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United States/Covers & Postmarks : Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection


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12 Feb 2019
I have been asked by several members to show pages from my Fancy Cancel Collection.

Back in November I accidentally wiped my flash drive clean with all my scans of my collection, books I downloaded, exhibits I downloaded, reference material, etc. I have a "computer guy" I deal with and he was able to retrieve my files I deleted. They were all renamed with numerals so I had to open each one and rename them which I was thankful they were not completely lost. It took three long days to rename and organize them. A few were just jumbled scans but I was able to figure out what page it was. I will be re-scanning them as I post them to this site.
Don't be like me, BACK UP YOUR FILES!

Most of the pages I will be showing haven't been added to in a few years. Most of the scans I already posted in the "Recent Acquisitions" threads will not be found on these pages.

This first page are Bottle Stopper cancels. Since many of our post offices in the 19th century were also in stores it appears the postmasters used what was handy at the time, Bottle Stoppers. You can see the numeral in the cancel referring to bottle neck size. It appears that size "3" was the most common.

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Here is a page from my one frame exhibit I put together about 20 years ago.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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12 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great cancels. Please keep them coming.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

12 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hey Vince,
Why don't you send the images to me to add the Stamp Smarter database so they get archived for the future? Or you could send me the pages you have done and I can make an online exhibit for you which would also then be archived for the future?

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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13 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here are a few of my color cancels off cover.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

14 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Vince's exhibit has been digitized and is now posted here


Thank you for sharing this with our hobby Vince!

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Thanks Don!


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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14 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Don: The display on Stamp Smarter is gorgeous.

Vince: Such great cancels. So much care and work were obviously put into collecting, identifying, and displaying them.

Thank you both.


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14 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great pages and display on stampsmarter! Thanks for sharing

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14 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of some of my Masonic cancels.
You can check my exhibit on The Stamp Smarter site for another page of Masonic Cancels.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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16 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Tonight's selection are some letter cancels. This is a small sampling of my off cover collection.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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19 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

If I had known about fancy (and geometric) cancels 30 or 40 years ago, I might have collected them, but I didn't inherit Dad's accumulation of philatelic stuff until nearly 20 years ago. That's when I was introduced to them — by the thousands. Dad found them (literally!) and never did anything with them. I'm fascinated by them and am trying to identify as many as I can and share the information, but I got started too late and and it's a bit overwhelming. D'Oh


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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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20 Feb 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of "OK" cancels from my collection.

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Here is a close up of a double transfer on the 3rd stamp 4th row with blue OK cancel. The doubling is easy to view in the letters of One Cent and the numeral 1. I like using my microscope for these close up images, they come out very sharp.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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20 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I will be giving a talk at the first meeting of "The Philatelic Gathering" at the Chester County,PA Historical Society Saturday March 23. I scanned some pages of on cover cancels for my talk. I will post them in this thread over the next few days.

Boston used this type of cancel from May 1878 through May 1884. These are the main eight varieties. The are also minor varieties where there would be part of the cancel cut away.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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20 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here are a few pages of my "Chicago Blues" cancels on cover.
The first cover shows an anchor. Here is a close up and drawing from Paul Berg's book on Chicago Blues cancels.
The second row second cover is a bottle stopper size 3.
The second cover third row is a patent cancel. The dots in the center were used to cut the stamp on cover to help the ink soak into the stamp to prevent reuse.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Good grief, lad, that's quite a show!

Thank you for posting, vinman.


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Amazing stuff, Vince. Looking forward to additional installments!


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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Beautiful collection, Vince. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Magnificent Vince. On par with any exhibit I have seen at shows. Thanks for sharing.

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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I'm glad you like these pages. Here are a few more.

