Who does it? The catalog editors. How is it done? That information is contained in the introduction to the catalogs.
Here is wikipedia overview.
Years ago USPS used to publish "The Postal Service Guide to US Stamps", where Scott numbers were shown. Did Scott give USPS a license to do this? Are they still doing it? This would be a great "pocket" book for US stamps.
Yes, the 44th edition (2018) is available from the post office.
Maybe this question was raised before, but after some search I did not find any result.
How are Scott numbers assigned for US stamps? Who does it? Thanks.
re: Scott numbers for US stamps
Who does it? The catalog editors. How is it done? That information is contained in the introduction to the catalogs.
re: Scott numbers for US stamps
Here is wikipedia overview.
re: Scott numbers for US stamps
Years ago USPS used to publish "The Postal Service Guide to US Stamps", where Scott numbers were shown. Did Scott give USPS a license to do this? Are they still doing it? This would be a great "pocket" book for US stamps.
re: Scott numbers for US stamps
Yes, the 44th edition (2018) is available from the post office.