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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer


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APS Life Member

23 Apr 2018
Back in 2016 I lost an approval dealer I'd dealt with for two decades, Bellmore Philatelics. I collect in several areas but lately am consolidating many of those into a general collection using Minkus Global albums. I'd assumed I could find another dealer or dealers to fill the gap. No, for whatever reason the majority of these dealers who run ads in Linns or even the AP simply do not reply to written or email quires. Even to repeated ones. It sort of gives me a bad feeling, I have to wonder if I'm on a list of bad apples, or something. What gives?

The latest is a dealer running an adlet in the AP, AKM stamps out of Mesa AZ. Two inquiries over the past few weeks with no reply.

Approval dealers are few and far between these days. I guess it is a sellers market for some of these guys. Anyone else run into this?
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23 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Craig, I've been buying from AKM for more than a year now. Ken recently moved to Mesa, Arizona, from Omaha, Nebraska, where I originally met him (small world, huh?). Really nice guy, and always seems to have something I'm looking for.

If you want, send me a PM with your email address, and I'll introduce you as an esteemed SOR friend!


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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."
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APS Life Member

24 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I just learned the owner of AKM has been out of the country on extended vacation. Certainly an acceptable reason to delay a reply. I will assume h will be in touch soon.

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24 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I also bought from Bellmore, which many years ago suddenly disappeared. However, one of the guys who used to run it (my memory has faded about this) was either on this site, StampWants, or both sites. I don't know if he's on HipStamp. I don't remember his name anymore either.

I used to buy alot from Continental Philatelics. They still advertise, but they stopped sending me approvals. I contacted them to get the approvals resumed. They never responded to my email. I bought alot from an approval dealer in Massachusetts. Suddenly he stopped sending me approvals. He still has adds out as well. I haven't contacted him again.

I had one dealer who I asked to send me MNH stamps. He sent me three selections of hinged stamps. I told him to stop sending me approvals.

It's hard to figure out what goes on in the heads of some dealers. I figure that for each dealer who is non-responsive either by not responding to approval requests, or by sending me what I don't want (that's really kind of stupid to do), there are plenty of other approval dealers who will send me the stamps that I want.

Over the past several months, most of the stamps I have bought have been from APS sales circuits and Stamporama.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

25 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

If we think about it, the real reason people sent stamps
on approval over the years was so the prospective buyer
could actually look at the stamps being offered
instead of the dealer trying to pick out stamps from inventory
to fill a long and sometimes confusing want list.
Also having the stamps in hand stimulates the buyer.

Today with most homes and probably all offices equipped
with a printer-scanner, a PC and frequently a FAX machine,
the seller can scan his stamp inventory and put his products
on line at one or more sites where the prospective buyer
can stare at the stamp images till the cows come home.

The friendly stamp approval services have taken their place
alongside horse drawn buggys and goose quill pens.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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25 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

"the prospective buyer could actually look at the stamps being offered"

Charlie, that's the exact reason I like AKM. Since I prefer used, and certain types/qualities of cancels, it is better than ordering blind. For more common material, I like the StampoRama approvals for the same reason.

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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."
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APS Life Member

25 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Michael, the Bellmore guy was Martin Frey. I think he passed back in early 2016. He also dealt in US errors and freaks under his own name, advertised in Linns for hears.

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26 Apr 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Yes, that was him. Sorry to hear that he passed. Thanks for the information.

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Tom in Exton, PA

27 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

"The friendly stamp approval services have taken their place
alongside horse drawn buggys and goose quill pens."

That's why when I first saw the Stamporama Approvals I thought they were brilliant!

Aside from the availability of cameras and scanners, the cost of postage (both ways) has gone sky high.

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

27 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

There is of course the possibility that when you have returned the books to the dealer he has not received them and that is why he has ignored you when you have, like Oliver, asked for more.

Or knowing Google, he has not received the emails!!

Or they are busy and do not want any new customers.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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APS Life Member

08 Jun 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone knows anything about an approval dealer named Robert Coppins, operating out of Utah? He advertises in Linn's and the AP magazine offering modern US on approval. I have sent him two emails in the past few months with no reply, nothing.

I just don't get some of these guys. They run continuous ads then blow off people who take time and effort to contact them?

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08 Jun 2018
re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I have been down that road before.

First, double and triple check that you are using the correct email address:


I can also tell you from personal experience that Yahoo is not the best email processor.