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Here are some New Orleans cancels. New Orleans cancels usually are more delicate looking. A lot of the covers/folded letter sheets and Postal Cards are addressed to France during this period.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of various types of cancels.
Top row are railroad cancels on Postal Cards. First is Burl. & Laclede, AGT Negative "E". Second card is Buff. & Tol. RPO with a negative "W".
The next two rows are a red paid and numeral 5, a blue numeral 5 and the last is a black paid and numeral 5. They are all from Guilford, CT and come from the same correspondence.
The last two covers are postmaster's initials. C.S is for Charles H. Slocomb from Greenfield, MA. The last cover is "ET" for Edward Tweedie, Postmaster Cadillac, Mi. There is a variety of different "ET" cancels from Cadillac, MI.
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This last page for today shows Large New York negative numerals and some solid numerals. There is a large variety of these cancels.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Wish I lived close enough to attend your presentation - bet it will be terrific!

Thanks for sharing. Thumbs Up

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22 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Brilliant! I especially like the Boston post marks (my birth city). Cheers,

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Tom in Exton, PA

22 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Cool! Both you and Paul have been poking me to attend! Now seeing that you are the speaker, I will be there!

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22 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

This first group of cancels represent the postmaster or postal clerk's initials. The first is a letter "T" from Bennington, VT. The Postmaster at the time this cover was Thomas J. Tiffany. The second cover Is "I AM H N' from Ann Arbor MI" for Harry Nochols Postal Clerk. There is a variety of cancels for Harry Nichols.
The third and fourth covers are the letters "EAH" Eugene A. Hines from Richfield Springs, NY for Eugene A. Hines postmaster. There is also a variety of cancels with his initials.
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This page shows patent cancels from various city's. The tiny dots or circle in the center of each cancel cut into the stamp to help ink penetration and prevent reuse of the stamp.
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These cancels are from Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh had a variety of cancels used during this period and the are larger then most other cancels.
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These covers show a Shield used as the CDS. The first is from Berrysburg, PA. The second cover is from Warner, NH. The third cover West Gardner, MA and the last is from Maynard, Iowa.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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24 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

My presentation went well yesterday. It was a lot of fun. "The Philatelic Gatering" meets once a month for nine months of the year to give three presentations of about twenty minutes with question and answers afterward. Here is a list of some of the topics to be discussed.

Topics for the First Three Years of Meetings
1. Past/Present/Future of Philately
2. Why/Why Not Postal History
3. Paper Restoration and Why
4. Use of Research Libraries (CCHS and the APRL)
5. New/Older Exhibiting Techniques
6. What About Philatelic Importance
7. Collecting Topical/Thematics
8. Postcard Collecting/Exhibiting
9. Estate Valuation Concerns
10. Why We Collect (Is it Genetics?)
11. The Joys and Sorrows of Philately
12. First Day Cover Collecting/Exhibiting
13. My Favorite Cover/Stamp
14. Tell A Philatelic ( but ) Brief Story
15. The Collector/Dealer Relationships
16. Writing Philatelic Articles
17. Revenues and Back of the Book
18. The Bonds/Friendships of Philately
19. Buying/Selling Do’s and Don’ts
20. Postal Routes/Markings/Rates
21. Transatlantic Mails
22. Civil War and Patriotic Covers
23. How Can We Help Each Other
24. Errors/Freaks/Oddities
25. Forgeries and Expertization
26. Selecting Subject to Exhibit
27. What Societies Should I Join

I started to see Springfiel, MA postal cards showing up in dealer's stocks, must be from a large collection being broken up. The first three Postal Cards show the progression of wear of a cancel.
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The second page are some of my Fancy Cancels on cover.
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A few more fancies, the second cover is a Bottle Stopper, size 3.
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The last page are a couple of my Waterbury Geometric Cancels and blue cancels from Dayton, OH.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"


24 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hey Vince,

I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday, at the first (ever) Philatelic Gathering!

I was impressed by how comprehensive your collection (and your knowledge) of fancy cancels is!

I was thinking about Kean's thoughtful question about whether fancy cancels had any meaning behind them. Then this morning, I read this passage in my new book, Shotguns and Stagecoaches:

"..."see the elephant", the popular expression for joining the Gold Rush. The expression originated with the apocryphal story of a farmer who, on hearing that a circus was coming, loaded his wagon with produce and started for town. Circuses featuring elephants were rare, and few Americans had ever seen one. The farmer encountered the circus parade on the way, and his horses, terrified by the elephant's scent, bolted and overturned his wagon, spilling his produce across the road. Bruised and shaken, the farmer declared, "I don't give a hang. I have seen the elephant."

