Many people will tell you that you get nothing out of being in a philatelic society. I'll tell you this, look at what the society has to offer, and then make up your own mind. You will get out of it what you want depending on how you avail yourself of what the society has to offer its members.
For the APS, you have free admission to APS shows, can attend APS meetings, get special treatment at APS headquarters, get APS monthly publication, can buy/sell through APS Sales Division online or through sales circuits, get discounted insurance for your collection, can borrow books from the APS library, get discounts for expertization, your family can benefit from the free APS Estate Advisory Service when you pass on, you get free translation of letters/documents, and more. Like I said, you get what out of it what you want. I have been an APS member for over 26 years. I have gotten alot from the APS, and I have given back through donations and my work as an APS Estate Advisor and other activities.
I too have been an APS member for a long time, and everything Michael said is 100% accurate. He left out one very important thing, and that references; when dealing with other collectors or dealers, the APS logo on your correspondence is better than three other trade references, I have the logo printed on my stationery, and use it in almost all my correspondence.
Join now, while it is fresh on your mind.
If you have any questions, you can email me directly at
I joined a couple of years ago. Last fall, I took one of their classes in expertizing. Now anyone can go to the classes but members get a discount on all of their services. However only members can buy or sell. The APS also offers a Philatelic reference library with its online catalogue that can access most of the philatelic libraries around the world. It is well worth the money.
I can certainly agree with all of the above endorsements. The APS is a wonderful organization that all stamp collectors should belong to. Everyone that I have ever met or talked to from the APS is very polite, knowledgeable and ready to help in any way they can.
I joined for one year and didn't renew. This isn't to bash the organization, it simply didn't bring value to me.
1. The American Philatelist: In 1 year, they printed exactly one article that I found of interest, vis a vis philately. That was about the Wesson time-on-bottom postmark, and even that very article is available, now, online, at no charge.
For me, far too many of the articles were just history lessons on certain events, with nothing to do about stamp collecting, per se. While I don't expect them to taylor the content specifically towards my interests, again it's about the value (or lack of such) I received.
2. Stamp Circuits: This was quite the losing proposition. When you consider just the cost of shipping and insurance, you'll spend $10 before (well, actually, after) you've bought anything. Too much of the stuff was packet material. Other stamps I might otherwise have had a desire to buy were damaged from improper handling by previous members and/or poor mounting and positioning on the page, so that stamps often got creased when closing the books.
3. The "Lending" Library: Between lending fees, and shipping and insurance costs, the first book you "borrow" will cost you $20. Each additional book lowers the average cost per book a little, but, unless you are going to spend days taking a copious amount of notes, or risk damaging the bindings trying to scan them, that is an awful lot to spend for information you will have only temporarily.
4. The "cachet" of APS membership: It means nothing to me when I see it on a dealer's web page or ad. I've had far too many unpleasant experiences with APS dealers as well as non-member dealers, to think that the logo means anything. I'm not talking about anything actionable or reportable, like fraud, but subjective (though well-defined) things such as grading and condition, communication, customer service, etc.
As Michael stated:
"You will get out of it what you want depending on how you avail yourself of what the society has to offer its members."
I joined the APS in about 1965 or 1966. Paid my membership and contributed several lettrs to discussions for over twenty years.
In October 1988 I had my first adventure in cardiology and was out of the loop for some time with six children to feed regardless so my wife cut things back, letting several subscriptions and club memberships end. Once I was up and around, able to go back to work I realised that no one in State College noticed that a twenty year member was missing or had bothered to wonder why or if a widowed spouse might need some help.
I never bothered to rejoin and really don't miss the society at all.
I have noticed in this year alone several members, noting someone's absense, have made an effort to seek the reason or inquire after their health.
Sometimes one of the local club members brings in his dated copy of the journal and if I get the chance will look thm over.
Was a member for 3 years. didn't renew for pretty much the same reasons "youpiao" states.
Also they quit using stamps on their mail. Disappointed in that. If they had say an associate membership where you didn't have to get the magazine for like 20 bucks a year , I could handle that. I do find the integrity of the organization outstanding.
Also they quit using stamps on their mail.
