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Canada/Stamps : A bit ticked off by post office year books



I think, therefore I am - I think!

15 Apr 2019
I have been a Canadian stamp collector for a very long time and I still show my ignorance on a regular basis. I have up to 1988 in my Harris album and ran out of room. I also stopped collecting for several years. Eventually I bought a two volume Uni-Safe album. The first thing I did was set up part II to handle the part after 1988 and clear out all pages relating to booklet panes since they are not part of my interest. Then the fun started! I have all the year books from 1989 to the present so I randomly grabbed one year ( I think it was 2002 ) and turned to 2002 in the new album. I think you can guess the rest. Was I stupid to assume that the year set would include all, or at least most, of the stamps from the year? Was I ever wrong! The year book only contained about half of the stamps needed for the album! I was really ticked!!! I decided to cut my collection at 1988 and keep the year books as a separate collection. I was incredibly naive to assume the year books actually contain the stamps for the year! I also wanted to concentrate on early stamps and didn't want to try to find all the new ones I am missing. There is also no such thing as a Canadian album that just does individual stamps and not booklet panes!
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15 Apr 2019
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

"... I was incredibly naive to assume the year books actually contain the stamps for the year! ..."

You are not Canada Post, so you can be forgiven & absolved for not thinking like Canada Post.

If they put every one of that year's stamps into the year book, people would balk at the price.

Now ... what does that suggest?


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."

I think, therefore I am - I think!

15 Apr 2019
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

response to "ikeypikey" It tells me that Canada Post is run by a group of lying SOB's that are selling us crap INSTEAD of what we want! I'm pretty sure the books are selling for a heck of a lot more than the face value of the stamps in them! The books are for show instead of a valid Philatelic purpose - I wish I'd known that earlier. Instead of buying the books I would have bought the individual stamps at the time.

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15 Apr 2019
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

It's better than the USA yearbooks where the stamps are cut out of the sheets with scissors, destroying the collectability of the stamps. This year is no exception, as per the scathing review in a recent Linn's described.

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15 Apr 2019
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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24 Dec 2020
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

Just curious. Did the quarterly post office packs deliver the entire year's issue? And I think they are no longer sold are they?

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APS member since 2004

24 Dec 2020
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


The Annual collections by Canada Post are rarely complete. They focus on the commemorative stamps, mostly. The souvenir sheets, etc. were not included for many years to keep the cost down.

The vast majority of Annual Collections are NOT purchased by stamp collectors, but by people who want a souvenir of a particular year of Canada (ie. birth of a grandchild, the year they came to Canada, etc.) The annual collections were never intended to have all the stamps of a particular year.

You are best off to purchase a quarterly pack, that Canada Post issues. It is aimed at collectors and gets you most of the stamps, if not all, for each. Booklets, etc. can be purchased from the National Philatelic Centre. Better yet, get a standing offer order set-up with the National Philatelic Centre.

Hope this helps!

David Giles
Retail Manager
Chris Green Stamps
151-D Second Ave.,
Ottawa, Ont. K1S 2H6

(Note that our shop is only open for curb-side pick-up, after January 6th pursuant Ontario Provincial Health)

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

I think, therefore I am - I think!

25 Dec 2020
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

I guess I was a bit naive when I started buying these. Last year I decided to cut Canada off at 1988, but I also kept buying the year sets. I have year sets back to 1976 and they make a great collection on their own. I just picked up the 2020 set last week. My Canadian collection is complete from #34 to 1988 except for a few cheap definitives that I can pick up at any time. The cut off means I don't have to keep up with all the new stuff that's being pumped out. I prefer the older stamps anyway!

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25 Dec 2020
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

Remember the "good old days" of Souvenir Cards before they issued "year books" - no cool stories and nicely mounted stamps (or at least mounts in the books and a glassine of stamps).

They were glued to the pages!!!

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APS member since 2004

25 Dec 2020
re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


quarterly packs are still sold by Canada Post. They pretty much include a single of each new issue.


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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"



I think, therefore I am - I think!

