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Asia/Other : Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.


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28 Sep 2018
Wonder how many will be used in postal service?

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29 Sep 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

"Stamp wars reflecting real world disputes" would make an excellent collection / exhibit topic - especially with GPU (Genuinely Postally Used) stamps - but you'd need two to tango.

For example, there are many Middle East countries issuing openly belligerent stamps, but their target does not reciprocate philatelically ... except by thriving, of course, BTAT (but that's another thread).

Similarly, it would be difficult to find American stamps to mate with some of the stamps issued by North Vietnam, North Korea, East Germany ... unless you went looking for puns & contrasts ... eg, a Commie stamp with a sea of flags mated with an American stamp with amber waves of grain.

The competing territorial claims in the South China Sea might be good source of Stamp Wars material.

And the postal authorities in Greece'n'Turkey might have joined in their countries' mutual growling.

Q/ Who else comes to mind?


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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29 Sep 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

Some South American countries issued stamps showing each other's claims on disputed territories (I believe Ecuador and Paraguay went to war over the stamp issues). I think there are other examples, but i can't think of them right now.

Argentina with the Falklands prior to their invasion of the islands.

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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 300 categories

30 Sep 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

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"BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50- 10,000+ new covers coming Tuesday June 1"


01 Oct 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

Very, very interesting, roy!

From Wikipedia:
"...Britain granted British Honduras self-government in 1964. On 1 June 1973, British Honduras was officially renamed Belize. Progress toward independence, however, was hampered by a Guatemalan claim to sovereignty over Belizean territory. Belize was granted independence on 21 September 1981. Guatemala refused to recognize the new nation because of its longstanding territorial dispute with the British colony, claiming that Belize belonged to Guatemala. About 1,500 British troops remained in Belize to deter any possible incursions."

So, the cover demonstrates that some people were calling the territory Belize before it was "officially renamed." I presume that the cover's creator was a stamp collector. And, if the Wikipedia author's presumption is credible, the apparent effort by Guatemala's postal service to impede or delay had some effect.

I agree with ikeypikey that this would make a very interesting collecting area and am motivated to take it up.

Has anyone made a cover collection by creating and sending covers to belligerent countries with the intent of receiving them back, Returned to Sender?


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01 Oct 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

I have been to Belize many times, and seen the British troops there. Many of them have chosen to live there after leaving the forces, as well.
Notice that the cover is addressed to Belize, B.H. So, it was sent to Belize City, British Honduras, but just never got there.
When I go to Belize, it is to Cayo District, right on the Guatemalan border. Many Guatamalans walk accross the border, following trails through the rain forest, looking for day work....young kids to shine shoes, or as tour guides, etc, etc, etc. Some cross over to steal whatever they can get their hands on, then high-tail it back accross the border.
Many Belizeans cross over the other way, to go shopping in Melchor, where everything is less expensive. Also, many people in that area have family on both sides of the border, and just go visiting, whenever they feel like.
Interesting to note that any "borders" there are relatively recent inventions, after hundreds of years of no borders at all.

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01 Oct 2018
re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

"... Has anyone made a cover collection by creating and sending covers to belligerent countries with the intent of receiving them back, Returned to Sender? ..."

Yes ... Herman "Pat" Herst Jr moved at light speed after the attack on Pearl Harbor, sending ?5 covers to fictitious names at non-existent addresses in Germany, in the hope that they would be returned with war-time 'embargo' markings courtesy of Deutsche Post. And it worked!

But you can always be the second guy to try!


/s/ ikeyPikey
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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."


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28 Sep 2018

Wonder how many will be used in postal service?

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29 Sep 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

"Stamp wars reflecting real world disputes" would make an excellent collection / exhibit topic - especially with GPU (Genuinely Postally Used) stamps - but you'd need two to tango.

For example, there are many Middle East countries issuing openly belligerent stamps, but their target does not reciprocate philatelically ... except by thriving, of course, BTAT (but that's another thread).

Similarly, it would be difficult to find American stamps to mate with some of the stamps issued by North Vietnam, North Korea, East Germany ... unless you went looking for puns & contrasts ... eg, a Commie stamp with a sea of flags mated with an American stamp with amber waves of grain.

The competing territorial claims in the South China Sea might be good source of Stamp Wars material.

And the postal authorities in Greece'n'Turkey might have joined in their countries' mutual growling.

Q/ Who else comes to mind?


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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29 Sep 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

Some South American countries issued stamps showing each other's claims on disputed territories (I believe Ecuador and Paraguay went to war over the stamp issues). I think there are other examples, but i can't think of them right now.

Argentina with the Falklands prior to their invasion of the islands.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 300 categories
30 Sep 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

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"BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50- 10,000+ new covers coming Tuesday June 1"


01 Oct 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

Very, very interesting, roy!

From Wikipedia:
"...Britain granted British Honduras self-government in 1964. On 1 June 1973, British Honduras was officially renamed Belize. Progress toward independence, however, was hampered by a Guatemalan claim to sovereignty over Belizean territory. Belize was granted independence on 21 September 1981. Guatemala refused to recognize the new nation because of its longstanding territorial dispute with the British colony, claiming that Belize belonged to Guatemala. About 1,500 British troops remained in Belize to deter any possible incursions."

So, the cover demonstrates that some people were calling the territory Belize before it was "officially renamed." I presume that the cover's creator was a stamp collector. And, if the Wikipedia author's presumption is credible, the apparent effort by Guatemala's postal service to impede or delay had some effect.

I agree with ikeypikey that this would make a very interesting collecting area and am motivated to take it up.

Has anyone made a cover collection by creating and sending covers to belligerent countries with the intent of receiving them back, Returned to Sender?


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01 Oct 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

I have been to Belize many times, and seen the British troops there. Many of them have chosen to live there after leaving the forces, as well.
Notice that the cover is addressed to Belize, B.H. So, it was sent to Belize City, British Honduras, but just never got there.
When I go to Belize, it is to Cayo District, right on the Guatemalan border. Many Guatamalans walk accross the border, following trails through the rain forest, looking for day work....young kids to shine shoes, or as tour guides, etc, etc, etc. Some cross over to steal whatever they can get their hands on, then high-tail it back accross the border.
Many Belizeans cross over the other way, to go shopping in Melchor, where everything is less expensive. Also, many people in that area have family on both sides of the border, and just go visiting, whenever they feel like.
Interesting to note that any "borders" there are relatively recent inventions, after hundreds of years of no borders at all.

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01 Oct 2018

re: Stamp wars? India/Pakistan.

"... Has anyone made a cover collection by creating and sending covers to belligerent countries with the intent of receiving them back, Returned to Sender? ..."

Yes ... Herman "Pat" Herst Jr moved at light speed after the attack on Pearl Harbor, sending ?5 covers to fictitious names at non-existent addresses in Germany, in the hope that they would be returned with war-time 'embargo' markings courtesy of Deutsche Post. And it worked!

But you can always be the second guy to try!


/s/ ikeyPikey
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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."

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