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General Philatelic/Supplies, Literature & Software : Using Varios and Binders



24 Nov 2012
Hello everyone I hate to be a pain in the neck but I have another question. I am going to use vario pages will they fit in to a regular 3 ring binder? also were can I find some really nice 3 ring binders for my dog stamp collection? Thanks for any info
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24 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Yes, they fit fine.

I am happy with these for the price for ones with a dust cover:


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24 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Amos is good.. Watch eBay too. U can catch a good deal there on occasion. I simply use a good binder from office max or such for my vario albums. I have one lighthouse binder that is amazingly nice, but it was a gift :-) they are pretty expensive.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

25 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Yes, Lighthouse and Kabe (?)do sell some nice rugged binders and I fist onto any I see used because new is just too expensive for m to enjoy.
However mist of the time I just buy one of those plain white loose leaf binders with the clear exterior plastic cover.
That way I can create something attractive and appropriate that relates to the country or area that the stamps are from to slip into the binders outside sleeve.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Dogs are my favorite people. I hang with this one as often as I can.

25 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Plain old 3 ring binders are available in Thrift Shops for a dollar or less.

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25 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Available at garage sales for less too!

Also, and be certain your local laws don't forbid this, check the dumpsters at office buildings around the end of the month. You'd be surprised how much stuff is thrown away when a company shuts down. Boxes and boxes of unused items, including binders and other office supplies get tossed.

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APS #213005

25 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Walmart has nice lay-flat, D-ring binders with front cover clear pocket for a cover of your making, and you can change your mind and design a new one whenever you like.

I use the black ones, but other colors are there as well.

They also have a clear outside spine pocket for a label of your making - especially nice for visual indentification on a shelf with other binders.

They are quite reasonable in price - under $5 each (could be closer to $4 - I have so many its been a while since I needed more!); which means you could have, for example, a 4 volume set for under 20 bucks brand new.

If you choose one color, they look very nice and uniform lined up on a shelf.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

25 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Years ago there was the financial collapse of "ENRON CORPORATION" which I am sure most will recall. That brought about the demise of the Arther Anderson Auditors and Accountants fim.

A few months later I was in a local flea market and saw one table that had two bundles of three thick three ring binders priced at 50¢ and all three for a dollar. Perfect for manilla stock pages and even better for the voluminous clippings from Linn's, Western Stamp Collector and other sources.
So as I looked at them, I saw the Anderson logo on the front cover and was about to pay my $2 for all six. The vendor casually mentioned that he had over a case of them and was glad to sell some.
"How many?" I asked and he replied, " ... about a case and a half."
I forget the exact number but I wound up getting them all for $5.00 which worked out to about 30¢ apiece.
They were reasonable quality and I think I have all but one still in use.
So, one never knows what can be found at a flea market.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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26 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

FYI - Arthur Anderson is still around. They reorganized with the new name Accenture.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

26 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Well that would give me a load of confidence if I were in the market for a big time accounting firm.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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27 Nov 2012
re: Using Varios and Binders

Arthur Andersen is still around yes and no. I was with the Tax Division of Andersen for 15 years prior to Enron. The Andersen Tax and Audit practices are gone. It is correct that Accenture survived. But they are really the former "Andersen Consulting" practice.

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24 Nov 2012

Hello everyone I hate to be a pain in the neck but I have another question. I am going to use vario pages will they fit in to a regular 3 ring binder? also were can I find some really nice 3 ring binders for my dog stamp collection? Thanks for any info

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24 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Yes, they fit fine.

I am happy with these for the price for ones with a dust cover:


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24 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Amos is good.. Watch eBay too. U can catch a good deal there on occasion. I simply use a good binder from office max or such for my vario albums. I have one lighthouse binder that is amazingly nice, but it was a gift :-) they are pretty expensive.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
25 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Yes, Lighthouse and Kabe (?)do sell some nice rugged binders and I fist onto any I see used because new is just too expensive for m to enjoy.
However mist of the time I just buy one of those plain white loose leaf binders with the clear exterior plastic cover.
That way I can create something attractive and appropriate that relates to the country or area that the stamps are from to slip into the binders outside sleeve.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

Dogs are my favorite people. I hang with this one as often as I can.
25 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Plain old 3 ring binders are available in Thrift Shops for a dollar or less.

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25 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Available at garage sales for less too!

Also, and be certain your local laws don't forbid this, check the dumpsters at office buildings around the end of the month. You'd be surprised how much stuff is thrown away when a company shuts down. Boxes and boxes of unused items, including binders and other office supplies get tossed.

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APS #213005
25 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Walmart has nice lay-flat, D-ring binders with front cover clear pocket for a cover of your making, and you can change your mind and design a new one whenever you like.

I use the black ones, but other colors are there as well.

They also have a clear outside spine pocket for a label of your making - especially nice for visual indentification on a shelf with other binders.

They are quite reasonable in price - under $5 each (could be closer to $4 - I have so many its been a while since I needed more!); which means you could have, for example, a 4 volume set for under 20 bucks brand new.

If you choose one color, they look very nice and uniform lined up on a shelf.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
25 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Years ago there was the financial collapse of "ENRON CORPORATION" which I am sure most will recall. That brought about the demise of the Arther Anderson Auditors and Accountants fim.

A few months later I was in a local flea market and saw one table that had two bundles of three thick three ring binders priced at 50¢ and all three for a dollar. Perfect for manilla stock pages and even better for the voluminous clippings from Linn's, Western Stamp Collector and other sources.
So as I looked at them, I saw the Anderson logo on the front cover and was about to pay my $2 for all six. The vendor casually mentioned that he had over a case of them and was glad to sell some.
"How many?" I asked and he replied, " ... about a case and a half."
I forget the exact number but I wound up getting them all for $5.00 which worked out to about 30¢ apiece.
They were reasonable quality and I think I have all but one still in use.
So, one never knows what can be found at a flea market.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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26 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

FYI - Arthur Anderson is still around. They reorganized with the new name Accenture.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
26 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Well that would give me a load of confidence if I were in the market for a big time accounting firm.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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27 Nov 2012

re: Using Varios and Binders

Arthur Andersen is still around yes and no. I was with the Tax Division of Andersen for 15 years prior to Enron. The Andersen Tax and Audit practices are gone. It is correct that Accenture survived. But they are really the former "Andersen Consulting" practice.

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