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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : What is your latest Acquisition?


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01 May 2018
Hi all,

As a Newbie to the hobby, I had initially purchased a lot of stuff to actually get a "collection" going, test the waters, see what I liked, etc.

Now that I have settled on some interests (for the moment at least!), I have refined my purchasing a bit and pared it down to just a few items at a time.

The idea is to not break the bank, keep a slow trickle of purchases coming to me, and to hone in more on just the "good stuff".

So, with all that being said, "What is your latest Acquisition" to your collection?

I'll go first.

I bought, but have not received, two aircraft FDCs for my "flying things" FDC album.

How about you? Anything cool and new?



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Stamp collector

01 May 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

I bought or did winn at a "Skanfil" auction a lot containing two stock books, and two binders with FDC and envelopes. The description was rather dull, focusing on the FDC witch has a low iterest here in Norway (and else I think).
But I thought there must be something in the stockbook. It was an auction on the other side of Norway so I couldn't attend.
I sett the lowest bid, 900nok = 112$.
Well, I got it. Now Im mounting the stamps on Steinar pages and from the start to 1970 I have now 450 different stamps. Over 20 of the with catalogue value between 12-35$ and some of them duplicated.
It was a really filled up stockbook. And the binders a filled up with FDC, rec. envelopes, mint stamps, stamps with special postmarks and so on.

I think it is the best bay I have done for a long time.

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"If I'm not here, I'm in my Stamp Cave"
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01 May 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Hi Tobben,

Those seem VERY interesting. A very nice collection and purchase!


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01 May 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

i went to a postcard Sunday..picked up the QSL cards and one vendor had some Tobacco covers sent to a local business man around 1900...since it was a postcard show i got th covers at a good price.Image Not Found

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."
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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

01 May 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

French Andorra Back of the Book. With the addition of J13, I am now one stamp (J14) away from completion. ( I am still 2 stamps away from completion of the front of the book with the two elusive high value Merson O/P...watch out for counterfeits!)
Hope I will not wait 2 years to get J14 at an affordable price, and fine condition. I sadly just missed out on a real good (and cheap) one.
rrr...Image Not Found

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

24 Jun 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Glad to say that I finally acquired the elusive (and expensive) French Andorra J14 (MNH).
In a registered envelope with tracking from Europe, it took 3 1/2 weeks to receive it! I really thought it was missing for good!
I will be posting an updated Postage Due full page scan soon...after I finish drooling all over it! And it did not break the bank.
Now the two 1931 10F and 20F o/p "Merson" for completion! They do come up for auctions from time to time, but I hate to say that most of what I see out there is counterfeit, or doubtful. This is one I need with certificate, or from a reliable source!

Applause Thumbs Up


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

24 Jun 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

French Andorra. Postage due finally complete. (2 scans).
rrr...Thumbs Up

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Image Not Found

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

24 Jun 2018

Auctions - Approvals
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Congrats!! Always nice to complete a page or a section of collection!

Oh and by the way, I'm jealous Happy

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

24 Jun 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Bob: That last stamp can be a real challenge, unless you will pay anything for it! Since I have many such "last stamps" issues, I tend to be very measured (read cheap) buying them one at a time, and not giving up.
I don't know if 2 years is a reasonable wait...but here it is:

"French Andorra 1931-32 stampdue stamp fine/very fine MNH val $600
Estimated delivery Fri, Jun 08 - Tue, Jun 19
This item has been shipped.
Add note
US $31.00"

Must say I am pretty pleased!

Don't know why I like those small countries of Europe, but I do. I collect them all (cut off is 2000), except Vatican which I sold at an auction upon completion!

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

24 Jun 2018

Auctions - Approvals
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

That was a real steal!

I guess there are still some around if you have the patience.

It's still a real challenge to be patient when I get close to not just pay whatever to finish a set, page or section off. I think we lose some patience with age Happy

At least I know I have

Take care

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant

25 Jun 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Bob: I just have too many cases where I miss just a one or a few stamps..the expensive ones usually, so unless it is an area I am currently focusing on, I will have discipline in not breaking the bank and going for it at any cost.
There are other areas where every stamp I look at is priced way above my threshold (look at Saudi arabia, as of late). I guess money talks.

I must say that I have lost a few badly wanted stamps (or covers) that have never showed up again, but usually with patience, it will be back in my line of sight eventually, and I may even win a few.
For this J14, I wish it had a certificate. O/P are always a big worry. Reputable sources are not enough, alas. I looks genuine to me, but anyone else wishing to express an opinion?

