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Europe/Other : France - Scott #461, 546


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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

18 May 2013
Ok guys - I've managed to travel through France and maintain my sanity, however these last two stamps, I can't find in Scott. I know they are there and they are common stamps but my brain is fried.

Thanks in advance for finding the Scott #s for me.

Image Not Found

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

In Scott catalog,

left: France 461(1943)

right: France 546(1946)

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

Thank you! Thumbs Up

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis

18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

If there are any others you can't identify, feel free to just pop them in an envelope and send them to me Big Grin

I wouldn't want you getting too stressed!! Angel

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

LOL - It just might come to that! Thinking

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

Everyone better watch out. As Kelly figures out the world's stamps, she may become a tough contender in the tournament!

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

LOL Michael - you know how rotten I am at that!!!! But, who knows? Stranger things have happened!

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

18 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

Many of the French shields of towns or regions are not depicted in Scottt but are described in the footnote. This was Bretagne. Yves & Tellier is what you really need for France catalog.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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19 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

Of course, if you use Scott you have to "Englishify" Bretagne ==> Brittany.

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19 May 2013
re: France - Scott #461, 546

KHJ - Of course, if you use Scott you have to "Englishify" Bretagne ==> Brittany.

I'll bet you that is an oversight that has been sitting there for years in the catalog. It should show the French word. Do you want to tell them, or should I tell my future employees about it?

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
18 May 2013

Ok guys - I've managed to travel through France and maintain my sanity, however these last two stamps, I can't find in Scott. I know they are there and they are common stamps but my brain is fried.

Thanks in advance for finding the Scott #s for me.

Image Not Found


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...
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18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

In Scott catalog,

left: France 461(1943)

right: France 546(1946)

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

Thank you! Thumbs Up

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis
18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

If there are any others you can't identify, feel free to just pop them in an envelope and send them to me Big Grin

I wouldn't want you getting too stressed!! Angel

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"


A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

LOL - It just might come to that! Thinking

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...
Members Picture

18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

Everyone better watch out. As Kelly figures out the world's stamps, she may become a tough contender in the tournament!

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

LOL Michael - you know how rotten I am at that!!!! But, who knows? Stranger things have happened!

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...

Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
18 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

Many of the French shields of towns or regions are not depicted in Scottt but are described in the footnote. This was Bretagne. Yves & Tellier is what you really need for France catalog.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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19 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

Of course, if you use Scott you have to "Englishify" Bretagne ==> Brittany.

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19 May 2013

re: France - Scott #461, 546

KHJ - Of course, if you use Scott you have to "Englishify" Bretagne ==> Brittany.

I'll bet you that is an oversight that has been sitting there for years in the catalog. It should show the French word. Do you want to tell them, or should I tell my future employees about it?

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