Nice one snowy ! I would think that a majority of US locals have been reproduced at one time or another.
I think I might have a few lying around.
Let's see some more folks!
The most popular reproduction of all.
Just curious: How can you tell that the Guernsey occupation stamps are forgeries? Maybe the "clean" roulettes? My copies of the same stamps seem to be semi-rouletted/perforated. Mine also seem to be a bit sharper/less "fuzzy," but that could just be my imagination. The 2 1/2p forgery seems to be a bit less intense in colour.
After more than 2 years........some additions to the (long forgotten) thread !
A nice find in 2016 !
"I definitely do not spend a ton of cash."
"Hm. I'm jealous of those GVI swastika overprints, which I always thought cost at least a ton of cash! By all means point me to some cheap source of same."
"The item below has been cropping up for decades now, in an overpriced joblot of worthless Polish stamps, where the vendors suggest it 'may not be genuine'.
A couple more whilst I am sucking my thumbs !
Carrying on from Philatelia's thread about 'fun' collections, this one is mine. Not collected to deceive or cheat anyone, not collected to fill any nagging gaps in my stamp albums....only collected for the fun. I don't do research (their isn't much info anyway, for the most part), I don't flyspeck or check perfs and I definitely do not spend a ton of cash.
Some are not cheap, some are quality printings and many are not. The range is extensive, very good to downright hilarious. I will attempt to show both ends !!
Frowned upon by many and often discussed in an unpleasant manner, they are nonetheless very colourful and hugely entertaining.
I don't go out of my way to find them, most often they find me. I don't make them myself and I prefer it if they have 'Faux' or some similar term printed on the reverse.
I only add to this album a reproduction that is only that, and not part of a larger sheet with text or ornaments. The only exception is if the reproduction is on a larger sheet of plain card or paper....but blank with ONLY the reproduction.
I prefer if the repro has perforations and\or gum, preferably both. But like any oddball collector, what arrives goes in the album. Imperfs gratefully received so to speak. Of course if that's how the original came......then not a problem.
I prefer if it's in the same colour but it still gets a place if it isn't. Sometimes one can find many colours of a stamp that was originally in only one colour !!
I do not knowingly put into the album an Imperf that has been cut from a Miniature or Souvenir sheet. If I later find out that an item I have is a 'cut-out' then it gets kicked out ! I have to draw the line somewhere !!
Minor changes to the original are accepted in most cases, if tastefully done. A moustache on the Queens portait does not count as a minor change and will be discarded to the fantasy collection !
My 'FUN' collection....REPRODUCTIONS !
Lots more to come. Please feel free to add any reproductions you may have here on this thread. Always nice to see......just for fun of course !
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
Nice one snowy ! I would think that a majority of US locals have been reproduced at one time or another.
I think I might have a few lying around.
Let's see some more folks!
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
The most popular reproduction of all.
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
Just curious: How can you tell that the Guernsey occupation stamps are forgeries? Maybe the "clean" roulettes? My copies of the same stamps seem to be semi-rouletted/perforated. Mine also seem to be a bit sharper/less "fuzzy," but that could just be my imagination. The 2 1/2p forgery seems to be a bit less intense in colour.
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
After more than 2 years........some additions to the (long forgotten) thread !
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
A nice find in 2016 !
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
"I definitely do not spend a ton of cash."
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
"Hm. I'm jealous of those GVI swastika overprints, which I always thought cost at least a ton of cash! By all means point me to some cheap source of same."
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
"The item below has been cropping up for decades now, in an overpriced joblot of worthless Polish stamps, where the vendors suggest it 'may not be genuine'.
re: My 'FUN' collection - Reproductions !
A couple more whilst I am sucking my thumbs !