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

26 Jun 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Sure, I'll bite. It looks genuine to me.
But taking my opinion to the bank might be disappointing.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Tom in Exton, PA

06 Aug 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Got some nifty stuff today..

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On the hunt for New Jersey postmarks I found this one at a reasonable price. I hate to pay a postage fee for a single card, so I always look to see what else that seller has to offer....

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Same seller had this neat patriotic cover. I collect car related covers and Jeep is a bonus. So I paid the few dollars for this neat one!

Remember when I said I accidentally started to collect Worlds Fair? Well here's a few items...

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1934 Century of Progress Expo postcard. I love the special cancel of the postal car exhibit. Then the train images will make my railroad friends jealous. Since my USA collection is a free range effort, this card will go right in with the stamps!

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The seller had a bunch of 1964-5 Worlds Fair paper. I was actually there, so I have a warm feeling for that expo. I sorted through and picked out two pieces for $3.50 each (note other sellers offering same ones for up to $20 each). Again in my car theme, the General Motors Futurama exhibit item was selected. The rest of it is a driving map to the fair, so I'm not reproducing it here. This will fit right into the 7 x 5.5" pockets of my USA collection.

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Greyhound had the onsite transportation all sewn up. My first interest here was the Escorter. These were used like taxis at the fair. Then the units were sold off and wound up doing the next decade or so on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Some of them still exist and I was made aware of these by a TV show where Rick's Restorations of Las Vegas restored one of these for a New Jersey collector. I did some digging and no surprise there is a website and message board for these. I have made contact with the owner and am trying to visit the restored Escorter. As a model builder, I'd like to scale it off and build it in my favorite 1/25 scale. In the meantime, I am pleased to have this old paper!

And yes, this stuff will go right into my 1964 stamp album with the Worlds Fair stamps and covers. I also have a few covers postmarked at the fair, and I have an actual ticket coming from another vendor.

As you can see I'm easily amused by ancient paper!

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06 Aug 2018
re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Very fun and cool stuff!

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01 May 2018

Hi all,

As a Newbie to the hobby, I had initially purchased a lot of stuff to actually get a "collection" going, test the waters, see what I liked, etc.

Now that I have settled on some interests (for the moment at least!), I have refined my purchasing a bit and pared it down to just a few items at a time.

The idea is to not break the bank, keep a slow trickle of purchases coming to me, and to hone in more on just the "good stuff".

So, with all that being said, "What is your latest Acquisition" to your collection?

I'll go first.

I bought, but have not received, two aircraft FDCs for my "flying things" FDC album.

How about you? Anything cool and new?



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Stamp collector
01 May 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

I bought or did winn at a "Skanfil" auction a lot containing two stock books, and two binders with FDC and envelopes. The description was rather dull, focusing on the FDC witch has a low iterest here in Norway (and else I think).
But I thought there must be something in the stockbook. It was an auction on the other side of Norway so I couldn't attend.
I sett the lowest bid, 900nok = 112$.
Well, I got it. Now Im mounting the stamps on Steinar pages and from the start to 1970 I have now 450 different stamps. Over 20 of the with catalogue value between 12-35$ and some of them duplicated.
It was a really filled up stockbook. And the binders a filled up with FDC, rec. envelopes, mint stamps, stamps with special postmarks and so on.

I think it is the best bay I have done for a long time.

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"If I'm not here, I'm in my Stamp Cave"
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01 May 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Hi Tobben,

Those seem VERY interesting. A very nice collection and purchase!


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01 May 2018


re: What is your latest Acquisition?

i went to a postcard Sunday..picked up the QSL cards and one vendor had some Tobacco covers sent to a local business man around 1900...since it was a postcard show i got th covers at a good price.Image Not Found

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"If a man would be anything, he must be himself."

Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
01 May 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

French Andorra Back of the Book. With the addition of J13, I am now one stamp (J14) away from completion. ( I am still 2 stamps away from completion of the front of the book with the two elusive high value Merson O/P...watch out for counterfeits!)
Hope I will not wait 2 years to get J14 at an affordable price, and fine condition. I sadly just missed out on a real good (and cheap) one.
rrr...Image Not Found

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
24 Jun 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Glad to say that I finally acquired the elusive (and expensive) French Andorra J14 (MNH).
In a registered envelope with tracking from Europe, it took 3 1/2 weeks to receive it! I really thought it was missing for good!
I will be posting an updated Postage Due full page scan soon...after I finish drooling all over it! And it did not break the bank.
Now the two 1931 10F and 20F o/p "Merson" for completion! They do come up for auctions from time to time, but I hate to say that most of what I see out there is counterfeit, or doubtful. This is one I need with certificate, or from a reliable source!

