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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Adding old stamps to new covers?


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20 Sep 2012
Why would anyone put 4 Grenada 1935 Coronation issues on official Capex 96 envelope and have them stamped Capex 96?


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

20 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

" .... "Who knows what "mischief" lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!", ...."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.

20 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?


The more interesting question is, why does "Squam66" want to know?


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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "

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20 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Because it does not make much sense to cancel 1935 Br Colonial stamps with a Capex 96 Canada cancel.
I do not like it as to me it ruins the stamps, I found the same cancel on a US 3c Washington and also a nice 1977 set from the Maldives. I collect postally used, but the stamps I collect should be cancelled in the country that issued them.


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20 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I have to agree with ipayette

The only time I think it is a worthwhile collectible to have a stamp cancelled from another country is when a stamp or stamps from, let's say US, is cancelled in Canada and vice versa. These would be covers that escaped a postage due penalty on them. Apart from that though, I prefer my stamps to be cancelled from the country they came from.



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21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Buju... i guess that leads to something I've never understood.. and I'm just curious to see what people say.

Unless they are truly unique in shape/form/etc, why would people collect postmarks?

For instance, (this was one of those "buried in a box auctions" that I won.

I've got a HUGE collection of one specific type of South African stamp (Scott #23a). THere's nothing special about them value wise, as they're all separated (and to my knowledge non-varietied, so no Scott#23d's unfortunately ).

But whomever collected them before me, simply kept EVERY stamp that was standard-postmarked in a different South African city (they even had them alphabetized by the city they were postmarked in).

I've never understood, why are some collectors interested in postmarks?

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I'm one of those people who collect postmarks. I guess in some ways it's like collecting covers. However, I only do it for specific time periods. I like the pre-cancels of Belgium & I have quite a few varieties of those. I also try to get the different postmarks of German States. Aside from the circular postmarks with numbers on the 1850s States which I absolutely adore, I have one later Bavarian stamp with about 14 duplicates simply because the postmarks are so clear on them to see exactly when that stamp was used. One of my pet peeves is finding a gorgeous stamp with a postmark 30 or 50 years after it's issue. First of all I consider it a desecration to an otherwise beautiful old mint stamp & second, the postmark is useless. There have been instances where I've seen values change for specific stamps with "in period" postmarks that makes a significant difference, but I don't think that's common.

As a collector of British Royalty, I absolutely cringed at the thought of the stamp mentioned earlier placed on a capex envelope.


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I can't answer Lee's question, either. A puzzle as there seems to be no tie-ins.

But I, too, am a post mark collector, of sorts, especially those that help document what's happening to a single cover AND what's happening, in general, to the postal world. Consider, for instance, the spray-on date codes introduced in the late 80s, I believe. These were initially introduced to ensure timely delivery of METERED mail, but have morphed over time, and have led, I believe, to the creation of the near-ubiquitous spray-on cancels. My earliest spray-on daters are from the early 90s, and I'd love to have an example from the late 80s. I also have interesting slogans on these, and find them fascinating, especially the locally produced, rather than nationally distributed, ones.

Here are two other threads on similar cancel topics:


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Here is a pic of the Capex envelope with the Grenada stamps


I cringe and shake my head everytime I see it

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21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Maybe some of us are purists? I have nothing against that at all. In fact, I think I am a bit if a purist myself. In most areas of philately, it might be some purists that can make certain facets of the hobby quite interesting. I guess a better word would be specialist lol.

I don't like to see real old stamps cancelled with moderns cancellers. I also prefer to see a stamp cancelled from the country of origin too.

On another note, but in relation to the topic of this thread, it is always interesting to see foreign cancellation on stamps that were used on the "High Seas". Another ball game, I admit, but at least in that topic, a foreign cancellation on any given stamp is not out of place there.

Let's face it, this is one great hobby with so many avanues to follow. All of them interesting too.



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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I just took a look at the picture - it brought tears to my eyes. Such beautiful stamps and often hard to come by ones at that - and ruined with those postmarks - such a shame

The card does look nice with them on it but it's just plain wrong


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

" ....
I've got a HUGE collection of one specific type of South African stamp (Scott #23a). THere's nothing special about them value wise, as they're all separated (and to my knowledge non-varietied, so no Scott#23d's unfortunately. ...."

