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General Philatelic/Supplies, Literature & Software : Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)



30 Apr 2013
Good morning everyone.

Begin to arrive the first pieces for my collection.
Now I would like if possible to have your opinion on setting up the assembly.

To give an example, this is one of my albums of Inflation postal history:


and that an album with special cancellations in Wurttemberg:


I use only safe material and have many new sheets available (cream colored with black trim or black with golden frame).

The collection specializes in cancellations, then insert predominantly envelopes, postcards, picture postcards, fragments, or something similar.
It must of course be present a short description of each page that describes the type of cancellation. In some cases, insert a description for each piece.
The description is the strip of blank white paper.

To complete the historical picture in the future, I will insert some photos and map.
Also add copies of this book, at least by location reported.


I have done 5 tests, very rough, just to get an idea.
I repeat that the photos are very rough, they serve only to understand the final result.
I made an example by mounting two pieces with cancellation Hamburg PA. Machine cancels.

Which do you prefer? The number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?

Do you have any suggestions for me?








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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

30 Apr 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)


I think it is what is most pleasing to you that should be the deciding factor. All the layouts are fine and will present your material very nicely. My personal preference (and I emphasize personal because it is entirely subjective based on what pleases my sense of perspective) is layout number 2. That is probably because I like frames around the material (did I mention I also collect art and once directed an art gallery?).

I really enjoyed the pages of your collection you shared and would like to see more!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

30 Apr 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I like #2 as well. I like having the white. Those that have too much black are a bit too severe, for my sense of aesthetics.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis

30 Apr 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I like number #3 better. Having a separate piece of paper for each description allows you to easily move things in your own album. It also allows someone who is paging through the album to read only about the cover that interests them the most.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society

30 Apr 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)


I think it is asked too much from us (certainly from me) to open all the links. We have an easy picture upload function called "upload image" at the bottom of the message window which allows you to insert pictures into your message.

Your message will get a lot more responses.


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01 May 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I thought that the direct link would be better. So the page will probably open more quickly.
I make a try and upload a picture instead of the link.


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01 May 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Let's try a little 'to see if I can get to see the images.

I cut the cards blacks the right size.

Image Not Found

I have two types of sheets available:
- cream color without grid.
- cream color with crosshatching.

They are probably the most beautiful without grid, but editing is obviously more complicated.

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Image Not Found

I prepared two versions:
- single description
- with two descriptions.

The descriptions that you see in the photos are examples only, must be changed.

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Image Not Found

For descriptions I used two types of paper: white and cream color.

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Image Not Found

If the pieces in the collection are as small as postcards or envelopes, I can fit 2 pieces on each sheet.

If no further description is needed for each piece, they insert only one at the top.
Otherwise 2 descriptions for each page.

This is the final result. It might go well? Of course I'll use a protective sheet of plastic.

Image Not Found

After I will set an example for particular pieces, such as picture postcards.



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01 May 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Here are some examples for picture postcards. The locations are different, but only serves as an example.

There is the part with the cancellation and the one with the picture.
Hiding the image is a real shame, because it removes some of the history.
So you can mount on the same page as the front of the postcard and a color copy of the back where there is cancellation.

They can be mounted on the same black cardboard, or on two different cards.

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Image Not Found

You can also enter only new postcards with images of the country or the Post Office.

Image Not Found


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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis

02 May 2013
re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Very nice! Thank you for sharing!

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"




30 Apr 2013

Good morning everyone.

Begin to arrive the first pieces for my collection.
Now I would like if possible to have your opinion on setting up the assembly.

To give an example, this is one of my albums of Inflation postal history:


and that an album with special cancellations in Wurttemberg:


I use only safe material and have many new sheets available (cream colored with black trim or black with golden frame).

The collection specializes in cancellations, then insert predominantly envelopes, postcards, picture postcards, fragments, or something similar.
It must of course be present a short description of each page that describes the type of cancellation. In some cases, insert a description for each piece.
The description is the strip of blank white paper.

To complete the historical picture in the future, I will insert some photos and map.
Also add copies of this book, at least by location reported.


I have done 5 tests, very rough, just to get an idea.
I repeat that the photos are very rough, they serve only to understand the final result.
I made an example by mounting two pieces with cancellation Hamburg PA. Machine cancels.

Which do you prefer? The number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?

Do you have any suggestions for me?








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www.mrinfla.it/infla ...

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
30 Apr 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)


I think it is what is most pleasing to you that should be the deciding factor. All the layouts are fine and will present your material very nicely. My personal preference (and I emphasize personal because it is entirely subjective based on what pleases my sense of perspective) is layout number 2. That is probably because I like frames around the material (did I mention I also collect art and once directed an art gallery?).

I really enjoyed the pages of your collection you shared and would like to see more!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
30 Apr 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I like #2 as well. I like having the white. Those that have too much black are a bit too severe, for my sense of aesthetics.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis
30 Apr 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I like number #3 better. Having a separate piece of paper for each description allows you to easily move things in your own album. It also allows someone who is paging through the album to read only about the cover that interests them the most.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society
30 Apr 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)


I think it is asked too much from us (certainly from me) to open all the links. We have an easy picture upload function called "upload image" at the bottom of the message window which allows you to insert pictures into your message.

Your message will get a lot more responses.


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01 May 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

I thought that the direct link would be better. So the page will probably open more quickly.
I make a try and upload a picture instead of the link.


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www.mrinfla.it/infla ...

01 May 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Let's try a little 'to see if I can get to see the images.

I cut the cards blacks the right size.

Image Not Found

I have two types of sheets available:
- cream color without grid.
- cream color with crosshatching.

They are probably the most beautiful without grid, but editing is obviously more complicated.

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

I prepared two versions:
- single description
- with two descriptions.

The descriptions that you see in the photos are examples only, must be changed.

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Image Not Found

Image Not Found

For descriptions I used two types of paper: white and cream color.

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Image Not Found

If the pieces in the collection are as small as postcards or envelopes, I can fit 2 pieces on each sheet.

If no further description is needed for each piece, they insert only one at the top.
Otherwise 2 descriptions for each page.

This is the final result. It might go well? Of course I'll use a protective sheet of plastic.

Image Not Found

After I will set an example for particular pieces, such as picture postcards.



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www.mrinfla.it/infla ...

01 May 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Here are some examples for picture postcards. The locations are different, but only serves as an example.

There is the part with the cancellation and the one with the picture.
Hiding the image is a real shame, because it removes some of the history.
So you can mount on the same page as the front of the postcard and a color copy of the back where there is cancellation.

They can be mounted on the same black cardboard, or on two different cards.

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Image Not Found

You can also enter only new postcards with images of the country or the Post Office.

Image Not Found


1 Member
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www.mrinfla.it/infla ...

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis
02 May 2013

re: Mounting a stamp collection (Hamburg cancels)

Very nice! Thank you for sharing!

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"


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