I got one as well. I tried to figure out where it was actually sent from, but in typical PO fashion, you can't make it out.
I too have never seen this happen, and a big thanks to whoever Secret Santa is (I have a guess but I will keep it to myself). It just shows that this site is in deed special
It wouldn't happen to be someone who is no longer here would it? Phil you can send me a private message, cause it's driving me nuts and that's a short drive
By the way..........Merry Christmas...........Bill
O my I do love the Secret Santas ...Merry Christmas
Thank you Santa
But no penny black! I was a good kid all year!!!
Thanks for sharing this, Bill! It warms my heart to see the generosity of fellow stamp collectors!
"But no penny black! I was a good kid all year!!!"
Thank-you, Secret Santa!
David G
Ottawa, Canada
This came yesterday from the North Pole (BRRRR) and it almost knocked me over. I sold hundreds of Books and Stamps on Ebay for many years and never I repeat NEVER did this happen. This is why this site is SO Special
Whoever sent this I really hope YOU read this because I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and to all the other special collectors that mingle here be thankful that you found the BEST site on the web.
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
I got one as well. I tried to figure out where it was actually sent from, but in typical PO fashion, you can't make it out.
I too have never seen this happen, and a big thanks to whoever Secret Santa is (I have a guess but I will keep it to myself). It just shows that this site is in deed special
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
It wouldn't happen to be someone who is no longer here would it? Phil you can send me a private message, cause it's driving me nuts and that's a short drive
By the way..........Merry Christmas...........Bill
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
O my I do love the Secret Santas ...Merry Christmas
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
Thank you Santa
But no penny black! I was a good kid all year!!!
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
Thanks for sharing this, Bill! It warms my heart to see the generosity of fellow stamp collectors!
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
"But no penny black! I was a good kid all year!!!"
re: Why StampoRama makes me SMILE
Thank-you, Secret Santa!
David G
Ottawa, Canada