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United States/Covers & Postmarks : Writing about US Postal History



03 Mar 2011
I have been asked as it seems I am about the only stamp collector in my area to write several
articles for the local newspapers relating the
history of the Postal system and stamp collecting. Also to related some idea of the
future of the system. Has anyone had this type of a assignment that might help with some material or references I might use. Would
appreciate your assistance. Thank you.
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03 Mar 2011
re: Writing about US Postal History

Some people get all the luck! I've tried writing about stamps and photography for local papers. They had zero interest. Nada. Regarding the photography articles, I was told that not enough of their readers were interested in photography!


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

04 Mar 2011

re: Writing about US Postal History


all sorts of ways to approach this. I've signed up to do something similar for an online magazine that's set to launch soon. I'll feature covers that interest me and tell as much as I can about the cover, the route it took, the sender and addressee, and the times that helped inform all the rest. I think my first column will be on a Navy officer whose ships were at Pearl and Leyte Gulf and who later served in Japan during the Korean war. I offered it in the auction, without bidders, and now intend to keep it. But here it is: chop

My point is that this was a cover pulled from a 40-cover lot for which I must have paid 10c a cover, but whose history, by extension, is immense.

I've got images from the Navy Department to illustrate it, and some passages from books to explain it. I can add war-time context and the history of the destroyers he captained and the Navy's Far East Command in which he served. But you can do this with anything, and the references are determined by the stamp or topic or....


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

04 Mar 2011
re: Writing about US Postal History

Yes, David, I suspect several of us who are totally hooked on stamps and history, would like to see what the magazine looks like.
I am sure you have found "Haze Gray and Underway" as a source of Naval History;
Also, if you want to research the various details of particular destroyer operations the best book I have seen is Roscoe's "Destroyer Operations in WW II", although just about anything can be googled these days.
Charlie Jensen
lecanto, Florida

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

17 Oct 2011

re: Writing about US Postal History

yes, it's open. I probably should have done a better job of following up on this.

Here's a link to the article I mentioned above: http://juicyheads.com/link.php?PLJKJG. I've probably got a dozen up.

It's a general interest magazine; i'm the sole collector, although I have seen other stamp-related articles.

My most recent addition is on a Christmas seal tied to a picture post card sent to a sailor aboard the USS Texas http://juicyheads.com/link.php?PLJOLNFL

hope you enjoy, and thanks for asking


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"




03 Mar 2011

I have been asked as it seems I am about the only stamp collector in my area to write several
articles for the local newspapers relating the
history of the Postal system and stamp collecting. Also to related some idea of the
future of the system. Has anyone had this type of a assignment that might help with some material or references I might use. Would
appreciate your assistance. Thank you.

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03 Mar 2011

re: Writing about US Postal History

Some people get all the luck! I've tried writing about stamps and photography for local papers. They had zero interest. Nada. Regarding the photography articles, I was told that not enough of their readers were interested in photography!


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
04 Mar 2011


re: Writing about US Postal History


all sorts of ways to approach this. I've signed up to do something similar for an online magazine that's set to launch soon. I'll feature covers that interest me and tell as much as I can about the cover, the route it took, the sender and addressee, and the times that helped inform all the rest. I think my first column will be on a Navy officer whose ships were at Pearl and Leyte Gulf and who later served in Japan during the Korean war. I offered it in the auction, without bidders, and now intend to keep it. But here it is: chop

My point is that this was a cover pulled from a 40-cover lot for which I must have paid 10c a cover, but whose history, by extension, is immense.

I've got images from the Navy Department to illustrate it, and some passages from books to explain it. I can add war-time context and the history of the destroyers he captained and the Navy's Far East Command in which he served. But you can do this with anything, and the references are determined by the stamp or topic or....


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
04 Mar 2011

re: Writing about US Postal History

Yes, David, I suspect several of us who are totally hooked on stamps and history, would like to see what the magazine looks like.
I am sure you have found "Haze Gray and Underway" as a source of Naval History;
Also, if you want to research the various details of particular destroyer operations the best book I have seen is Roscoe's "Destroyer Operations in WW II", although just about anything can be googled these days.
Charlie Jensen
lecanto, Florida

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
17 Oct 2011


re: Writing about US Postal History

yes, it's open. I probably should have done a better job of following up on this.

Here's a link to the article I mentioned above: http://juicyheads.com/link.php?PLJKJG. I've probably got a dozen up.

It's a general interest magazine; i'm the sole collector, although I have seen other stamp-related articles.

My most recent addition is on a Christmas seal tied to a picture post card sent to a sailor aboard the USS Texas http://juicyheads.com/link.php?PLJOLNFL

hope you enjoy, and thanks for asking


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...

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