This passage made me think of the recent discussion here on the elephant fancy cancel, and made me wonder if postmasters who created fancy cancels sometimes were attempting to evoke popular memes or idioms of the times, such as the novelty of an elephant. I also wonder if exploration of language idioms of the late 19th century might reveal other clues about the meanings behind fancy cancels, such as the 'kicking mule'.

I can think of a few idioms, some common, some obscure:
- kill two birds with one stone
- you drive me up the wall
- threw the baby out with the bathwater
- threw a curve ball
- kicked the bucket
- smoked the toad (gave up and enjoyed a hallucinogenic diversion)

Here are a couple of lists to explore:

Modern English Idioms
Wiki: 19th century English Idioms


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24 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hi Paul, it was nice to see you and Tom yesterday.
Waterbury, CT Clerk then Postmaster, John W. Hill carved some of the nicest and sought after Fancy Cancels.
The Elephant Cancel coincided with the circus that came to town.

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There was a big baseball game in town that inspired his "Bats & Bases cancel.

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These scans are from Paul C. Rohloff, "The Waterbury Cancellations 1865 - 1890", published by The Collectors Club Of Chicago,1979.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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Tom in Exton, PA

29 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I attended Vince's presentation with Paul and enjoyed it as well! I've known of Vince's material and have seen it in person as we are members of the same stamp club.

The new Philatelic Gathering has an immense amount of energy, as the people invited are all serious collectors. I was recruited to talk about my dear friend Ben at the upcoming June meeting.

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31 Mar 2019
re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great, Tom!

I also got cornered to put together something for the April meeting. Collating material now. Working title is:

Coincidence of Aviation Pioneering and Postcard Popularity: 1908-1909

First in what will probably be a series of 3 or 4 installments, extending through 1911 or 1912.


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12 Feb 2019

I have been asked by several members to show pages from my Fancy Cancel Collection.

Back in November I accidentally wiped my flash drive clean with all my scans of my collection, books I downloaded, exhibits I downloaded, reference material, etc. I have a "computer guy" I deal with and he was able to retrieve my files I deleted. They were all renamed with numerals so I had to open each one and rename them which I was thankful they were not completely lost. It took three long days to rename and organize them. A few were just jumbled scans but I was able to figure out what page it was. I will be re-scanning them as I post them to this site.
Don't be like me, BACK UP YOUR FILES!

Most of the pages I will be showing haven't been added to in a few years. Most of the scans I already posted in the "Recent Acquisitions" threads will not be found on these pages.

This first page are Bottle Stopper cancels. Since many of our post offices in the 19th century were also in stores it appears the postmasters used what was handy at the time, Bottle Stoppers. You can see the numeral in the cancel referring to bottle neck size. It appears that size "3" was the most common.

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Here is a page from my one frame exhibit I put together about 20 years ago.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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12 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great cancels. Please keep them coming.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
12 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hey Vince,
Why don't you send the images to me to add the Stamp Smarter database so they get archived for the future? Or you could send me the pages you have done and I can make an online exhibit for you which would also then be archived for the future?

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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13 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here are a few of my color cancels off cover.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
14 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Vince's exhibit has been digitized and is now posted here


Thank you for sharing this with our hobby Vince!

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Thanks Don!


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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14 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Don: The display on Stamp Smarter is gorgeous.

Vince: Such great cancels. So much care and work were obviously put into collecting, identifying, and displaying them.

Thank you both.


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14 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great pages and display on stampsmarter! Thanks for sharing

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14 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of some of my Masonic cancels.
You can check my exhibit on The Stamp Smarter site for another page of Masonic Cancels.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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16 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Tonight's selection are some letter cancels. This is a small sampling of my off cover collection.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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19 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

If I had known about fancy (and geometric) cancels 30 or 40 years ago, I might have collected them, but I didn't inherit Dad's accumulation of philatelic stuff until nearly 20 years ago. That's when I was introduced to them — by the thousands. Dad found them (literally!) and never did anything with them. I'm fascinated by them and am trying to identify as many as I can and share the information, but I got started too late and and it's a bit overwhelming. D'Oh


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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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20 Feb 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of "OK" cancels from my collection.

