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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps

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What we collect!

Club Business & Announcements/Member Intro : My first post



15 Jul 2014
Greetings from Down Under folks. Queensland IS the gem of Australia and rumors, myth if you like, has it that it was the last of Gods creations. It was the last simply because the sheer perfection of what He had produced prompted Him to break the mould. That being so, all you none Queenslanders have, sadly, missed out. We do though, permit visitations and in the case of extremely nice people, permit immigration.
(Removes tongue from cheek)
I have collected stamps for a very long time but until very recently I came to realise I had been doing it all wrong. I truth I am still doing it wrong but I have advanced to the state where I know I am doing it wrong and I am attempting to do it right.
So as not to bore anyone, who has read even thus far, I will begin at the end, as it were. I have given one of my Grandsons about a third of my collection(s). They are all my Great Britain collection from 1840 Queen Victoria through Her five successors to Queen Elizabeth the second.

It was akin to severing an arm. Some of the stamps I had treasured for over seventy years, I can still remember the letters upon which they had arrived. Would that I could return, as an Eight year old to a tiny shop where an old collector had lived who's son was selling off His collection of Queen Victoria issues. For sixpence ( a weeks pocket money) I bought an half penny rose red, Plate 12 of 1870. It still resides, with many more later acquired, in the first of many albums.

Repeat that little story perhaps a hundred, perhaps a thousand times and a none collector might just get a peep into the heart of a collector of tiny pieces of paper(preferably used in my case) called postage stamps.

fast forward to last month and I began to *down size* my collection by virtually giving away several thousands of*stuf* that where not even able to fit in stock books.

I have resolved I will, hence forth, collect only Australian States (passively)Kangaroo issues (avidly) KGV (passionately) Modern Australian for the benefit of my Great Grandson.
I have probably bored any one who has read thus far, enough, thanks for reading my ramblings. R
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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

15 Jul 2014
re: My first post

Great post - I envy your Grandson - that would be heaven to me. :-D


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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15 Jul 2014
re: My first post

Welcome to you and you may ramble all you care to here on SOR. Many of us "younger" kids, (LOL, I'm 4 years your junior) enjoy tales of the good ol' days. You can put me down as envious of your grandson's gift also.


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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

15 Jul 2014
re: My first post

Welcome, Roger. Have fun here!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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15 Jul 2014

Auctions - Approvals
re: My first post

Roger, welcome ! As a fellow Australian (now living in Minnesota), I can relate to the passionate collecting of the Kangaroos and the KGV's. One could make an argument that God perfected stamps at that point and should have stopped there Surprise. But then what would the rest of the world have collected. Happy

Regards ... Tim

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We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.---- Albert Einstein

16 Jul 2014
re: My first post


When I grow up, I hope I'm half the collector you are! I enjoyed reading your post. I hope we will hear more from you.



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16 Jul 2014
re: My first post

Welcome! Good to have you with us here Happy

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17 Jul 2014
re: My first post

Welcome!!!! I too am envious ( teary eyed here) of such a collection..What a gift to pass along to a grandchild.....Cheryl

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21 Jul 2014
re: My first post

looking forward to more ramblings. welcome to the site !

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15 Jul 2014

Greetings from Down Under folks. Queensland IS the gem of Australia and rumors, myth if you like, has it that it was the last of Gods creations. It was the last simply because the sheer perfection of what He had produced prompted Him to break the mould. That being so, all you none Queenslanders have, sadly, missed out. We do though, permit visitations and in the case of extremely nice people, permit immigration.
(Removes tongue from cheek)
I have collected stamps for a very long time but until very recently I came to realise I had been doing it all wrong. I truth I am still doing it wrong but I have advanced to the state where I know I am doing it wrong and I am attempting to do it right.
So as not to bore anyone, who has read even thus far, I will begin at the end, as it were. I have given one of my Grandsons about a third of my collection(s). They are all my Great Britain collection from 1840 Queen Victoria through Her five successors to Queen Elizabeth the second.

It was akin to severing an arm. Some of the stamps I had treasured for over seventy years, I can still remember the letters upon which they had arrived. Would that I could return, as an Eight year old to a tiny shop where an old collector had lived who's son was selling off His collection of Queen Victoria issues. For sixpence ( a weeks pocket money) I bought an half penny rose red, Plate 12 of 1870. It still resides, with many more later acquired, in the first of many albums.

Repeat that little story perhaps a hundred, perhaps a thousand times and a none collector might just get a peep into the heart of a collector of tiny pieces of paper(preferably used in my case) called postage stamps.

fast forward to last month and I began to *down size* my collection by virtually giving away several thousands of*stuf* that where not even able to fit in stock books.

I have resolved I will, hence forth, collect only Australian States (passively)Kangaroo issues (avidly) KGV (passionately) Modern Australian for the benefit of my Great Grandson.
I have probably bored any one who has read thus far, enough, thanks for reading my ramblings. R

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
15 Jul 2014

re: My first post

Great post - I envy your Grandson - that would be heaven to me. :-D


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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

emmettslegacy.webs.c ...
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15 Jul 2014

re: My first post

Welcome to you and you may ramble all you care to here on SOR. Many of us "younger" kids, (LOL, I'm 4 years your junior) enjoy tales of the good ol' days. You can put me down as envious of your grandson's gift also.


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"It's been three years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
15 Jul 2014

re: My first post

Welcome, Roger. Have fun here!


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...
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15 Jul 2014

Auctions - Approvals

re: My first post

Roger, welcome ! As a fellow Australian (now living in Minnesota), I can relate to the passionate collecting of the Kangaroos and the KGV's. One could make an argument that God perfected stamps at that point and should have stopped there Surprise. But then what would the rest of the world have collected. Happy

Regards ... Tim

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We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.---- Albert Einstein
16 Jul 2014

re: My first post


When I grow up, I hope I'm half the collector you are! I enjoyed reading your post. I hope we will hear more from you.



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16 Jul 2014

re: My first post

Welcome! Good to have you with us here Happy

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17 Jul 2014

re: My first post

Welcome!!!! I too am envious ( teary eyed here) of such a collection..What a gift to pass along to a grandchild.....Cheryl

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21 Jul 2014

re: My first post

looking forward to more ramblings. welcome to the site !

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