads up' as you become familiar with what SOR has to offer.
You already know that we have a wonderful sales auction function, and a vibrant discussion board. You already know of the members
desire to help all to make this hobby of ours a living, friendly place where fellowship reigns. We have a great library to help the
scholar, and exhibits to delight the eye. Carefully look at the home page for more goodies and rules and regulations to help the site
function properly.

When you do so be aware that in the past we have had some problems with new members jumping into the sales areas and discussion
without reading the rules. (Then, when they get called out for not following the rules, some go bonkers and throw hissy fits.) I
can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn how to use the various interactive areas of the site by reading the rules.

Know that Doug, Tom and I will be available to try to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to call on us. Welcome aboard all.

Dan C,Doug P.and Tom G.

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Members Picture

06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Can I "re-apply" as a new member?

I never got this kind of love 18 months ago.

Then again, considering what a jackass I've been - on occasion - maybe it's all for the best...


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06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Dear Dave,
As penance I believe you are now involved as a moderator, or am I mistaken?
Belated and special 'Welcome Aboard'.
Dan C.

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06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

Just remember everyone, if you don't want to get involved -- take one step backward.


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06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

OY!! Dave, I remembered your email on Angore, and miss-remembered who was the moderator. My bad- I'm so sorry for any confusion I caused.
With apologies,
Dan C.

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APS #213005
06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team


I think you scared Dave -

I believe he thought for a second there that he had an actual job!

Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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06 Oct 2017

re: Welcome to our new members, from the management Team

I know-my bad. However, there are many opportunities to be of significant help in a variety of activities for those who might be interested in helping. I'd be happy to chat with any of our members about it- just email or pm (personal message) me.
Dan C.

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