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Here is a close up of a double transfer on the 3rd stamp 4th row with blue OK cancel. The doubling is easy to view in the letters of One Cent and the numeral 1. I like using my microscope for these close up images, they come out very sharp.

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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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20 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I will be giving a talk at the first meeting of "The Philatelic Gathering" at the Chester County,PA Historical Society Saturday March 23. I scanned some pages of on cover cancels for my talk. I will post them in this thread over the next few days.

Boston used this type of cancel from May 1878 through May 1884. These are the main eight varieties. The are also minor varieties where there would be part of the cancel cut away.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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20 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here are a few pages of my "Chicago Blues" cancels on cover.
The first cover shows an anchor. Here is a close up and drawing from Paul Berg's book on Chicago Blues cancels.
The second row second cover is a bottle stopper size 3.
The second cover third row is a patent cancel. The dots in the center were used to cut the stamp on cover to help the ink soak into the stamp to prevent reuse.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Good grief, lad, that's quite a show!

Thank you for posting, vinman.


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Amazing stuff, Vince. Looking forward to additional installments!


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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Beautiful collection, Vince. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Magnificent Vince. On par with any exhibit I have seen at shows. Thanks for sharing.

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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I'm glad you like these pages. Here are a few more.

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Here are some New Orleans cancels. New Orleans cancels usually are more delicate looking. A lot of the covers/folded letter sheets and Postal Cards are addressed to France during this period.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Here is a page of various types of cancels.
Top row are railroad cancels on Postal Cards. First is Burl. & Laclede, AGT Negative "E". Second card is Buff. & Tol. RPO with a negative "W".
The next two rows are a red paid and numeral 5, a blue numeral 5 and the last is a black paid and numeral 5. They are all from Guilford, CT and come from the same correspondence.
The last two covers are postmaster's initials. C.S is for Charles H. Slocomb from Greenfield, MA. The last cover is "ET" for Edward Tweedie, Postmaster Cadillac, Mi. There is a variety of different "ET" cancels from Cadillac, MI.
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This last page for today shows Large New York negative numerals and some solid numerals. There is a large variety of these cancels.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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21 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Wish I lived close enough to attend your presentation - bet it will be terrific!

Thanks for sharing. Thumbs Up

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22 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Brilliant! I especially like the Boston post marks (my birth city). Cheers,

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Tom in Exton, PA
22 Mar 2019


re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Cool! Both you and Paul have been poking me to attend! Now seeing that you are the speaker, I will be there!

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22 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

This first group of cancels represent the postmaster or postal clerk's initials. The first is a letter "T" from Bennington, VT. The Postmaster at the time this cover was Thomas J. Tiffany. The second cover Is "I AM H N' from Ann Arbor MI" for Harry Nochols Postal Clerk. There is a variety of cancels for Harry Nichols.
The third and fourth covers are the letters "EAH" Eugene A. Hines from Richfield Springs, NY for Eugene A. Hines postmaster. There is also a variety of cancels with his initials.
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This page shows patent cancels from various city's. The tiny dots or circle in the center of each cancel cut into the stamp to help ink penetration and prevent reuse of the stamp.
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These cancels are from Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh had a variety of cancels used during this period and the are larger then most other cancels.
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These covers show a Shield used as the CDS. The first is from Berrysburg, PA. The second cover is from Warner, NH. The third cover West Gardner, MA and the last is from Maynard, Iowa.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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24 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

My presentation went well yesterday. It was a lot of fun. "The Philatelic Gatering" meets once a month for nine months of the year to give three presentations of about twenty minutes with question and answers afterward. Here is a list of some of the topics to be discussed.

