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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Stamp catalog with issue background details


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16 Feb 2021

I may be asking for too much here, as what I would like to get is probably a monumental task to accomplish. I look at a catalog listing of a stamp issue and it includes more or less this information:

1. Year of Issue
2. Description of Issue
3. Perforation size
4. occasionally watermark
5. value

All good but I want to have quite a few more questions answered which include:

1. How the theme was selected and by whom
2. Artist name
3. Where the issue was printed and on what paper
4. Print volume of each stamp
5. Any additional details - Were any unsold mint stamps destroyed or kept.

Is there any catalog out there that can provide the details I am looking for?
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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

17 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

You may find that some very, very, very specialist catalogues for a single country may have some of the items you require.

eg The volumes for Great Britain that cover from Queen Victoria to Machins which run to several volumes.

If you are looking for a catalogue that covers the world can you imagine the size and the weight of that!!! You would have to reinforce the floor of your house!

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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17 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Do you need this for one specific country or in general? I suppose Michel comes quite a long way in meeting your requirements, although I doubt you will find information on how and by whom a theme was selected in any catalogue, not even in the most specialised ones. At least I have never seen anything like that.

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18 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

"You would have to reinforce the floor of your house!"

No doubt, Ian. Soon the only option will be to keep information digitally.

Jansimon, I am looking for such information for the whole world.

For example, in the 60's, 70's and 80's a number of Muslim countries have almost identical stamp issues - same themes, same stamp format, same design. No doubt there is an explanation of how this came to be. Clearly some of their stamps were printed in Switzerland, others in England or other places.

French Africa - same thing. I imagine all those stamps were designed and printed in France with little, if any participation of the country the stamps represent.

It will be a loss if the name of the artists are forgotten and what is a better way to remember them, than putting them in the catalog.

I just feel there is a mountain of information related to each and every stamp issue that is interesting for us, but sadly unavailable.

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons

18 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Jules, A thought.

If my memory serves me well most of the details you are looking for may be found in "Stamp Magazine". They did a new issue section with these sort of details.

It could be worth some research.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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18 Feb 2021
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

A monumental task indeed, and probably one that cannot be completed at all, as some information, in particular regarding print volumes and destroyed copies, has not been published for a number of issues.

However, some postal authorities are pretty good at publishing information as to the what and why of issues in their collectors' magazines such as "Post für dich" in Germany, or on the leaflets accompanying pre-packaged new stamps (UK, Denmark). Also the Lipsia catalog which was issued in the GDR had some brief biographical information on the depicted persons.

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18 Feb 2021
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

I have to agree with Brechinite that detailed information you seek is found mainly
in specialized catalogs. Additionally, new issue announcements from postal agencies
will also contain specialized information.

For my collection of airmail stamps of the world I reference the Sanabria catalog.
The worldwide catalog was discontinued in 1972, but my collection is only through
1965 or so. Sanabria also published an "Airpost Journal" magazine from 1935 to 1967
which had stories about individual issues as well as new issue information. Much
information has been lost in the annals of time, but the Sanabria catalogs had much
of the following information, when available:

1) Date of issue
2) Reason for issue (commemorative, etc)
3) Detailed design description, including some history of the subject
4) Designer name
5) Printer name/company
6) Printing method
7) Printing layout (i.e., sheets of 20 stamps 4x5)
8) Souvenir sheet measurements
9) Paper type
10) Watermark
11) Perforation
12) Quantity printed/issued/used
13) Other special usage information
(limited usage, valid dates, etc)

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19 Feb 2021
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Stanley Gibbons Stamp Monthly can be perused if you join (not free)


No doubt there are other places which some members are aware of.

Moderator - fixed links.

(Modified by Moderator on 2021-02-20 06:00:34)

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23 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Quote:It will be a loss if the name of the artists are forgotten and what is a better way to remember them, than putting them in the catalog.

Why don't we start a thread with the engravers' names we are aware of? For example Czeslav Slania a Polish engraver who worked also for the Nordic countries, more than a thousand stamps, or Pierre Gandon, a French engraver who worked for almost all French colonies and Territories. I am sure collectively we can develop a world homage to these people. I let a Brit mention Machin. Michel

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23 Feb 2021
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

You might check out the extensive material (biography and stamps produced) at the superb Stamp Engravers website: https://stampengravers.blogspot.com/

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24 Feb 2021
re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

I've been collecting engraved and recess printer stamps for a few years now, and have just over 1200 stamps by 184 engravers. Haven't counted the number of countries. Most countries have ceased to produce engraved stamps - too expensive, I assume. Now it sees to be only Scandinavia, the Czech republic, Slovakia and occasionally France, Monaco and Canada. I'm sure to have missed some countries out - apols in advance if so.

Most of my stamps are very low cost items, but there are some quite expensive ones (GB's seahorses and the 1929 PUC £1). Some catalogues show the engraver's name, but not always accurately! Quite a few countries show the engraver's name on the actual stamp - which is certainly helpful.

The stamp engravers blogspot is indeed excellent, and I've also found John Armstrong's database at engravedstamps.net a very useful source. I know of a couple of forums where people show stamps and discuss engraving - some extremely knowledgeable folk with many years of experience in this area. One is at Stampboards - "Engraved Stamp Beauties", and the other at SCF - "Collecting by Engraver". I've spent hours just looking at the stamps they show there.

