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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : First Time I Have Seen This


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26 Apr 2018
Yesterday I received an APS sales circuit. In one of the books, the seller had noted the stamps as being lightly hinged never hinged stamps. I suppose that means that the stamps were never hinged before being lightly hinged? On many of the stamps, "lightly" seems to mean "with a hinge remnant".

In another book a different seller went to great lengths to state on the book cover and inside pages that he bought the stamps as new issues. I'm not sure what that is supposed to convey. Is it akin to someone selling a car that has had only one owner? Either way, one person can do as much damage to a stamp (or car) as two or more can. As I found looking at several of the stamps, the seller had a moist tongue as his saliva had slobbered onto the stamps from the edges and middle seam of the mount. Several stamps were wrinkled from being in mounts that were too small for the stamps.
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

26 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals
re: First Time I Have Seen This

As I have said before on other threads Members of organisations are not all of the same level of education and experience.

Respect, patience and tolerance is required.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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26 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

...as well as checking the backs of the stamps!

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26 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

They are just trying to help you decide to buy ... why can't you be grateful? Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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26 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

Looks like someone is just trying to keep it interesting.

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Collector, Moderator

27 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This


How do you find stamps in these circuits priced? I had always heard most are overpriced.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

27 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals
re: First Time I Have Seen This

That is the joy of Approvals.

You can actually see what you are getting.

No amount of scans can beat actually being able to see and examine what you are purchasing.

That's why I like to physically go to an auction. What you see is what you get.

YOU then can decide whether to part with your hard earned cash or not!!

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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27 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

"How do you find stamps in these circuits priced? I had always heard most are overpriced."

The term "overpriced" is very subjective. Some people think stamps priced over 1 cent are too expensive. I don't pay attention to people when they talk about stamp prices. I buy the stamps that I want for my collection at the prices that I want to pay. I have paid little to over catalog depending how bad I wanted the stamp.

The stamps in the sales books are priced at all different mark-downs from catalog just like anyplace else. I would say that the most common price range is from 40% to 60% off catalog value. It depends on the seller. Sometimes a few nice books are in the circuit with very nice discounts. Right now I'm looking at a French Colonies circuit. One of the books containing French Offices has stamps marked at 75% off catalog.

You can also receive direct clearance circuits. Those contain sales books that are marked down 50% and more off the original prices. You have to buy the entire book, but you are then usually paying 20% to 25% of catalog value for the stamps. Sell the stamps you don't need from a clearance book here, and you can get some/most of your money back.

I have bought tons of stamps from the sales circuits over the past 30+ years, and have made many great finds. That's how I bought my mnh PRC Year of the Monkey stamp for $163.00 when at the time it had a catalog value of $400. You can see that stamp pop up now and then in the upper left corner of the screens here.
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Collector, Moderator

27 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

Michael, I agree that over priced depends. The best benchmark is the pricing compared to Cat Value and you answered that question then one can calibrate against that on what they view as a fair price (general rule).

How much does it cost you to reship the circuit?

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Tom in Exton, PA

27 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

"That is the joy of Approvals.

You can actually see what you are getting."

I had two eBay fails worth mentioning.

First one was a Scott Minuteman USA album with loads of stamps in it. Back when I bought it I still had a lot of holes in cheap mint stamps. All of them were in mounts in the photos. I find that yes, they were in mounts but this must've been an upgrade album for the original owner. All of the stamps had multiple hinge marks on the backs. In the end I had a lot of postage, fortunately I had bought it all below face value.

Second one was a full set of 1940 Famous Americans plate blocks, again all of them in mounts and on White Ace album pages. Once Received, it was evident that all the plates blocks were damaged beyond collectible in one of two ways.. first, the ones in split back mounts were glued to the mounts. Obvious that someone put the stamp in the mount then licked the whole thing.

The second mess was the other half were damaged when the owner had sealed the mount sides with old style Scotch tape, which bled all over them! This lot went back to the seller, who was unapologetic and failed to reimburse me for the return postage. AND I saw the same lot back on eBay a week or two later!

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27 Apr 2018
re: First Time I Have Seen This

"How much does it cost you to reship the circuit?"

Flat rate Priority Mail small box ($7.20), or the flat rate padded envelope ($7.25).

