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General Philatelic/Supplies, Literature & Software : Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat


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26 Jan 2013
I think i found the right place for this Q?
Has anyone downloaded the scott cat ver 2009? If so is it any good?
I do not have a copy for references atm

Ta Kat

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Downloaded Scott catalog!!!! Wouldn't this be a violation of Copyright Laws??? My advice is to buy a second hand set from someone buying the latest version or visit your local library and ask there - you may get a more recent version this way. I believe someone is selling a 2009 set at Virtual Stamps Club - check it out.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Thankyou saleem I do mean a paid for version from a site. But i am liking the libary more and more ta for advice

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you are paying to download the files, then it is almost certainly an illegal copy. Scott never sold the 2009 software as a download, and you cannot transfer the license via download.

Here's more bad news. I would estimate that 99% of the Scott catalog CDs/DVDs sold online are also pirated (some of them pretty well imitated). In fact, it's actually quite difficult to find a genuine one online.

This is one reason why Scott no longer releases the WW catalog set as PC software. 2009 was actually the last set. But don't feel too sorry for Amos. They shot themselves in the foot by offering a whopping $5-$10 discount for buying the software instead of the print catalog.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I believe this was the last year Scott offered the catalog on CD-ROM. I purchased and loaded it on a computer running Windows XP and it worked fine. I also ran it on a computer running Windows Vista, with similar success. However, I tried on a couple of other computers running Vista, and it didn't work. I have had no success whatsoever with Windows 7, and I suspect it will not run under that platform.

If you have not purchased it already, I would advise against it. Scott no longer supports the CD-ROM product, and I find the physical books much easier to use. You should be able to find a set of used catalogs priced reasonably.

Best of luck!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Thank you for your responses and advice, I have not yet purchased it so I will now go to my library for now.

A Qoute I was once told not sure when or by who it was written though:
To Live Is To Learn and To Learn Is To Live

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you are willing to shed a few dollars than you can buy Country specific Scott Album pages at eBay - these are not photocopies but pages removed from catalog.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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APS #213005

27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

You can find inexpensive used Scott catalogs from many previous years on Ebay;

I am bidding on 2 2009 issues right now.

The last time I purchased one - a 2010 volume 5 - it only cost me 15 dollars and that included shipping.

Many libraries (including ours) do not have them - you have to request them from a larger library and then wait a L-O-N-G time before you get to see one.


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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you live in Brisbane, it is unlikely that you would find a Scott catalogue in any local library, only the State Library. You would almost certainly find in your local library some sort of Australian catalogue, and Stanley Gibbons catalogues, at least the Simplified Stamps of the World. This may be all that you would need.

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John Macco
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Astrophilatelist- Space Cover Collector

27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Saleem's post is right on. You can get only the countries you actually collect for minimal cost. Obviously the more pages, the more the cost but it is less than a full set of catalogs. I would check ebay as there is a couple of sellers who do this.

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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I have the 2007 US Specialized & Classic Specialized on CD and they both run on Win7, as does my copy of the 2009 Scott worldwide on DVD. I have a love/hate relationship with the digital products--love them because I can easily compare onscreen vs. what I have in my hand; hate mostly due to poor search capabilities, slow response. Having used other digital products (e.g. encyclopedias) I expected much from Scott, perhaps expected more than they could provide. Amos does offer digital access for iphones & ipads, but the reviews have been mixed, and not having either of those devices I have to say I haven't tried them and based on the reviews wouldn't. Plus, they are pricey--just as well by the analog products, eh?


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27 Jan 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I have an iPad, and have purchased the 2012 Scott classic and the Japan pages.

I would never recommend these aps, because they are expensive and poorly designed. The search engine is nearly worthless, and it's even difficult to determine which set of pages (in the Classic catalogue) to open to find a particular country and period.

At the same time, it's a lot easier to transport my iPad to my stamp club meetings, and easier on my arthritic hands and not-so-great eyes. One thing that really irritates me is Scott's pop-up ads that appear anew with each page flip. You can disable them by going off-line, but that's a pain.

With more R&D, Scott would have a winner here, but given the incredible competition in the market for hand-held devices, I'm sure it would be risky. (I wouldn't even attempt to use the Scott apps on the iPhone -- that display is way too small.)


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04 Feb 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

hey! gang! i bought 4 at the show in Dec. to replace the ones i lost in the fire.
2-2010's at 10 bucks each, a 2008-G-I for $5 and a 2011 US spec. for $15. my wife got
me a 2010 So-Z for Xmas was in her closet. it survived with some smoke damage. My 2006 P-Sl is burnt & water damaged but able to use it. lost my 2012 Unitrade. anyway, the point is there are bargains out there. even on the internet. problrem now is the darned postage cost to ship.

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" I have a burning love for stamps. Lord A'mighty ,feel my temperature risin'! "
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05 Feb 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

"Saleem: If you are willing to shed a few dollars than you can buy Country specific Scott Album pages at eBay - these are not photocopies but pages removed from catalog. "

The 2013 pages are even cheaper, now (the countries for the 1st volume or 2, anyway) as he tries to clear them out before the 2014 editions come out.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

05 Feb 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Are the pages the actual Scott pages from a torn apart catalog ?

Or are they photocopies of the pages ?

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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05 Feb 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

According to his listings he actually buys two sets of the catalogs and literally splits them country by country. Since some pages end up have two different countries on them, back to back, he is forced to buy the two sets. He does however sometimes sell the "short" page sets at a discount. I have never bought any of them, but he's been doing this for quite a while, so it must be beneficial to all concerned.


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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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06 Feb 2013
re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I got my set that was discarded from the library. My most current set to date.


