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General Philatelic/Supplies, Literature & Software : iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.


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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

07 May 2021
I may have seen this here before. Not sure where.
Did you know that the iphone gives you a hand held microscope capability with an added powerful light source. And a range of magnification (slider controlled). I tucked my old usb plugged computer microscope away for good.

After cataract surgery, my visual acuity has suffered close in, making the use of a magnifying lens essential, especially for reading the super tiny years engraved on most stamps, or checking for markers to id counterfeits.

iphone to the rescue!
Tripple tap the home button and voila!

I thought I would post this reminder as well as for those who do not know of this capability! Applause

Now has anyone figured out how to capture a photograph of the enlarged image on the screen in this microscope mode? I tried the usual (off/home simultaneously, another useful tip if you did not know), but it did not work for a photo, although I did manage to freeze the enlargement on my screen. I suppose I could check on google, but I really don't need it, so I am being lazy. Curious if anyone knows the shortcut (if it exists?).


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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07 May 2021

Auctions - Approvals
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

I checked this and it works, but as usual with Apple, there are a few unlogical things (I am not really an Apple fanboy, but I have one that comes with the job).
For instance, this feature needs to be switched on manually. Why it is not available on default is not clear to me. If the compass and other thingies are, why not this one as well? I for one would use it more often than a compass Happy

I also do not understand why you can make photos in microscope mode but not save them. There is a workaround. After making a photo, view it and when in view mode one can export it through the button on the top right. For instance mail it to yourself.
It does not really make much sense. Why not include it in the photo gallery like Android does with pictures made in other apps than the camera...

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07 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

On my iPhone 12, I can zoom in to 12x and take a picture.
Image Not Found

It came out surprisingly clear, considering I can't hold anything still for a split second. I'd have to make a stand for the phone to clearly get what I wanted. But pretty good in any case!

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07 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Here is a reduced size blow-up of USA Scott #2094, 20¢ Herman Melville.

Image Not Found

I was ticked off when Celestron stopped supporting the microscope that I had bought. It is relegated to the junk pile now! Amazing what my iPhone can do! I never thought of doing this until now.

Thanks, rrraphy!

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Thank you for your donation to The Holocaust Stamps Project.

07 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.


You can also do a screen capture which can then be edited and added to photos.


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"Please note our new mailing address, effective January 2020."


09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Yes, I've gotten into the habit of using my cell phone camera as a magnifying glass.

Recently, I needed to replace the ujoints on a steering shaft. I could see there were characters stamped on the ends of the cups, but I would have had to stand on my head in the engine bay to get a good look at them. Plus, the stampings were only about 1mm tall. Cell phone camera to the rescue!

Another common use (for me) is reading a 15-digit number from an ear tag in a live cow. They never stop moving their heads long enough for a good look. And, accuracy is extremely important. Cell phone to the rescue!

I've been using the "Snipping Tool" in Windows a lot to do screen captures. In your search bar, just type "sn", and it will show up in a menu you can select from. VERY handy. The plat map images and googlemaps street view that I recently posted for smauggie were captured using the Snipping Tool. Often I will use this tool to capture slides from another's PowerPoint presentation that I'm receiving via Zoom.

Also, I have fun creating photo libraries for future reference. A German website I frequent markets picture postcards. They have been offering scads of WWI aviation postcards with fantastic subject matter. I could never afford to amass a library of these images by buying these rare cards. Snipping Tool to the rescue!


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09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

If you're snipping in Windows10, you can also use WIN+Shift+S (strike the Windows button, shift and S all at the same time).... it's a little more effort than "PrntScrn", but that cropping feature is excellent.

I also use my cell to take pics at the dealership.... I'm often away from my parts counter to record VINs, part numbers, stamping/casting codes, etc.... I always carry a pen, but I haven't had to write on my hand in years! Not to mention I can stick my phone places I can't/won't put my face.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

When you use the WIN-ALT-S method and you define the area to snipe, where does it get stored? rrr...

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Win, shift s gets saved to clipboard, so you can ctrl v to paste.
I prefer to right click on the screen to then take a screen shot, just seems easier.

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09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Well, the nice thing about the Windows Snipping Tool App is that you can essentially 'crop' your image as you capture it.

No resizing necessary either, to get it uploaded to an SOR posting.

If the image is too big to fit on the screen, you can't capture the whole thing. There's an easy work-around to that, too. Put two fingers on your mouse pad. Then, drag one finger to the left to reduce its size, or drag one finger to the right to increase its size on the screen.


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09 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

With the screen shot you can drag lines to adjust the size and can scroll up and down to get all the image in if necessary, you can then save to clipboard or download to save to a specific location.
Horses for courses.

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Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice !

24 May 2021
re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Wow I need an IPhone 12. Can anyone say how the 11 performs ? Thanks.

Nevermind I'll check the specs.

Yes screenshot is the best thing since sliced bread.