Second - try writing a letter or calling him in case the emails aren't getting through

Robert Coppins
P.O. Box 333, Smithfield, UT 84335
Tel.: (435) 563-4041

It looks like he has been a member of APS for 14 years -my guess is that there is a reason you haven't heard, usually that the email didn't get through scrolled down the screen (it ha happened to me)

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APS Life Member
23 Apr 2018

Back in 2016 I lost an approval dealer I'd dealt with for two decades, Bellmore Philatelics. I collect in several areas but lately am consolidating many of those into a general collection using Minkus Global albums. I'd assumed I could find another dealer or dealers to fill the gap. No, for whatever reason the majority of these dealers who run ads in Linns or even the AP simply do not reply to written or email quires. Even to repeated ones. It sort of gives me a bad feeling, I have to wonder if I'm on a list of bad apples, or something. What gives?

The latest is a dealer running an adlet in the AP, AKM stamps out of Mesa AZ. Two inquiries over the past few weeks with no reply.

Approval dealers are few and far between these days. I guess it is a sellers market for some of these guys. Anyone else run into this?

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23 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Craig, I've been buying from AKM for more than a year now. Ken recently moved to Mesa, Arizona, from Omaha, Nebraska, where I originally met him (small world, huh?). Really nice guy, and always seems to have something I'm looking for.

If you want, send me a PM with your email address, and I'll introduce you as an esteemed SOR friend!


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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."
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APS Life Member
24 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I just learned the owner of AKM has been out of the country on extended vacation. Certainly an acceptable reason to delay a reply. I will assume h will be in touch soon.

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24 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I also bought from Bellmore, which many years ago suddenly disappeared. However, one of the guys who used to run it (my memory has faded about this) was either on this site, StampWants, or both sites. I don't know if he's on HipStamp. I don't remember his name anymore either.

I used to buy alot from Continental Philatelics. They still advertise, but they stopped sending me approvals. I contacted them to get the approvals resumed. They never responded to my email. I bought alot from an approval dealer in Massachusetts. Suddenly he stopped sending me approvals. He still has adds out as well. I haven't contacted him again.

I had one dealer who I asked to send me MNH stamps. He sent me three selections of hinged stamps. I told him to stop sending me approvals.

It's hard to figure out what goes on in the heads of some dealers. I figure that for each dealer who is non-responsive either by not responding to approval requests, or by sending me what I don't want (that's really kind of stupid to do), there are plenty of other approval dealers who will send me the stamps that I want.

Over the past several months, most of the stamps I have bought have been from APS sales circuits and Stamporama.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
25 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

If we think about it, the real reason people sent stamps
on approval over the years was so the prospective buyer
could actually look at the stamps being offered
instead of the dealer trying to pick out stamps from inventory
to fill a long and sometimes confusing want list.
Also having the stamps in hand stimulates the buyer.

Today with most homes and probably all offices equipped
with a printer-scanner, a PC and frequently a FAX machine,
the seller can scan his stamp inventory and put his products
on line at one or more sites where the prospective buyer
can stare at the stamp images till the cows come home.

The friendly stamp approval services have taken their place
alongside horse drawn buggys and goose quill pens.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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25 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

"the prospective buyer could actually look at the stamps being offered"

Charlie, that's the exact reason I like AKM. Since I prefer used, and certain types/qualities of cancels, it is better than ordering blind. For more common material, I like the StampoRama approvals for the same reason.

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"What are you waiting for? Those stamps aren't going to collect themselves."
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APS Life Member
25 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Michael, the Bellmore guy was Martin Frey. I think he passed back in early 2016. He also dealt in US errors and freaks under his own name, advertised in Linns for hears.

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26 Apr 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Yes, that was him. Sorry to hear that he passed. Thanks for the information.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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Tom in Exton, PA
27 Apr 2018


re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

"The friendly stamp approval services have taken their place
alongside horse drawn buggys and goose quill pens."

That's why when I first saw the Stamporama Approvals I thought they were brilliant!

Aside from the availability of cameras and scanners, the cost of postage (both ways) has gone sky high.

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
27 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

There is of course the possibility that when you have returned the books to the dealer he has not received them and that is why he has ignored you when you have, like Oliver, asked for more.

Or knowing Google, he has not received the emails!!

Or they are busy and do not want any new customers.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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APS Life Member
08 Jun 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

Resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone knows anything about an approval dealer named Robert Coppins, operating out of Utah? He advertises in Linn's and the AP magazine offering modern US on approval. I have sent him two emails in the past few months with no reply, nothing.

I just don't get some of these guys. They run continuous ads then blow off people who take time and effort to contact them?

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08 Jun 2018

re: The Mystery of the Non Responsive Approval Dealer

I have been down that road before.

First, double and triple check that you are using the correct email address:


I can also tell you from personal experience that Yahoo is not the best email processor.

Second - try writing a letter or calling him in case the emails aren't getting through

Robert Coppins
P.O. Box 333, Smithfield, UT 84335
Tel.: (435) 563-4041

It looks like he has been a member of APS for 14 years -my guess is that there is a reason you haven't heard, usually that the email didn't get through scrolled down the screen (it ha happened to me)

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