Tim has programmed another feature for the auctions: a search filter that allows you to filter out sellers. This is a useful tool to allow one to exclude results for any number of sellers whose wares don’t match your collecting requirements: priced consistently too high; quality below your standards; slow response time; or what have you. Put the individual(s) in the filter and, until you change it, that individual is always excluded from your search results. You needn’t do it each time you search; instead, it’s part of every query automatically.
To do this, go to AUCTIONS and click on BUYERS. At the bottom of the drop down menu, you’ll see MY SELLER FILTER. Click on that, and you’ll see a box in which you can enter the sellers’ auction handle(s) you want excluded. You can either type the full handle OR put in any part of the name (it lists possible matches, first assuming you’ve typed the first couple of letters of the seller’s name; then later including any instances where those letters are part of the seller’s handle); add as many as you want, hit SUBMIT and then, as our Quebecoise friends would say, “voila, c’est fini.”
If at some point, you want to reinstate that seller, return to MY SELLER FILTER in the BUYERS tab; you’ll see the list of excluded sellers. Check DELETE by anyone to be reinstated, and, poof, they’re offering you wares again.