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"APS # 232803"



Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
07 May 2021

I may have seen this here before. Not sure where.
Did you know that the iphone gives you a hand held microscope capability with an added powerful light source. And a range of magnification (slider controlled). I tucked my old usb plugged computer microscope away for good.

After cataract surgery, my visual acuity has suffered close in, making the use of a magnifying lens essential, especially for reading the super tiny years engraved on most stamps, or checking for markers to id counterfeits.

iphone to the rescue!
Tripple tap the home button and voila!

I thought I would post this reminder as well as for those who do not know of this capability! Applause

Now has anyone figured out how to capture a photograph of the enlarged image on the screen in this microscope mode? I tried the usual (off/home simultaneously, another useful tip if you did not know), but it did not work for a photo, although I did manage to freeze the enlargement on my screen. I suppose I could check on google, but I really don't need it, so I am being lazy. Curious if anyone knows the shortcut (if it exists?).


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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07 May 2021

Auctions - Approvals

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

I checked this and it works, but as usual with Apple, there are a few unlogical things (I am not really an Apple fanboy, but I have one that comes with the job).
For instance, this feature needs to be switched on manually. Why it is not available on default is not clear to me. If the compass and other thingies are, why not this one as well? I for one would use it more often than a compass Happy

I also do not understand why you can make photos in microscope mode but not save them. There is a workaround. After making a photo, view it and when in view mode one can export it through the button on the top right. For instance mail it to yourself.
It does not really make much sense. Why not include it in the photo gallery like Android does with pictures made in other apps than the camera...

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www.pagowirense.nl/s ...

07 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

On my iPhone 12, I can zoom in to 12x and take a picture.
Image Not Found

It came out surprisingly clear, considering I can't hold anything still for a split second. I'd have to make a stand for the phone to clearly get what I wanted. But pretty good in any case!

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07 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Here is a reduced size blow-up of USA Scott #2094, 20¢ Herman Melville.

Image Not Found

I was ticked off when Celestron stopped supporting the microscope that I had bought. It is relegated to the junk pile now! Amazing what my iPhone can do! I never thought of doing this until now.

Thanks, rrraphy!

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Thank you for your donation to The Holocaust Stamps Project.

07 May 2021


re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.


You can also do a screen capture which can then be edited and added to photos.


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"Please note our new mailing address, effective January 2020."

holocauststampsproje ...

09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Yes, I've gotten into the habit of using my cell phone camera as a magnifying glass.

Recently, I needed to replace the ujoints on a steering shaft. I could see there were characters stamped on the ends of the cups, but I would have had to stand on my head in the engine bay to get a good look at them. Plus, the stampings were only about 1mm tall. Cell phone camera to the rescue!

Another common use (for me) is reading a 15-digit number from an ear tag in a live cow. They never stop moving their heads long enough for a good look. And, accuracy is extremely important. Cell phone to the rescue!

I've been using the "Snipping Tool" in Windows a lot to do screen captures. In your search bar, just type "sn", and it will show up in a menu you can select from. VERY handy. The plat map images and googlemaps street view that I recently posted for smauggie were captured using the Snipping Tool. Often I will use this tool to capture slides from another's PowerPoint presentation that I'm receiving via Zoom.

Also, I have fun creating photo libraries for future reference. A German website I frequent markets picture postcards. They have been offering scads of WWI aviation postcards with fantastic subject matter. I could never afford to amass a library of these images by buying these rare cards. Snipping Tool to the rescue!


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09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

If you're snipping in Windows10, you can also use WIN+Shift+S (strike the Windows button, shift and S all at the same time).... it's a little more effort than "PrntScrn", but that cropping feature is excellent.

I also use my cell to take pics at the dealership.... I'm often away from my parts counter to record VINs, part numbers, stamping/casting codes, etc.... I always carry a pen, but I haven't had to write on my hand in years! Not to mention I can stick my phone places I can't/won't put my face.

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

When you use the WIN-ALT-S method and you define the area to snipe, where does it get stored? rrr...

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Win, shift s gets saved to clipboard, so you can ctrl v to paste.
I prefer to right click on the screen to then take a screen shot, just seems easier.

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09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Well, the nice thing about the Windows Snipping Tool App is that you can essentially 'crop' your image as you capture it.

No resizing necessary either, to get it uploaded to an SOR posting.

If the image is too big to fit on the screen, you can't capture the whole thing. There's an easy work-around to that, too. Put two fingers on your mouse pad. Then, drag one finger to the left to reduce its size, or drag one finger to the right to increase its size on the screen.


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09 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

With the screen shot you can drag lines to adjust the size and can scroll up and down to get all the image in if necessary, you can then save to clipboard or download to save to a specific location.
Horses for courses.

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Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice !

24 May 2021

re: iphone (I love you) Magnifying capabilities.

Wow I need an IPhone 12. Can anyone say how the 11 performs ? Thanks.

Nevermind I'll check the specs.

Yes screenshot is the best thing since sliced bread.

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"APS # 232803"

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