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General Philatelic/Identify This? : US. 909-921 overrun countries


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07 Mar 2018
Hi, I am looking for information on reverse printing and printing errors. I purchasing about a hundred sheets. I have found a lot of printing errors Like POLANO, KORPA.
Thanks Richard
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

07 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

The Hal Klein exhibits have a wealth of info here http://stampsmarter.com/learning/album_Overrun_home.html

He is still scanning and adding some of the countries.


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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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07 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Thank you for the link

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07 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not FoundHi Can anyone tell me if i have reverse printing in top one pictured. Is it close enough to send in to get it Image Not Foundcertified

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07 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Yes it is a reverse printing. I specialize in this series and have authored six books on the first six stamps in the series. I am currently working on Book 7, The France Stamp & Its Varieties.
The stamp is no where near as rare as dealers will have you believe. About 1/3 of the stamps printed for Poland are reverse issues. Each country varies. I do not believe this stamp is worth more than $5.

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07 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Thank you. The link that Don gave me helped me. I have 3 sheets of Poland maybe more with reverse printing. I am checking the other sheets. You can still find treasures. Big Grin The rest of the sheets will take me some time to check.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

09 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Since Scotts Specialized does not deign to explain,
and other than having a Korpa block,
it is not my area of expertise,
would someone tell us what is reversed ?
I've looked at he red part of the flag,
but my failing eyesight is, ..... well, failing.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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09 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Try these I use them:

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09 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

If you look at the top two stamps that rwillis posted, the top stamp red field shows just a shadows worth of black highlights while the bottom stamp shows strong black highlights. The top stamp is the reverse printing listed in Scott's as red over black. The bottom is the "normal" printing, black over red. Most reverse printings are easy to see, (Poland France Greece) others require magnification (recommend 30x or better).

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09 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

I found if you scan the stamp. Then blow up the picture it's easier on the eyes.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

09 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Sure, now that I know what I am looking for,
it is patheticly obvious. I was looking
for some left to right reversal.
Thanks for the clue.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not FoundI found two blocks with errors one with "v" for the "Y" and one with blurry Norway

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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not Found

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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

The rest of the sheet is ok no other errors that i can see. Richard

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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Check the blue field on the right side, it's short.
Also notice the different widths between the blue fields and the red fields.
My books on this series cover everything you saw and more.

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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Looking at the other sheets all kinds of small differences. A collectors Dream or Nightmare. Take a lImage Not Foundook at the word Luxembourg (E) for differences.

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18 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundCan you tell me if this is a reverse printing. Thanks RichardImage Not Found

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19 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

An interesting stamp. The reverse printing on this stamp is the 'normal" and the normal is the reverse. You have the "normal" which scott's list as the rare printing.

916 pale blue shading over pale blue strips
916a dark blue shading over pale blue stripes


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19 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Hello Keith,
I think I may have heard about your books on this series but I don't remember the details.

After going to your website, I had a few questions:

What is the format for the books? Hardcover? Softcover?

How many pages does each book have? I wasn't sure if the highest numbered page for each book was also the last page?

How many illustrations does each book have on average?

Where are you basing your knowledge for the text?

Is there a place either on here or elsewhere for an indepth review of the books?


PS: Can you post a page or two or several so that we can get an idea of what it looks like?

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21 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

This is my third time trying to respond. I keep deleting it, hitting a wrong key.

Each book in the series isdevoted to one stamp from the Overrun Countries series. The books are the results of more than 6 years of extensive study and close examination
of the stamps. Each book contains multiple chapters covering details such as paper, gum, margin markings, reverse printings, double impressions, script varieties, flag position, flag shading, covers and more. Plate varieties are identified and checklists of plate varieties are provided. This is an excellent resource for the specialist. New information on reverse printings is essential for anyone considering such a purchase.

The books are fully illustrated with numerous color enlargements to aid in
identifying varieties. Large typeset makes for easy on the eyes reading.
Books are 8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. Books are printed on demand.

Book 1 - The Poland Stamp & Its Varieties, 54 pages
Book 2 - The Czechoslovakia Stamp & Its Varieties, 63 pages
Book 3 - The Norway Stamp & Its Varieties, 80 pages
Book 4 - The Luxembourg Stamp & Its Varieties, 78 pages
Book 5 - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties, 73 pages
Book 6 - The Belgium Stamp & Its Varieties, 87 pages

My books have been mentioned in American Philatelist, Philatelic Literature Review, Meekles US Stamps, Stamp Insider Mar/Apr 2015, and The American Stamp Dealer & Collector Oct 2015.

I have won three awards...
Chicago Philatelic Society 2016 Silver - The Luxembourg Stamp & Its Varieties
Chicago Philatelic Society 2016 Silver - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties
15th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exposition, 2017 Silver - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties

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22 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Keith, what an interesting thread...i am not a U.S. collector with the exception of some covers,so i would not be into varieties..i would look for different cachets for the Netherlands stamp on cover..definitely an overrun country.Image Not Found

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."
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22 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

I just posted the Austria as its the first one that popped up !Happy

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

22 Mar 2018
re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

"... This ia my third time trying to respond.
I keep deleting it, hitting a wrong key. ..."

Watch that a stray finger of your left hand
does not inadvertantly touch a unintended key
as you type, thus joining the dits and dahs together
creating some secret code that deletes your text.
I put a strong rubber band around my "pinky" finger,
stretching it over the middle two and around the pointer
so that the little finger does not droop down and
cause literary agita.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "


Members Picture

07 Mar 2018

Hi, I am looking for information on reverse printing and printing errors. I purchasing about a hundred sheets. I have found a lot of printing errors Like POLANO, KORPA.
Thanks Richard

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
07 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

The Hal Klein exhibits have a wealth of info here http://stampsmarter.com/learning/album_Overrun_home.html

He is still scanning and adding some of the countries.


