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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
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Club Business & Announcements/Tech Advice : Expanded Navigation on the Home Page


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01 Feb 2012

Auctions - Approvals
Hi Everyone,
I just want to bring to your attention the expanded navigation links on the home page. I have added links in the left have navigation link to all the main functions on the website. I have modified the Discussion Board Email Notification Maintenance program so that you can access it from the left hand navigation links and from a link at the bottom of the screen.

In case you were not all aware, you can use the Discussion Board Email Notification Maintenance program to select the topics that you would like to receive email notifications for. You can select all of them or select none so that you don't receive any email notifications from the Discussion Board.

Regards ... Tim.
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The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.

02 Feb 2012
re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page


Thank you for the "expanded navigation" on the home page. I have it from a reliable family authority that Ulen, Minnesota (a favourite overnight stop of mine) is the dead centre of the philatelic universe. Now you know.

John Derry

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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "

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02 Feb 2012
re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page


It is never wise to disagree with our webmaster; but, as Einstein would say, "It's all relative." The actual centre of the philatelic universe is wherever you are and you spot a stamp that is just waiting to be examined or, even better, bought/traded for your collection... Tim, I aint no rocket scientist; but I think I've managed to define chaos theory as it relates to the world of philately.


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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Keep Postal systems alive, buy stamps and mail often

07 Feb 2012
re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page

Who is this Andrejs? He's as smart as our resident wizard and that's scary. Perry

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10 Feb 2012
re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page

Perry, not so much smart as having a lot of useless crap in my head that just leaks out in a semi-sarcastic or (hopefully) humourous way every once in a while... I am in awe to Tim's web-genius!

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"


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01 Feb 2012

Auctions - Approvals

Hi Everyone,
I just want to bring to your attention the expanded navigation links on the home page. I have added links in the left have navigation link to all the main functions on the website. I have modified the Discussion Board Email Notification Maintenance program so that you can access it from the left hand navigation links and from a link at the bottom of the screen.

In case you were not all aware, you can use the Discussion Board Email Notification Maintenance program to select the topics that you would like to receive email notifications for. You can select all of them or select none so that you don't receive any email notifications from the Discussion Board.

Regards ... Tim.

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The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.
02 Feb 2012

re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page


Thank you for the "expanded navigation" on the home page. I have it from a reliable family authority that Ulen, Minnesota (a favourite overnight stop of mine) is the dead centre of the philatelic universe. Now you know.

John Derry

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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "

parklanemews@gmail.c ...
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02 Feb 2012

re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page


It is never wise to disagree with our webmaster; but, as Einstein would say, "It's all relative." The actual centre of the philatelic universe is wherever you are and you spot a stamp that is just waiting to be examined or, even better, bought/traded for your collection... Tim, I aint no rocket scientist; but I think I've managed to define chaos theory as it relates to the world of philately.


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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Keep Postal systems alive, buy stamps and mail often
07 Feb 2012

re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page

Who is this Andrejs? He's as smart as our resident wizard and that's scary. Perry

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10 Feb 2012

re: Expanded Navigation on the Home Page

Perry, not so much smart as having a lot of useless crap in my head that just leaks out in a semi-sarcastic or (hopefully) humourous way every once in a while... I am in awe to Tim's web-genius!

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

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