LOL, I just worked on those stamps last night. They were indeed printed tete beche.
Germany Scott #138a value for a tete beche pair is $5.50. If the pair is MNH, then the value is $9.00.
The bottom pair of your block is damaged, so discount accordingly.
Thanks for the quick reply Michael. Had a feeling they were "normal" yes I noted the damage and they are MNH.
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-01-04 12:15:16)
Found this block in a box and wonder if the stamps were normally printed this way or not. My SG simplified gives no detail on such matters.
Advice welcome.
re: 1921 issue
LOL, I just worked on those stamps last night. They were indeed printed tete beche.
Germany Scott #138a value for a tete beche pair is $5.50. If the pair is MNH, then the value is $9.00.
The bottom pair of your block is damaged, so discount accordingly.
re: 1921 issue
Thanks for the quick reply Michael. Had a feeling they were "normal" yes I noted the damage and they are MNH.
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-01-04 12:15:16)