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26 Jan 2013

I think i found the right place for this Q?
Has anyone downloaded the scott cat ver 2009? If so is it any good?
I do not have a copy for references atm

Ta Kat

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Downloaded Scott catalog!!!! Wouldn't this be a violation of Copyright Laws??? My advice is to buy a second hand set from someone buying the latest version or visit your local library and ask there - you may get a more recent version this way. I believe someone is selling a 2009 set at Virtual Stamps Club - check it out.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Thankyou saleem I do mean a paid for version from a site. But i am liking the libary more and more ta for advice

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you are paying to download the files, then it is almost certainly an illegal copy. Scott never sold the 2009 software as a download, and you cannot transfer the license via download.

Here's more bad news. I would estimate that 99% of the Scott catalog CDs/DVDs sold online are also pirated (some of them pretty well imitated). In fact, it's actually quite difficult to find a genuine one online.

This is one reason why Scott no longer releases the WW catalog set as PC software. 2009 was actually the last set. But don't feel too sorry for Amos. They shot themselves in the foot by offering a whopping $5-$10 discount for buying the software instead of the print catalog.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I believe this was the last year Scott offered the catalog on CD-ROM. I purchased and loaded it on a computer running Windows XP and it worked fine. I also ran it on a computer running Windows Vista, with similar success. However, I tried on a couple of other computers running Vista, and it didn't work. I have had no success whatsoever with Windows 7, and I suspect it will not run under that platform.

If you have not purchased it already, I would advise against it. Scott no longer supports the CD-ROM product, and I find the physical books much easier to use. You should be able to find a set of used catalogs priced reasonably.

Best of luck!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...
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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Thank you for your responses and advice, I have not yet purchased it so I will now go to my library for now.

A Qoute I was once told not sure when or by who it was written though:
To Live Is To Learn and To Learn Is To Live

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"Have a Great Day :)"
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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you are willing to shed a few dollars than you can buy Country specific Scott Album pages at eBay - these are not photocopies but pages removed from catalog.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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APS #213005
27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

You can find inexpensive used Scott catalogs from many previous years on Ebay;

I am bidding on 2 2009 issues right now.

The last time I purchased one - a 2010 volume 5 - it only cost me 15 dollars and that included shipping.

Many libraries (including ours) do not have them - you have to request them from a larger library and then wait a L-O-N-G time before you get to see one.


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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

If you live in Brisbane, it is unlikely that you would find a Scott catalogue in any local library, only the State Library. You would almost certainly find in your local library some sort of Australian catalogue, and Stanley Gibbons catalogues, at least the Simplified Stamps of the World. This may be all that you would need.

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John Macco

Astrophilatelist- Space Cover Collector
27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Saleem's post is right on. You can get only the countries you actually collect for minimal cost. Obviously the more pages, the more the cost but it is less than a full set of catalogs. I would check ebay as there is a couple of sellers who do this.

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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I have the 2007 US Specialized & Classic Specialized on CD and they both run on Win7, as does my copy of the 2009 Scott worldwide on DVD. I have a love/hate relationship with the digital products--love them because I can easily compare onscreen vs. what I have in my hand; hate mostly due to poor search capabilities, slow response. Having used other digital products (e.g. encyclopedias) I expected much from Scott, perhaps expected more than they could provide. Amos does offer digital access for iphones & ipads, but the reviews have been mixed, and not having either of those devices I have to say I haven't tried them and based on the reviews wouldn't. Plus, they are pricey--just as well by the analog products, eh?


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27 Jan 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I have an iPad, and have purchased the 2012 Scott classic and the Japan pages.

I would never recommend these aps, because they are expensive and poorly designed. The search engine is nearly worthless, and it's even difficult to determine which set of pages (in the Classic catalogue) to open to find a particular country and period.

At the same time, it's a lot easier to transport my iPad to my stamp club meetings, and easier on my arthritic hands and not-so-great eyes. One thing that really irritates me is Scott's pop-up ads that appear anew with each page flip. You can disable them by going off-line, but that's a pain.

With more R&D, Scott would have a winner here, but given the incredible competition in the market for hand-held devices, I'm sure it would be risky. (I wouldn't even attempt to use the Scott apps on the iPhone -- that display is way too small.)


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...
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04 Feb 2013


re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

hey! gang! i bought 4 at the show in Dec. to replace the ones i lost in the fire.
2-2010's at 10 bucks each, a 2008-G-I for $5 and a 2011 US spec. for $15. my wife got
me a 2010 So-Z for Xmas was in her closet. it survived with some smoke damage. My 2006 P-Sl is burnt & water damaged but able to use it. lost my 2012 Unitrade. anyway, the point is there are bargains out there. even on the internet. problrem now is the darned postage cost to ship.

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" I have a burning love for stamps. Lord A'mighty ,feel my temperature risin'! "
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05 Feb 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

"Saleem: If you are willing to shed a few dollars than you can buy Country specific Scott Album pages at eBay - these are not photocopies but pages removed from catalog. "

The 2013 pages are even cheaper, now (the countries for the 1st volume or 2, anyway) as he tries to clear them out before the 2014 editions come out.

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
05 Feb 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

Are the pages the actual Scott pages from a torn apart catalog ?

Or are they photocopies of the pages ?

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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05 Feb 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

According to his listings he actually buys two sets of the catalogs and literally splits them country by country. Since some pages end up have two different countries on them, back to back, he is forced to buy the two sets. He does however sometimes sell the "short" page sets at a discount. I have never bought any of them, but he's been doing this for quite a while, so it must be beneficial to all concerned.


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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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06 Feb 2013

re: Has anyone downloaded the 2009 scott stamp cat

I got my set that was discarded from the library. My most current set to date.


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