That's an incorrect statement. Mail sent directly from APS headquarters (sales circuits, online store purchases, Sales Division supply orders, other contact letters, etc. always has postage stamps. APS also uses custom postage labels (nice collectables) for business mail. If the APS has a mass mailing to its membership, it sometimes contracts that work out, and that mailing will get meter or permit as it is sent directly from the contractor's facility and not the APS.
The APS does have associate memberships, but there also has to be a full member in the household. AAA is the same way as are many other organizations like that.
I did the half a year deal a few years ago to check it out. The magazine was okay but not may classified ads were of interest to me. I find several similar ads in Linn's, which I have received for years. I work full time and don't have time for the circuits, which I could do through my local club if I chose to. I can still go to the shows when they are in my area, and I did enjoy their shows in recent years in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. They were larger than local and somewhat intimidating, but I still found vendors that carried items that were pleasing. Let me say that I never spend more than $60-$75 per show, and I realize you could spend a lot more at their shows. BTW, I actually prefer the ASDA magazine which I have picked up back issues of from my club.
You will definitely have fun with local "face to face" clubs or smaller organizations. I used to also belong to ISWSC (World wide stamps) and FICC (First Issues Collectors Club) which had nice auctions every quarter of #1 issues of several countries. Almost joined ATA recently, but I am not really a topical collector. Maybe I can do more when I retire...
This is awesome!!!! Thanks Michael for mentioning that they have a stamp store. All the stamps i want are available there at good rates. I intend to have them expertised as well.
I just had a talk with APS. I guess my cc is going to be very well used today.
Just renewed and reactivated my long lapsed APS membership.
I am still member # 203949! They extended an offer of $45 for the rest of 2016 and all of 2017. I wonder who has the lowest membership number here. I know some of yall have been members since the Wilson administration ha ha.
Would love to hear some lesser known or unique ways that people have enjoyed membership.
My number starts with 136... Probably isn't the lowest around here, though.
Through my 30+ years of membership, I have often spoken to, written or emailed many of the staff, directors, etc. They have all been friendly, helpful, and enjoy talking about stamps, even the employees who do not collect stamps. That's a sideline to membership that I enjoy in addition to those and more that I discussed previously in this thread.
You have me beat, Michael. My number is 156###. Any members with a five digit number?
My number starts with 164, and I just recently received my 25 year pin and certificate.
I continue to maintain it because it keeps me on top of what is going on in the hobby nationally, plus is a great reference for joining the specialist clubs. BOB
I am a lifer..paid dues a couple of years after my free memberships should have started. If i join something APS, Stamporama, stamp club...i tend to stick with it. Phil APS 070059
Phil has a 5 digit number. I never stick with something just to stick with it. For me, there has to be a real benefit. I did miss the magazine. I liked the process of the circuit books but was disappointed in the content. I think I was getting classic US. For members who regularly receive them, which books do you think have been the best regarding quality and variety? Don't think I've been activated yet. I was unable to pull up the lists when I tried earlier. Maybe someone could post them, PM or email it to me.
We have a few active members who have a four digit APS Number.
I'm a five digit guy- now a life member. I have used the sales books only briefly. It wasn't cost effective, too much cheap material and short sets. I really like the online Stampstore and have used that a lot. Nonmembers can also use it but it costs more.
Fairly happy with the APS at least for now.
I just recently decided to suspend the APS circuit has been a tradition in the club since the 1960's but its hard to justify $6.80 postage plus $2.00 insurance amonth from our club treasury when members were buying less than Five dollars from the circuit books. The type of stamps we have been receiving in the past year or two are not the type that appeal to the membership. Some folks said they dropped out of the APS because the dues were expensive...sounds like they might not have been too interested in being an APS member in the first place.
One can always belong to the National Model Railroad Association. Dues are about $70 per year for national. Then there's an optional extra dues charge for regional. Going to an NMRA event? You need to register, and pay the fees for getting through the door, and for each clinic that you want to attend. Coming from out of town? Have to stay in the hotel where the event is, or else pay a $50 surcharge. Can cost you a bundle just to go to one show. Even the regional shows are like this. Some local shows will have a door fee.
Many other organizations are like this.
APS shows? Free.
All of the fees paid to the organizations go to support those groups. Joining and maintaining a membership in such an organization serves to give back, in the case of the APS, to the hobby that has given one enjoyment to help others become part of the hobby.