15 Apr 2019

I have been a Canadian stamp collector for a very long time and I still show my ignorance on a regular basis. I have up to 1988 in my Harris album and ran out of room. I also stopped collecting for several years. Eventually I bought a two volume Uni-Safe album. The first thing I did was set up part II to handle the part after 1988 and clear out all pages relating to booklet panes since they are not part of my interest. Then the fun started! I have all the year books from 1989 to the present so I randomly grabbed one year ( I think it was 2002 ) and turned to 2002 in the new album. I think you can guess the rest. Was I stupid to assume that the year set would include all, or at least most, of the stamps from the year? Was I ever wrong! The year book only contained about half of the stamps needed for the album! I was really ticked!!! I decided to cut my collection at 1988 and keep the year books as a separate collection. I was incredibly naive to assume the year books actually contain the stamps for the year! I also wanted to concentrate on early stamps and didn't want to try to find all the new ones I am missing. There is also no such thing as a Canadian album that just does individual stamps and not booklet panes!

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15 Apr 2019

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

"... I was incredibly naive to assume the year books actually contain the stamps for the year! ..."

You are not Canada Post, so you can be forgiven & absolved for not thinking like Canada Post.

If they put every one of that year's stamps into the year book, people would balk at the price.

Now ... what does that suggest?


/s/ ikeyPikey

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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."

I think, therefore I am - I think!

15 Apr 2019

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

response to "ikeypikey" It tells me that Canada Post is run by a group of lying SOB's that are selling us crap INSTEAD of what we want! I'm pretty sure the books are selling for a heck of a lot more than the face value of the stamps in them! The books are for show instead of a valid Philatelic purpose - I wish I'd known that earlier. Instead of buying the books I would have bought the individual stamps at the time.

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15 Apr 2019

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

It's better than the USA yearbooks where the stamps are cut out of the sheets with scissors, destroying the collectability of the stamps. This year is no exception, as per the scathing review in a recent Linn's described.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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15 Apr 2019

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


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"I collect stamps today precisely the way I collected stamps when I was ten years old."
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24 Dec 2020

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

Just curious. Did the quarterly post office packs deliver the entire year's issue? And I think they are no longer sold are they?

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davidgjones.authorsx ...
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APS member since 2004
24 Dec 2020

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


The Annual collections by Canada Post are rarely complete. They focus on the commemorative stamps, mostly. The souvenir sheets, etc. were not included for many years to keep the cost down.

The vast majority of Annual Collections are NOT purchased by stamp collectors, but by people who want a souvenir of a particular year of Canada (ie. birth of a grandchild, the year they came to Canada, etc.) The annual collections were never intended to have all the stamps of a particular year.

You are best off to purchase a quarterly pack, that Canada Post issues. It is aimed at collectors and gets you most of the stamps, if not all, for each. Booklets, etc. can be purchased from the National Philatelic Centre. Better yet, get a standing offer order set-up with the National Philatelic Centre.

Hope this helps!

David Giles
Retail Manager
Chris Green Stamps
151-D Second Ave.,
Ottawa, Ont. K1S 2H6

(Note that our shop is only open for curb-side pick-up, after January 6th pursuant Ontario Provincial Health)

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

I think, therefore I am - I think!

25 Dec 2020

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

I guess I was a bit naive when I started buying these. Last year I decided to cut Canada off at 1988, but I also kept buying the year sets. I have year sets back to 1976 and they make a great collection on their own. I just picked up the 2020 set last week. My Canadian collection is complete from #34 to 1988 except for a few cheap definitives that I can pick up at any time. The cut off means I don't have to keep up with all the new stuff that's being pumped out. I prefer the older stamps anyway!

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25 Dec 2020

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books

Remember the "good old days" of Souvenir Cards before they issued "year books" - no cool stories and nicely mounted stamps (or at least mounts in the books and a glassine of stamps).

They were glued to the pages!!!

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APS member since 2004
25 Dec 2020

re: A bit ticked off by post office year books


quarterly packs are still sold by Canada Post. They pretty much include a single of each new issue.


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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

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