Topics for the First Three Years of Meetings
1. Past/Present/Future of Philately
2. Why/Why Not Postal History
3. Paper Restoration and Why
4. Use of Research Libraries (CCHS and the APRL)
5. New/Older Exhibiting Techniques
6. What About Philatelic Importance
7. Collecting Topical/Thematics
8. Postcard Collecting/Exhibiting
9. Estate Valuation Concerns
10. Why We Collect (Is it Genetics?)
11. The Joys and Sorrows of Philately
12. First Day Cover Collecting/Exhibiting
13. My Favorite Cover/Stamp
14. Tell A Philatelic ( but ) Brief Story
15. The Collector/Dealer Relationships
16. Writing Philatelic Articles
17. Revenues and Back of the Book
18. The Bonds/Friendships of Philately
19. Buying/Selling Do’s and Don’ts
20. Postal Routes/Markings/Rates
21. Transatlantic Mails
22. Civil War and Patriotic Covers
23. How Can We Help Each Other
24. Errors/Freaks/Oddities
25. Forgeries and Expertization
26. Selecting Subject to Exhibit
27. What Societies Should I Join

I started to see Springfiel, MA postal cards showing up in dealer's stocks, must be from a large collection being broken up. The first three Postal Cards show the progression of wear of a cancel.
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The second page are some of my Fancy Cancels on cover.
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A few more fancies, the second cover is a Bottle Stopper, size 3.
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The last page are a couple of my Waterbury Geometric Cancels and blue cancels from Dayton, OH.
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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"


24 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hey Vince,

I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday, at the first (ever) Philatelic Gathering!

I was impressed by how comprehensive your collection (and your knowledge) of fancy cancels is!

I was thinking about Kean's thoughtful question about whether fancy cancels had any meaning behind them. Then this morning, I read this passage in my new book, Shotguns and Stagecoaches:

"..."see the elephant", the popular expression for joining the Gold Rush. The expression originated with the apocryphal story of a farmer who, on hearing that a circus was coming, loaded his wagon with produce and started for town. Circuses featuring elephants were rare, and few Americans had ever seen one. The farmer encountered the circus parade on the way, and his horses, terrified by the elephant's scent, bolted and overturned his wagon, spilling his produce across the road. Bruised and shaken, the farmer declared, "I don't give a hang. I have seen the elephant."

This passage made me think of the recent discussion here on the elephant fancy cancel, and made me wonder if postmasters who created fancy cancels sometimes were attempting to evoke popular memes or idioms of the times, such as the novelty of an elephant. I also wonder if exploration of language idioms of the late 19th century might reveal other clues about the meanings behind fancy cancels, such as the 'kicking mule'.

I can think of a few idioms, some common, some obscure:
- kill two birds with one stone
- you drive me up the wall
- threw the baby out with the bathwater
- threw a curve ball
- kicked the bucket
- smoked the toad (gave up and enjoyed a hallucinogenic diversion)

Here are a couple of lists to explore:

Modern English Idioms
Wiki: 19th century English Idioms


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24 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Hi Paul, it was nice to see you and Tom yesterday.
Waterbury, CT Clerk then Postmaster, John W. Hill carved some of the nicest and sought after Fancy Cancels.
The Elephant Cancel coincided with the circus that came to town.

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There was a big baseball game in town that inspired his "Bats & Bases cancel.

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These scans are from Paul C. Rohloff, "The Waterbury Cancellations 1865 - 1890", published by The Collectors Club Of Chicago,1979.

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Tom in Exton, PA
29 Mar 2019


re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

I attended Vince's presentation with Paul and enjoyed it as well! I've known of Vince's material and have seen it in person as we are members of the same stamp club.

The new Philatelic Gathering has an immense amount of energy, as the people invited are all serious collectors. I was recruited to talk about my dear friend Ben at the upcoming June meeting.

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31 Mar 2019

re: Pages from Fancy Cancel Collection

Great, Tom!

I also got cornered to put together something for the April meeting. Collating material now. Working title is:

Coincidence of Aviation Pioneering and Postcard Popularity: 1908-1909

First in what will probably be a series of 3 or 4 installments, extending through 1911 or 1912.


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