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Stamporama Anniversary
The Stamp Club for People Who Love Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
Stamporama Anniversary
The Stamp Club for People Who Love Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center

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What we collect!

What Stamporama Members have to say about Stamporama

Feed back from the members

On Stamporama's 5th aniversary in 2001, Jerry Abern asked the members for feedback on what they thought of Stamporama.  Ten years later I asked member the same question.  The following is a mix of there feed back.

Tim (webmaster)

I was a stamp collector as a boy; I lost interest in stamps as I entered my 20's, putting my collection away in a closet, not to be taken out again until I was in my early 40's. I rediscovered my old collection one day while digging around in the closet for something else! With my interest renewed, I started poking around on the  internet for anything and everything to do with stamps.
In 2005 I "discovered" Stamporama and have been a member ever since. SOR - as we call it - has evolved a lot since then, all for the better. I have met many collectors here that I would call my friends, even though we have never met face to face. Many members have kindly and willingly shared their collecting knowledge with others here. Our auctions are great fun, more than fairly priced and available to all members!
I would recommend Stamporama to everyone, no matter your age or experience level. You won't find a more helpful 'family' of collectors than here - of that, I am thoroughly convinced! Give us a try - I think you'll be pleasantly suprised!

Randy Kerr


STAMPORAMA is certainly a Great Club not only for the Stamp collectors but even for the non-collectors. After all, there is so much friendship among all the members. And I assure you that I will always continue to be a part of this wonderful club of ours.

Vaibhav Goyal


I was first introduced to Stamporama approximately twelve months ago through a branch of the American Philatelic Society (APS) titled the Junior Philatelists of America (JPA). Through this organization I was informed of Stamporamas existence when I read a short article describing the club and its purpose to philatelists. Immediately interested, I wrote off for more information.

About a week and a half later, I received a cordial response, accepting me as a member, and a complimentary packet of stamps. From then on, I have been an avid consumer of the Rambler and an active though silent participant of all the events involved with it

Stamporama has been very meaningful to me because of its informal but instructive atmosphere but most importantly because of the membership spontaneity in helping fellow members in times of need or distress and the friendly cooperation displayed in every project that involves the club in general. I find most of the articles on Stamporama quite useful and I have discovered many new tips, techniques, or ideas without which I would have otherwise been stranded in the murky waters of indecision and ignorance.

I will conclude with one more comment I think that it is really quite unique how Stamporama claims so many members from such an array of countries. All have such diverse ethnical and spiritual backgrounds yet all are united together over the study of one small minuscule topic- that of Philately.

Adriel Meditz


I am not exactly a computer whiz so I must have stumbled upon it by accident. But I can truthfully say that was one of the best things that have happened to me since I acquired a computer. I have never ventured into E-Bay or hardly any other sites, as STAMPORAMA has filled my needs

The nicest thing about it is the "family" feel one gets with this group. One can make stupid mistakes and not feel foolish. I have made so many really, really NICE friends, and in the trading have added many items to my ever-growing world collection. And the Mentors!! I am sure both Dan Cohen and Tracy Barber wish I had never come on-line, as I have used their services so many times, and they have been so gracious in their help. As for Jerry, well, I feel I've known him all my life! I will be forever grateful to him for having the bright idea to start this club.

STAMPORAMA!! May it last as long as I do!

Mary Jane Campbell


Stamporama has rekindled my stamp-collecting hobby. Jerry has made me feel I truly belong to this club. I've always liked the idea of being in a club, but Stamporama is the only club that succeeded in making me feel so completely welcome. I've learned so much from reading what other members have shared. Thanks to all who help make Stamporama such a fun stamp club

Karen Williams

My STAMPORAMA time lately has been reduced, mainly because of a demanding job and frankly, a large amount of my online stamp time being spent on eBay. However, I still LOVE STAMPORAMA. As a mentor I have received numerous requests and always enjoy the correspondence that ensues. Mentoring is for me the most gratifying part of the club. Also, reading Jerry's emails, and the Rambler keeps me in touch even though I cannot respond and participate as much as I would like to Finally, participating in the auction has also resulted in some rewarding philatelic correspondences.

