You are correct. The lots look great. Big enough to see, and nice and clear. Keep up the good work Pudge.
I have no problems at all with promoting your own or others auctions/approvals/sales. It is the norm just about everywhere.
Here it isn't and I have seen less sinster threads/posts than this fall by the wayside.
I think it only fair (to everyone) if this one suffers the same fate.
I am sure Dan won't mind me saying this.
i am not sure what you consider the problem to be Michael.
We have no problem discussing other people's lots; i've made a habit of featuring half a dozen lots that catch my fancy. This seems to be in the same vein: discussing why a lot is especially well done.
I don't see where there is an issue here either. Dan was not advertising anything, but sending kudos to Pudge, in an open forum, about how great Pudge's lots looked. I also agree that the lots look very nice.
(Sent to Pudge on message site)
Dear Pudge,
Your listings are a pleasure to look at. Front & back shots, a full description and nicely laid out. The care shown is much appreciated. I'll try to post this note for others to see, but I may be in some violation somehow so I wanted to be sure to let you know your efforts are much appreciated.
Dan C.
Dear Sellers,
That's what a posting ought to look like. Very impressive indeed.
Dan C.
Dear Bobby,
If I have transgressed just wipe me off-all understood.
re: Care in posting in the auction
You are correct. The lots look great. Big enough to see, and nice and clear. Keep up the good work Pudge.
re: Care in posting in the auction
I have no problems at all with promoting your own or others auctions/approvals/sales. It is the norm just about everywhere.
Here it isn't and I have seen less sinster threads/posts than this fall by the wayside.
I think it only fair (to everyone) if this one suffers the same fate.
I am sure Dan won't mind me saying this.
re: Care in posting in the auction
i am not sure what you consider the problem to be Michael.
We have no problem discussing other people's lots; i've made a habit of featuring half a dozen lots that catch my fancy. This seems to be in the same vein: discussing why a lot is especially well done.
re: Care in posting in the auction
I don't see where there is an issue here either. Dan was not advertising anything, but sending kudos to Pudge, in an open forum, about how great Pudge's lots looked. I also agree that the lots look very nice.