There is a model railroad club in Kingston,New York in the building next to the YMCA i belong to. They had been there for decades so you can imagine what they had setup in there. A couple of years ago the landlord wanted them out...i guess he could get more rent from another tenant. Things were pretty tense for a while but in the end the railroad club is still there.Watching the small city politics in a town like Kingston is a trip all by itself.
My 187### number doesn't truly reflect how long ago I started collecting. It simply reflects how long ago (2000 or 2001?) I began writing and publishing articles in American Philatelist. I haven't done much writing in recent years. So there are no APS checks to cover the cost of membership these days. Still, I keep the membership, occasionally getting an APEX certificate and fully intending to begin selling a few higher value items in the APS StampStore some day. Some day...............
My number starts with 122... joined in 1982... overall worthwhile... APS journal has its ups and downs with periods of fluff and periods of stuffy content of interest ot relatively few. I'll keep on paying dues, all things considered.
I have been a member for many many years. Except for the stamp insurance, I have really used much of the benefits except getting the journal which sporadically has articles i like.
For some, a specialist group may be more important. For example, I have received more useful info from PNC3 due to their content rich web site although it looks quite dated.
I do not think $45 is very high compared to costs in today's world. I hope no one is going out to see a movie, sporting event, or concert these days and then complains about APS fee.
If I were younger, I may think twice about joining.
I joined the APS in 1965 or '66, and couldn't recall the number till I remembered the round "APS" stamp.
Number 54968
Actually I had used it up to about ten years ago to identify pages in my albums.
I was a paid up member for over twenty years till around 1989 when i cardiac Infarction laid me up and forced me to rethink expenditures. I kept Linn's and The Western Stamp Collector but dropped APS and several club memberships to save money.
I never rejoined.
I have been a proud member of the APS for 12 years. It is worth every penny! My APS number starts with 20.... I was a member of the RPSC for one year, but I found them to be a disaster.
Ottawa, Canada
David said,
"I was a member of the RPSC for one year, but I found them to be a disaster."
At the end of the meal when the bill comes and some hands appear to be frozen in place, that is called "Shellout Falter"
I've been a member for several years, but not in the running for lowest APS memnbership number. I semi-enjoy the APS magazine and have used the APRL a few times. That's really all the benefits I have enjoyed so far. That's enough for me, so I'm not complaining. I think its a pretty good deal to get 12 issues of a magazine for $45 when that money is going to a non-profit.
I say semi-enjoy because the really long articles in very specialized philatelic topics are just not appropriate for a broad membership base and can be an extreme burden to get through when you feel you need to digest everything in the issue. I'm talking about multi-page articles about such and such mail routes during whatever period etc. (no offense to the authors) that are dry as a bone unless you are one of hand full of people in the world that cares. But, I've learned to just read the captions on the photos in those boring articles and I can get through an issue pretty fast now.
I too have mixed feelings about the APS. My membership number begins with 202; I think I joined ca. 2001, but I could be way wrong about that. I'll have to admit that I rarely get around to regularly reading the journal, despite telling myself that I should!
Some articles seem really shallow. I remember one about covers posted by U.S. Marines throughout their many incursions, invasions, and occupations around the world. The article was OK as far as it went, which wasn't very far: it mainly was a listing of the many places the Marines had been sent, and failed to mention that many of the missions the Marines were involved in were purely imperialistic. Worse was the article's failure to note the huge numbers of Marines who died and were wounded on these missions. I'm kinda touchy about that, having served with the Marines in Vietnam. Many of us never returned to the U.S., and shouldn't have been in Vietnam in the first place.
I have been a member for a while (#175366), but I debate with myself every year when it comes time to renew and pay $45. I'm not sure it is worth the cost since most of their "services" cost additional fees. I agree with some of the others that the cost and hassles of getting the circuits are not worth it, and I find little of interest in most of the AP magazines. I might buy something from the StampStore 2-3 times a year, but now even non-members can purchase from there. I may hang in there another couple of years, but not sure.
