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Stamporama Anniversary
The Stamp Club for People Who Love Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
Stamporama Anniversary
The Stamp Club for People Who Love Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center

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What we collect!

Top 20 Selling Tips For Stamporama Auctions

The list below provides members with a list of the more important things to remember when selling in the auctions. For more in-depth information, read the Auction Rules, and Auction Tutorials for full details. Do not start selling until you fully understand them!


1. All transactions conducted on Stamporama are between you and your buyer.

2. Make sure your payment and shipping terms are reasonable, and are clearly written prior to posting any lots. To get ideas, read the terms used by other sellers. 

3. Describe your lots correctly. Identify all bogus, fake, forged, counterfeit, repaired or altered stamps, and all defects in the item description or title. 

4. Good images are critical. Learn how to make clear, reasonably sized scans of your lots. Practice scanning before you start selling.

5. List stamps in the correct category/country. Many buyers search for specific areas. Multiple categories can be chosen for each lot.

6. Use the Buy it Now feature. Many buyers like to buy an item immediately without worrying about being outbid or having to wait for it to close.

7. Save time by using the "Complete Posting and Copy" button when listing similar lots. You only have to change the information specific to each item you list.

8. When posting multiple lots, consider placing them "On Hold". When done, use the "Activate On Hold" function so the lots will all open and close at the same time.

9. Price all items to sell! You are using the auctions to sell your stamps, not exhibit them.

10. Group multiple low-valued stamps from the same area in a mini collection, or sell them in an approval book.

11. List items from the same area at the same time, not just a few lots from many different areas.

12. Watch what sells! List material that is desirable. Do not offer damaged common material.

13. Review each lot before submitting it. Once a bid is placed on the lot, it cannot be edited or deleted except for extraordinary reasons, and only with the approval of the Auctioneer.

14. Accept Paypal to increase sales, especially for sales outside your country.

15. Use postage stamps on the envelopes sent to your buyers. They WILL notice and will want to buy from you again.

16. Package all shipments well, but do not make them difficult to open. Do not use excessive amounts of tape.

17. Use the Discussion Board "Auction Notes and Notices" to let buyers know when you have new items for sale, if you are going to be on vacation or otherwise unavailable.  

18. Be consistent with your invoicing. If you invoice immediately after your auctions close, once a week or even once a month, try to keep a regular schedule so that buyers know when to expect an invoice.

19. Be considerate when communicating with slow paying buyers. If you do not receive a response with a private message, try writing to the email address listed in their member profile.

20. Do not let non-payers go unreported. Contact the Auctioneer when appropriate. These people might do the same thing to other sellers.

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This page was last updated on August 8, 2016


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