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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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07 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Thank you for the link

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07 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not FoundHi Can anyone tell me if i have reverse printing in top one pictured. Is it close enough to send in to get it Image Not Foundcertified

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07 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Yes it is a reverse printing. I specialize in this series and have authored six books on the first six stamps in the series. I am currently working on Book 7, The France Stamp & Its Varieties.
The stamp is no where near as rare as dealers will have you believe. About 1/3 of the stamps printed for Poland are reverse issues. Each country varies. I do not believe this stamp is worth more than $5.

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www.StampManKeith.co ...
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07 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Thank you. The link that Don gave me helped me. I have 3 sheets of Poland maybe more with reverse printing. I am checking the other sheets. You can still find treasures. Big Grin The rest of the sheets will take me some time to check.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
09 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Since Scotts Specialized does not deign to explain,
and other than having a Korpa block,
it is not my area of expertise,
would someone tell us what is reversed ?
I've looked at he red part of the flag,
but my failing eyesight is, ..... well, failing.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
Members Picture

09 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Try these I use them:

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nikkis-stamp-store.e ...

09 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

If you look at the top two stamps that rwillis posted, the top stamp red field shows just a shadows worth of black highlights while the bottom stamp shows strong black highlights. The top stamp is the reverse printing listed in Scott's as red over black. The bottom is the "normal" printing, black over red. Most reverse printings are easy to see, (Poland France Greece) others require magnification (recommend 30x or better).

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www.StampManKeith.co ...
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09 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

I found if you scan the stamp. Then blow up the picture it's easier on the eyes.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
09 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Sure, now that I know what I am looking for,
it is patheticly obvious. I was looking
for some left to right reversal.
Thanks for the clue.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
Members Picture

18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not FoundI found two blocks with errors one with "v" for the "Y" and one with blurry Norway

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18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundImage Not Found

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18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

The rest of the sheet is ok no other errors that i can see. Richard

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18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Check the blue field on the right side, it's short.
Also notice the different widths between the blue fields and the red fields.
My books on this series cover everything you saw and more.

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www.StampManKeith.co ...
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18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Looking at the other sheets all kinds of small differences. A collectors Dream or Nightmare. Take a lImage Not Foundook at the word Luxembourg (E) for differences.

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18 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Image Not FoundCan you tell me if this is a reverse printing. Thanks RichardImage Not Found

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19 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

An interesting stamp. The reverse printing on this stamp is the 'normal" and the normal is the reverse. You have the "normal" which scott's list as the rare printing.

916 pale blue shading over pale blue strips
916a dark blue shading over pale blue stripes


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www.StampManKeith.co ...

19 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Hello Keith,
I think I may have heard about your books on this series but I don't remember the details.

After going to your website, I had a few questions:

What is the format for the books? Hardcover? Softcover?

How many pages does each book have? I wasn't sure if the highest numbered page for each book was also the last page?

How many illustrations does each book have on average?

Where are you basing your knowledge for the text?

Is there a place either on here or elsewhere for an indepth review of the books?


PS: Can you post a page or two or several so that we can get an idea of what it looks like?

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21 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

This is my third time trying to respond. I keep deleting it, hitting a wrong key.

Each book in the series isdevoted to one stamp from the Overrun Countries series. The books are the results of more than 6 years of extensive study and close examination
of the stamps. Each book contains multiple chapters covering details such as paper, gum, margin markings, reverse printings, double impressions, script varieties, flag position, flag shading, covers and more. Plate varieties are identified and checklists of plate varieties are provided. This is an excellent resource for the specialist. New information on reverse printings is essential for anyone considering such a purchase.

The books are fully illustrated with numerous color enlargements to aid in
identifying varieties. Large typeset makes for easy on the eyes reading.
Books are 8.5 x 11 inches, spiral bound. Books are printed on demand.

Book 1 - The Poland Stamp & Its Varieties, 54 pages
Book 2 - The Czechoslovakia Stamp & Its Varieties, 63 pages
Book 3 - The Norway Stamp & Its Varieties, 80 pages
Book 4 - The Luxembourg Stamp & Its Varieties, 78 pages
Book 5 - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties, 73 pages
Book 6 - The Belgium Stamp & Its Varieties, 87 pages

My books have been mentioned in American Philatelist, Philatelic Literature Review, Meekles US Stamps, Stamp Insider Mar/Apr 2015, and The American Stamp Dealer & Collector Oct 2015.

I have won three awards...
Chicago Philatelic Society 2016 Silver - The Luxembourg Stamp & Its Varieties
Chicago Philatelic Society 2016 Silver - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties
15th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exposition, 2017 Silver - The Netherlands Stamp & Its Varieties

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www.StampManKeith.co ...
Members Picture

22 Mar 2018


re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

Keith, what an interesting thread...i am not a U.S. collector with the exception of some covers,so i would not be into varieties..i would look for different cachets for the Netherlands stamp on cover..definitely an overrun country.Image Not Found

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."
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22 Mar 2018


re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

I just posted the Austria as its the first one that popped up !Happy

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
22 Mar 2018

re: US. 909-921 overrun countries

"... This ia my third time trying to respond.
I keep deleting it, hitting a wrong key. ..."

Watch that a stray finger of your left hand
does not inadvertantly touch a unintended key
as you type, thus joining the dits and dahs together
creating some secret code that deletes your text.
I put a strong rubber band around my "pinky" finger,
stretching it over the middle two and around the pointer
so that the little finger does not droop down and
cause literary agita.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

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