So thank you for STAMPORAMA, Jerry!

Ingo Nessel


I think the most wonderful thing about Stamporama is its flexibility and convenience. You don't have to pay anything for it but it's a real pleasure to contribute with your articles and comments, mainly thanks to Jerry's encouragement and receptiveness. All contributions are welcome and there are plenty of ways a member can help others. I love the way everyone is encouraged to participate and my lack of time is always a regret when Stamporama makes you see how many things you could do. And everything in a very casual environment that makes all feel pretty comfortable. Bravo for Stamporama and long life to the project with the help of all of us

Jose A. Narbona


Stamporama is a wonderfully organized, international, supportive group of very diverse people, of all ages, both male and female who unite around their passion for stamp collecting,

There is a real and genuine concern for others, reflected in the mentoring and support provided to less experienced and younger collectors. The air of warmth, friendliness and respect for each other has been one of the really pleasant aspects of Stamporama. This altruism is a unique characteristic of Stamporama. It moves the 'Club' from being just a gathering of people serving their own interests to a grouping of people concerned with the well being of each other. I can only say that I always feel indebted to Stamporama and grateful for the ongoing experience of being a member of this group. Again, thanks Jerry.

Chris Lang


Stamp collecting is a solitary pursuit, which could permit a collector to become isolated within him and separated from others. On the other side of the spectrum one could devote all waking hours involved in the greater community of stamp collecting from official APA activities to worldwide stamp-pal trading.

Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum lies the whole world of stamp clubs, and in the middle of that world I was pleased to find Stamporama. It was possible to become as active or lazy as I chose to be, to have contacts worldwide or not, and to touch stamp-pals as often or as little as I chose. I could trade and sell my excess items and buy needed items as well. An in-house auction format permitted a great opportunity to get real bargains and the interaction between members was of the highest quality. There was just no way to become disappointed in a trade. Perhaps the greatest value lay in the resolution of puzzling questions about some aspect of my collecting interests from a list of mentor/experts who were most willing to offer their expertise. All I had to do was to ask

To keep abreast of all that goes on in the club we have an in-house Discussion Board, which permits involvement with all new/old members and keeps track of what's going on, should one be interested. Participation is encouraged, but not required. And the fee for all this, incredibly, is nothing more than your interest! I have been most positively impressed, and would urge anyone to check us out. Should you be a bit shy, you can contact me personally at dani20@juno.com and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Daniel Cohen


I'm very glad that I joined Stamporama. I came across the club's name via the APS special interests web listing. So far I've enjoyed the contacts that I've made and the few times that I've swapped stamps.  

The auctions have been great. Lots and lots of stuff have been offered. Time and money are the constraints in participating. You know too much month and not enough pay check. As a newcomer to auctions I hope to venture out and submit stuff for auction.

Since I joined Stamporama I've mentioned it to our club members. I'm a member of Glacier Stamp Club in Kalispell MT. Somehow in the two years that I've been a member I've ended up being elected as president of the club. Still can't figure out how that happened. What do I do now? Maybe the Stamporama membership can help me out here? Is there a mentor for such an area of interest? Anyway I'm rambling. Club members are very fortunate in having such a good service as Stamporama.  Come On Down, Join Stamporama! The value is amazing!

Anyway I must get going here. I'm a little bit in the arrears of reviewing the stuff on the next auction. And yes I get a paycheck before the deadline for the next auction. YeeHaw!!

Don Blais


I have been with Stamporama almost since its inception, and I love it. My collection has grown from nothing to more than I can handle! And, I have made lasting friendships through this club with other stamp collectors that have made me very happy. This is a great club for the beginner and expert alike.