Applause Thumbs Up


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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
24 Jun 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

French Andorra. Postage due finally complete. (2 scans).
rrr...Thumbs Up

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

24 Jun 2018

Auctions - Approvals

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Congrats!! Always nice to complete a page or a section of collection!

Oh and by the way, I'm jealous Happy

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
24 Jun 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Bob: That last stamp can be a real challenge, unless you will pay anything for it! Since I have many such "last stamps" issues, I tend to be very measured (read cheap) buying them one at a time, and not giving up.
I don't know if 2 years is a reasonable wait...but here it is:

"French Andorra 1931-32 stampdue stamp fine/very fine MNH val $600
Estimated delivery Fri, Jun 08 - Tue, Jun 19
This item has been shipped.
Add note
US $31.00"

Must say I am pretty pleased!

Don't know why I like those small countries of Europe, but I do. I collect them all (cut off is 2000), except Vatican which I sold at an auction upon completion!

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

24 Jun 2018

Auctions - Approvals

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

That was a real steal!

I guess there are still some around if you have the patience.

It's still a real challenge to be patient when I get close to not just pay whatever to finish a set, page or section off. I think we lose some patience with age Happy

At least I know I have

Take care

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Retired Ap. Book Mod, Pres Golden Gate Stamp Club, Hi Tech Consultant
25 Jun 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Bob: I just have too many cases where I miss just a one or a few stamps..the expensive ones usually, so unless it is an area I am currently focusing on, I will have discipline in not breaking the bank and going for it at any cost.
There are other areas where every stamp I look at is priced way above my threshold (look at Saudi arabia, as of late). I guess money talks.

I must say that I have lost a few badly wanted stamps (or covers) that have never showed up again, but usually with patience, it will be back in my line of sight eventually, and I may even win a few.
For this J14, I wish it had a certificate. O/P are always a big worry. Reputable sources are not enough, alas. I looks genuine to me, but anyone else wishing to express an opinion?

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
26 Jun 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Sure, I'll bite. It looks genuine to me.
But taking my opinion to the bank might be disappointing.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Tom in Exton, PA
06 Aug 2018


re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Got some nifty stuff today..

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On the hunt for New Jersey postmarks I found this one at a reasonable price. I hate to pay a postage fee for a single card, so I always look to see what else that seller has to offer....

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Same seller had this neat patriotic cover. I collect car related covers and Jeep is a bonus. So I paid the few dollars for this neat one!

Remember when I said I accidentally started to collect Worlds Fair? Well here's a few items...

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1934 Century of Progress Expo postcard. I love the special cancel of the postal car exhibit. Then the train images will make my railroad friends jealous. Since my USA collection is a free range effort, this card will go right in with the stamps!

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The seller had a bunch of 1964-5 Worlds Fair paper. I was actually there, so I have a warm feeling for that expo. I sorted through and picked out two pieces for $3.50 each (note other sellers offering same ones for up to $20 each). Again in my car theme, the General Motors Futurama exhibit item was selected. The rest of it is a driving map to the fair, so I'm not reproducing it here. This will fit right into the 7 x 5.5" pockets of my USA collection.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found

Greyhound had the onsite transportation all sewn up. My first interest here was the Escorter. These were used like taxis at the fair. Then the units were sold off and wound up doing the next decade or so on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Some of them still exist and I was made aware of these by a TV show where Rick's Restorations of Las Vegas restored one of these for a New Jersey collector. I did some digging and no surprise there is a website and message board for these. I have made contact with the owner and am trying to visit the restored Escorter. As a model builder, I'd like to scale it off and build it in my favorite 1/25 scale. In the meantime, I am pleased to have this old paper!

And yes, this stuff will go right into my 1964 stamp album with the Worlds Fair stamps and covers. I also have a few covers postmarked at the fair, and I have an actual ticket coming from another vendor.

As you can see I'm easily amused by ancient paper!

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06 Aug 2018

re: What is your latest Acquisition?

Very fun and cool stuff!

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