If you are referring to the ½p Springbok issue, there are several different perforations, some were typographed, others photogravure. They were issued over a twenty or thirty year period and then in the '50s reprinted with some slight differences and I think that there are both watermark varieties as well as minor retouches.
I have a fair sized envelope full of them that I gathered when I was putting together a somewhat specialized section of the 1p ship stamp with the SV Dromadarius featured. They also can be found with several overprints and varieties that way as well.
So I assume someone was preparing to put together a nice display of the Springbok issue, possibly emphasizing the local town cancellations..

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 300 categories

21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I am surprised by this conversation about the Capex souvenir cover.

Everywhere else on this discussion board, a major theme is "collect the way you want". We even tell newbies that. However, now we judge.

Let me propose the following scenario:

A collector, maybe from Grenada, maybe a Grenada specialist, was excited to attend his(her) first major international stamp show. He wanted to create a souvenir of the event, relevant to him, so he took a hinged set of the Grenada Silver Jubilee, worth maybe $3.00 -- a set the market at large will never miss -- and created a lovely momento of a special time. He has since passed on to his greater reward, his stamps have come back on the market, and we judge "You shouldn't have done it".

I respectfully disagree.


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"BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50- 10,000+ new covers coming Tuesday June 1"

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

21 Sep 2012
re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Roy -

Very good point - I must admit, I hadn't considered it from that point of view.

Humans do err and become narrow-minded in their perception of things no matter how hard we try not to and for sure, you are right on this. While it is not something that *I* would want to do, I am in no position to judge how someone else wants something. To that person, indeed, this perhaps was a great souvenir for them that they were able to create for themselves. I remember when I went to Capex '87, I was in absolute awe of everything around me and I brought home my own souvenir from there that in hindsight of this whole discussion, I realise that I made the same "blunder" that I criticised on this card. On this card, I was just struck by the beautiful of the Jubilee stamps and then went aww darn, what a shame to be postmarked '96. I can't recall at the moment which stamps are on my '87 card that I brought home but I'm absolutely certain that they were definitely not '87 issues. I might be wrong but I think they were the '73 Canadian Queen issues. So, I admit my narrow-mindedness and I agree that you have a wonderful point. Every person is unique in their collections and we have no right to criticise what someone else does with their own collection.


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"



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20 Sep 2012

Why would anyone put 4 Grenada 1935 Coronation issues on official Capex 96 envelope and have them stamped Capex 96?


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
20 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

" .... "Who knows what "mischief" lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!", ...."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.
20 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?


The more interesting question is, why does "Squam66" want to know?


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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "

parklanemews@gmail.c ...
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20 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Because it does not make much sense to cancel 1935 Br Colonial stamps with a Capex 96 Canada cancel.
I do not like it as to me it ruins the stamps, I found the same cancel on a US 3c Washington and also a nice 1977 set from the Maldives. I collect postally used, but the stamps I collect should be cancelled in the country that issued them.


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20 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I have to agree with ipayette

The only time I think it is a worthwhile collectible to have a stamp cancelled from another country is when a stamp or stamps from, let's say US, is cancelled in Canada and vice versa. These would be covers that escaped a postage due penalty on them. Apart from that though, I prefer my stamps to be cancelled from the country they came from.



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21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Buju... i guess that leads to something I've never understood.. and I'm just curious to see what people say.

Unless they are truly unique in shape/form/etc, why would people collect postmarks?

For instance, (this was one of those "buried in a box auctions" that I won.

I've got a HUGE collection of one specific type of South African stamp (Scott #23a). THere's nothing special about them value wise, as they're all separated (and to my knowledge non-varietied, so no Scott#23d's unfortunately ).

But whomever collected them before me, simply kept EVERY stamp that was standard-postmarked in a different South African city (they even had them alphabetized by the city they were postmarked in).

I've never understood, why are some collectors interested in postmarks?

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I'm one of those people who collect postmarks. I guess in some ways it's like collecting covers. However, I only do it for specific time periods. I like the pre-cancels of Belgium & I have quite a few varieties of those. I also try to get the different postmarks of German States. Aside from the circular postmarks with numbers on the 1850s States which I absolutely adore, I have one later Bavarian stamp with about 14 duplicates simply because the postmarks are so clear on them to see exactly when that stamp was used. One of my pet peeves is finding a gorgeous stamp with a postmark 30 or 50 years after it's issue. First of all I consider it a desecration to an otherwise beautiful old mint stamp & second, the postmark is useless. There have been instances where I've seen values change for specific stamps with "in period" postmarks that makes a significant difference, but I don't think that's common.