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26 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

It's a pity you don't collect modern Australia as AP's Stamp Bulletin list all the technical detail of their issues .
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16 Feb 2021


I may be asking for too much here, as what I would like to get is probably a monumental task to accomplish. I look at a catalog listing of a stamp issue and it includes more or less this information:

1. Year of Issue
2. Description of Issue
3. Perforation size
4. occasionally watermark
5. value

All good but I want to have quite a few more questions answered which include:

1. How the theme was selected and by whom
2. Artist name
3. Where the issue was printed and on what paper
4. Print volume of each stamp
5. Any additional details - Were any unsold mint stamps destroyed or kept.

Is there any catalog out there that can provide the details I am looking for?

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
17 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

You may find that some very, very, very specialist catalogues for a single country may have some of the items you require.

eg The volumes for Great Britain that cover from Queen Victoria to Machins which run to several volumes.

If you are looking for a catalogue that covers the world can you imagine the size and the weight of that!!! You would have to reinforce the floor of your house!

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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17 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Do you need this for one specific country or in general? I suppose Michel comes quite a long way in meeting your requirements, although I doubt you will find information on how and by whom a theme was selected in any catalogue, not even in the most specialised ones. At least I have never seen anything like that.

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www.pagowirense.nl/s ...
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18 Feb 2021


re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

"You would have to reinforce the floor of your house!"

No doubt, Ian. Soon the only option will be to keep information digitally.

Jansimon, I am looking for such information for the whole world.

For example, in the 60's, 70's and 80's a number of Muslim countries have almost identical stamp issues - same themes, same stamp format, same design. No doubt there is an explanation of how this came to be. Clearly some of their stamps were printed in Switzerland, others in England or other places.

French Africa - same thing. I imagine all those stamps were designed and printed in France with little, if any participation of the country the stamps represent.

It will be a loss if the name of the artists are forgotten and what is a better way to remember them, than putting them in the catalog.

I just feel there is a mountain of information related to each and every stamp issue that is interesting for us, but sadly unavailable.

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Neddie Seagoon from The Telegoons
18 Feb 2021

Auctions - Approvals

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Jules, A thought.

If my memory serves me well most of the details you are looking for may be found in "Stamp Magazine". They did a new issue section with these sort of details.

It could be worth some research.

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"StayAlert.......Control The Virus.......Save Lives."
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18 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

A monumental task indeed, and probably one that cannot be completed at all, as some information, in particular regarding print volumes and destroyed copies, has not been published for a number of issues.

However, some postal authorities are pretty good at publishing information as to the what and why of issues in their collectors' magazines such as "Post für dich" in Germany, or on the leaflets accompanying pre-packaged new stamps (UK, Denmark). Also the Lipsia catalog which was issued in the GDR had some brief biographical information on the depicted persons.

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18 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

I have to agree with Brechinite that detailed information you seek is found mainly
in specialized catalogs. Additionally, new issue announcements from postal agencies
will also contain specialized information.

For my collection of airmail stamps of the world I reference the Sanabria catalog.
The worldwide catalog was discontinued in 1972, but my collection is only through
1965 or so. Sanabria also published an "Airpost Journal" magazine from 1935 to 1967
which had stories about individual issues as well as new issue information. Much
information has been lost in the annals of time, but the Sanabria catalogs had much
of the following information, when available:

1) Date of issue
2) Reason for issue (commemorative, etc)
3) Detailed design description, including some history of the subject
4) Designer name
5) Printer name/company
6) Printing method
7) Printing layout (i.e., sheets of 20 stamps 4x5)
8) Souvenir sheet measurements
9) Paper type
10) Watermark
11) Perforation
12) Quantity printed/issued/used
13) Other special usage information
(limited usage, valid dates, etc)

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19 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Stanley Gibbons Stamp Monthly can be perused if you join (not free)


No doubt there are other places which some members are aware of.

Moderator - fixed links.

(Modified by Moderator on 2021-02-20 06:00:34)

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www.delcampe.net/en_ ...

23 Feb 2021


re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

Quote:It will be a loss if the name of the artists are forgotten and what is a better way to remember them, than putting them in the catalog.

Why don't we start a thread with the engravers' names we are aware of? For example Czeslav Slania a Polish engraver who worked also for the Nordic countries, more than a thousand stamps, or Pierre Gandon, a French engraver who worked for almost all French colonies and Territories. I am sure collectively we can develop a world homage to these people. I let a Brit mention Machin. Michel

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23 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

You might check out the extensive material (biography and stamps produced) at the superb Stamp Engravers website: https://stampengravers.blogspot.com/

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24 Feb 2021

re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

I've been collecting engraved and recess printer stamps for a few years now, and have just over 1200 stamps by 184 engravers. Haven't counted the number of countries. Most countries have ceased to produce engraved stamps - too expensive, I assume. Now it sees to be only Scandinavia, the Czech republic, Slovakia and occasionally France, Monaco and Canada. I'm sure to have missed some countries out - apols in advance if so.

Most of my stamps are very low cost items, but there are some quite expensive ones (GB's seahorses and the 1929 PUC £1). Some catalogues show the engraver's name, but not always accurately! Quite a few countries show the engraver's name on the actual stamp - which is certainly helpful.

The stamp engravers blogspot is indeed excellent, and I've also found John Armstrong's database at engravedstamps.net a very useful source. I know of a couple of forums where people show stamps and discuss engraving - some extremely knowledgeable folk with many years of experience in this area. One is at Stampboards - "Engraved Stamp Beauties", and the other at SCF - "Collecting by Engraver". I've spent hours just looking at the stamps they show there.

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26 Feb 2021


re: Stamp catalog with issue background details

It's a pity you don't collect modern Australia as AP's Stamp Bulletin list all the technical detail of their issues .
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