CCL = CCL Label, Inc.
AP = Ashton Potter
SSP = Sennet Security Products
ATM = Automated Teller Machine (I believe...)
The first three are the printing companies.
Thus, #4854 is serpentine die cut 9½ vertical and printed by Ashton Potter (AP);
and #4868 is serp. die cut 11 vertical and printed by (for) Sennett Security Products (SSP)
(As a footnote - Banknote Corp. of America actually is the printer FOR SSP on this issue)
The Scott Stamp Catalogue uses, among other things, vertical perforations to distinguish the difference between these two coil stamps. #4854 being 9-1/2 vert. and #4868 being 11 vert.
My US Liberty Stamp Album from H.E. Harris does not use perforation size for these stamps. They list them with only the acronyms: CCL, AP, SSP and ATM as captions in their album.
Does anyone know what these mean? Is there a way to relate these acronyms to perforation size so that I hindge them in the proper place?
re: 2014 Self Adhesive Forever Coil Stamp - "Fort McHenry Flag and Fireworks" - Scott# 4854 and 4868
CCL = CCL Label, Inc.
AP = Ashton Potter
SSP = Sennet Security Products
ATM = Automated Teller Machine (I believe...)
The first three are the printing companies.
Thus, #4854 is serpentine die cut 9½ vertical and printed by Ashton Potter (AP);
and #4868 is serp. die cut 11 vertical and printed by (for) Sennett Security Products (SSP)
(As a footnote - Banknote Corp. of America actually is the printer FOR SSP on this issue)