Ami Snell


Stamp collecting can be a rather lonesome hobby in that many hours are spent by the many, maybe most, collectors in solitude. There probably are husband and wife, parent and sibling, and sibling collectors, and there may be local stamp clubs, but the solitary collector is undoubtedly more common. Stamporama provides the means for the most solitary among us to make contact with kindred spirits, and many friendships have developed from those contacts.

The Auction provides a great source of stamps as well as a bit of income. The local stamp store is fast becoming a thing of the past, making club auctions especially valuable for the members.

Ed Whitney


I enjoy being a member of Stamporama because it affords me the opportunity to trade stamps with members who live in all Four Corners of the world. As with most trading clubs some trades are good and some not so good. However for the most part my trades have turned out to be wonderful for all parties concerned. If any thing negative can be said, it's the lack of polite response to Email queries.

John Blackwood

It's been a pleasure to be part of Stamporama for the past year. I don't have as much time to spend on my collection as I would like. Receiving information and articles via the Discussion Board and the Articles section and sharing with my fellow members on trades has helped to increase the enjoyment of collecting. I love the electronic "virtual" club we have & I really get a lot out of it. From learning about new issues to reading about the interesting stories from our members Stamporama is the best.  Plus I even had the chance to make a few trades

I look forward to a long and prosperous membership in Stamporama. And I hope others will be able to join us in the enjoyment of collecting!

Marty McDonald


Since you've asked so nicely about a dozen times. Stamporama renewed my interest in stamp collecting after many years of dormancy. I dug out that box from the closet and rekindled my relationship with those albums. I rediscovered the simple pleasure of sifting through a pile of perforated little pieces of paper printed with every imaginable picture and language. After a time, I decided to move onto a sailboat and my collection returned to storage. But Stamporama continued, serving as a mooring line connecting me to the hobby I'd known off and on for 15 years. Now I'm back on land for a time, and the box has come back out. Stamporama has connected me with others on distant shores that sift through their little piles of stamps. More than anything else, it helps me to know that I'm not alone in this peculiar pastime. It is camaraderie. It is good fun.

Robert Lucey


I joined Stamporama in January 2001. As soon as I had received the Welcome emails & package and after my first look at a past issue of the Rambler on line, I felt a strong "affinity" for the ambiance of the Club. Something told me there was a treat in store for me - but I could not define it at that time. Yet 8 weeks later I am able to define it: this Club is buzzing with activity, always something going on.

I have participated in several global Circuit Clubs, exchange clubs and "pen pal" organizations over my 50 years of philately and perhaps have a prejudiced reference point for Clubs. Not so with Stamporama!! I am impressed with the friendliness and enthusiasm of the few members I have contacted already. Jerry and David (the auction) have been very supportive and I had a blast at my first online auction as a purchaser. Now I will be a seller as well. The Rambler is very interesting and extensive in content and I have made some good contacts hoping to develop a mutually beneficial exchange.

There seems to be plenty of opportunities for all levels of collectors to find something of VALUE, something to treasure in philately.....For me that treasure is STAMPORAMA! Keep up the good work!!

Harry Haralambous


In addition to thoughts of some members of Stamporama, I would say that Stamporama and members are offering me a special item too: A warm friendly home feeling where ever one might be; even though I've never met them face to face.

This feeling and friendship have opened so many doors to me, showing me parts of my fellow members' lives, feelings, moods, sorrows, troubles, cultures, cities and countries and what ever more; it helps me to understand other people better every time more and more. A feeling, which I never experienced at other societies, joined by me. Jerry, I do thank you and your co-operators for this opportunity and efforts and other members too of course and especially my dear fellow members Dan Cohen and Mary Jane Campbell.

Hans Boers


What Stamporama means to me -- support for children, generosity, and selflessness. mentorship... a bunch of individuals who deserve a great big thanks!

Vanessa Isitt ;-)




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