As a collector of British Royalty, I absolutely cringed at the thought of the stamp mentioned earlier placed on a capex envelope.


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
21 Sep 2012


re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I can't answer Lee's question, either. A puzzle as there seems to be no tie-ins.

But I, too, am a post mark collector, of sorts, especially those that help document what's happening to a single cover AND what's happening, in general, to the postal world. Consider, for instance, the spray-on date codes introduced in the late 80s, I believe. These were initially introduced to ensure timely delivery of METERED mail, but have morphed over time, and have led, I believe, to the creation of the near-ubiquitous spray-on cancels. My earliest spray-on daters are from the early 90s, and I'd love to have an example from the late 80s. I also have interesting slogans on these, and find them fascinating, especially the locally produced, rather than nationally distributed, ones.

Here are two other threads on similar cancel topics:


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Here is a pic of the Capex envelope with the Grenada stamps


I cringe and shake my head everytime I see it

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21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Maybe some of us are purists? I have nothing against that at all. In fact, I think I am a bit if a purist myself. In most areas of philately, it might be some purists that can make certain facets of the hobby quite interesting. I guess a better word would be specialist lol.

I don't like to see real old stamps cancelled with moderns cancellers. I also prefer to see a stamp cancelled from the country of origin too.

On another note, but in relation to the topic of this thread, it is always interesting to see foreign cancellation on stamps that were used on the "High Seas". Another ball game, I admit, but at least in that topic, a foreign cancellation on any given stamp is not out of place there.

Let's face it, this is one great hobby with so many avanues to follow. All of them interesting too.



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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I just took a look at the picture - it brought tears to my eyes. Such beautiful stamps and often hard to come by ones at that - and ruined with those postmarks - such a shame

The card does look nice with them on it but it's just plain wrong


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

" ....
I've got a HUGE collection of one specific type of South African stamp (Scott #23a). THere's nothing special about them value wise, as they're all separated (and to my knowledge non-varietied, so no Scott#23d's unfortunately. ...."

If you are referring to the ½p Springbok issue, there are several different perforations, some were typographed, others photogravure. They were issued over a twenty or thirty year period and then in the '50s reprinted with some slight differences and I think that there are both watermark varieties as well as minor retouches.
I have a fair sized envelope full of them that I gathered when I was putting together a somewhat specialized section of the 1p ship stamp with the SV Dromadarius featured. They also can be found with several overprints and varieties that way as well.
So I assume someone was preparing to put together a nice display of the Springbok issue, possibly emphasizing the local town cancellations..

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 300 categories
21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

I am surprised by this conversation about the Capex souvenir cover.

Everywhere else on this discussion board, a major theme is "collect the way you want". We even tell newbies that. However, now we judge.

Let me propose the following scenario:

A collector, maybe from Grenada, maybe a Grenada specialist, was excited to attend his(her) first major international stamp show. He wanted to create a souvenir of the event, relevant to him, so he took a hinged set of the Grenada Silver Jubilee, worth maybe $3.00 -- a set the market at large will never miss -- and created a lovely momento of a special time. He has since passed on to his greater reward, his stamps have come back on the market, and we judge "You shouldn't have done it".

I respectfully disagree.


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"BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50- 10,000+ new covers coming Tuesday June 1"


A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
21 Sep 2012

re: Adding old stamps to new covers?

Roy -

Very good point - I must admit, I hadn't considered it from that point of view.

Humans do err and become narrow-minded in their perception of things no matter how hard we try not to and for sure, you are right on this. While it is not something that *I* would want to do, I am in no position to judge how someone else wants something. To that person, indeed, this perhaps was a great souvenir for them that they were able to create for themselves. I remember when I went to Capex '87, I was in absolute awe of everything around me and I brought home my own souvenir from there that in hindsight of this whole discussion, I realise that I made the same "blunder" that I criticised on this card. On this card, I was just struck by the beautiful of the Jubilee stamps and then went aww darn, what a shame to be postmarked '96. I can't recall at the moment which stamps are on my '87 card that I brought home but I'm absolutely certain that they were definitely not '87 issues. I might be wrong but I think they were the '73 Canadian Queen issues. So, I admit my narrow-mindedness and I agree that you have a wonderful point. Every person is unique in their collections and we have no right to criticise what someone else does with their own collection.


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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