You have to ship it that way per APS.
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26 Apr 2018

Yesterday I received an APS sales circuit. In one of the books, the seller had noted the stamps as being lightly hinged never hinged stamps. I suppose that means that the stamps were never hinged before being lightly hinged? On many of the stamps, "lightly" seems to mean "with a hinge remnant".

In another book a different seller went to great lengths to state on the book cover and inside pages that he bought the stamps as new issues. I'm not sure what that is supposed to convey. Is it akin to someone selling a car that has had only one owner? Either way, one person can do as much damage to a stamp (or car) as two or more can. As I found looking at several of the stamps, the seller had a moist tongue as his saliva had slobbered onto the stamps from the edges and middle seam of the mount. Several stamps were wrinkled from being in mounts that were too small for the stamps.

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
26 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals

re: First Time I Have Seen This

As I have said before on other threads Members of organisations are not all of the same level of education and experience.

Respect, patience and tolerance is required.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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26 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

...as well as checking the backs of the stamps!

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26 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

They are just trying to help you decide to buy ... why can't you be grateful? Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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26 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

Looks like someone is just trying to keep it interesting.

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canalzonepostalhisto ...
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Collector, Moderator
27 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This


How do you find stamps in these circuits priced? I had always heard most are overpriced.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
27 Apr 2018

Auctions - Approvals

re: First Time I Have Seen This

That is the joy of Approvals.

You can actually see what you are getting.

No amount of scans can beat actually being able to see and examine what you are purchasing.

That's why I like to physically go to an auction. What you see is what you get.

YOU then can decide whether to part with your hard earned cash or not!!

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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27 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

"How do you find stamps in these circuits priced? I had always heard most are overpriced."

The term "overpriced" is very subjective. Some people think stamps priced over 1 cent are too expensive. I don't pay attention to people when they talk about stamp prices. I buy the stamps that I want for my collection at the prices that I want to pay. I have paid little to over catalog depending how bad I wanted the stamp.

The stamps in the sales books are priced at all different mark-downs from catalog just like anyplace else. I would say that the most common price range is from 40% to 60% off catalog value. It depends on the seller. Sometimes a few nice books are in the circuit with very nice discounts. Right now I'm looking at a French Colonies circuit. One of the books containing French Offices has stamps marked at 75% off catalog.

You can also receive direct clearance circuits. Those contain sales books that are marked down 50% and more off the original prices. You have to buy the entire book, but you are then usually paying 20% to 25% of catalog value for the stamps. Sell the stamps you don't need from a clearance book here, and you can get some/most of your money back.

I have bought tons of stamps from the sales circuits over the past 30+ years, and have made many great finds. That's how I bought my mnh PRC Year of the Monkey stamp for $163.00 when at the time it had a catalog value of $400. You can see that stamp pop up now and then in the upper left corner of the screens here.
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Collector, Moderator
27 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

Michael, I agree that over priced depends. The best benchmark is the pricing compared to Cat Value and you answered that question then one can calibrate against that on what they view as a fair price (general rule).

How much does it cost you to reship the circuit?

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Tom in Exton, PA
27 Apr 2018


re: First Time I Have Seen This

"That is the joy of Approvals.

You can actually see what you are getting."

I had two eBay fails worth mentioning.

First one was a Scott Minuteman USA album with loads of stamps in it. Back when I bought it I still had a lot of holes in cheap mint stamps. All of them were in mounts in the photos. I find that yes, they were in mounts but this must've been an upgrade album for the original owner. All of the stamps had multiple hinge marks on the backs. In the end I had a lot of postage, fortunately I had bought it all below face value.

Second one was a full set of 1940 Famous Americans plate blocks, again all of them in mounts and on White Ace album pages. Once Received, it was evident that all the plates blocks were damaged beyond collectible in one of two ways.. first, the ones in split back mounts were glued to the mounts. Obvious that someone put the stamp in the mount then licked the whole thing.

The second mess was the other half were damaged when the owner had sealed the mount sides with old style Scotch tape, which bled all over them! This lot went back to the seller, who was unapologetic and failed to reimburse me for the return postage. AND I saw the same lot back on eBay a week or two later!

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27 Apr 2018

re: First Time I Have Seen This

"How much does it cost you to reship the circuit?"

Flat rate Priority Mail small box ($7.20), or the flat rate padded envelope ($7.25).

You have to ship it that way per APS.
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