"even non-members can purchase from there"
Anglophile said,
"The journal can only publish articles that are submitted, so if you don't like the content of the journal, write the article that you want to read. "
I have a 5-digit number starting with 88. I joined many years ago but raising a family got in the way of stamp collecting for several years. When I picked up my tongs again, I got reinstated. I have never used the APRL but intend to. I have used the Expertizing Service and have purchased several items through the Stamp Store. I am probably going to quit receiving Circuits as it is mostly common material that I already have. In summary, I am happy being an APS member.
Here's documented proof that APS was using 5 digits back in the 1930s. They might have had more members back then! That would be interesting to see.
I've included the enclosure which was written on a prescription pad... look at what the good doctor was looking for!
I've never been an APS member but my club was part of APS which allowed me to use the library as a kid. I took out the Max Johl book of US stamps and copied all the pages related to my Ben Franklins. I still have that in a binder. I also got the year 1932 of Linn's Stamp News, which was nicely bound. I looked up every cover for the George Washington Bicentennial that was listed for the year. I don't know what I did with that list. I still may come across it.
And per the very specialized articles in their publication, that's for the posterity of the hobby. That detailed information needs to be recorded during the lifetime of the experts. Otherwise it would be lost forever.
Who once said when a learned man dies, a library has burned to the ground?
Awesome Dr. Meikle was on the hunt for mint blocks of Columbians. Good stuff. He had good taste. Whats the 50c Omaha?
I presume "Omaha" is Trans-Mississippi as that was the site of the exhibition.
"Whats the 50c Omaha?"
Smart doctor. He knew what the perfect prescription is!
I have a 6 digit number but the first digit is a zero and the rest are 58xxx. I have been a member since November of 1969 and started collecting in 1961 when I was stationed in New Haven, Conn while in the USAF. Some years ago, I became a life member. Over the years, I have used a number of services and enjoyed all of them. Even though life members do not pay dues, I continue to support the society in any other ways including the "Mighty Buck Club". If my wife should pass first, I intend to redo my will and include the society. I really enjoy my membership.
Hi BenFranklin1902,
Thanks for sharing your cover and prescription! It's a fascinating item.
I'm surprised to see such small telephone numbers on the prescription even for 1936.
Why are there two telephone numbers, Bell and Citizens? Were these competing telephone services in the same town?
My APS number starts 21xxxx so I'm a much newer member than most here.
I joined the APS after reading Michael#'s posts in StampWants so I could learn more about collecting in the US as I live in the UK.
Like many members I don't take advantage of the APS services and I now just get the digital edition of the magazine which saves me quite a bit.
"Why are there two telephone numbers, Bell and Citizens?"
"The first telephone service in Hammond was provided in 1895 by American Telegraph and Telephone Service which ran wires from Hammond to Chippewa Bay. In 1904, W.T. Stiles leased the Chippewa lines and in March of that year expanded with new lines and telephones, thus Citizens Telephone Company was founded. In 1912, a twelve-line switchboard was installed which was used until 1957 when the dial system was placed into operation.
Donald and Patricia Ceresoli purchased Citizens Telephone in August 1968 and later purchased Macomb Telephone Company in 1973, which nearly doubled their subscriber base. Over the years in an effort to provide exceptional service, the Ceresoli family expanded the business into other areas.
Currently Citizens Telephone has grown to over 1,800 subscribers. The company provides Internet and DSL service as well as telephone and cable TV to its customers."
So, back to the topic at hand.
Did anyone come up with a number lower than my "54968" ?
Did we find the longest continuous membership ?
"The whole world wonders. ...."
As long as we're wondering, I've been waiting for someone to talk about an APS membership in, well, non-transactional non-consumerist terms.
Seems like all of the posts have been either "I got enough" or "I did not get enough" out of an APS membership, but no one is talking about a social obligation to support the hobby via its broadest umbrella organization.
While some of us are on a tight budget, an awful lot of us buy forty dollar stamps (or forty dollar auction lots) without agonizing second thoughts, so chipping-in one stamp per year for the hobby seems like an easy call.
Sign of the times?
/s/ ikeyPikey
Ah, but I did say that in my August 14 reply:
"All of the fees paid to the organizations go to support those groups. Joining and maintaining a membership in such an organization serves to give back, in the case of the APS, to the hobby that has given one enjoyment to help others become part of the hobby."
"I think its a pretty good deal to get 12 issues of a magazine for $45 when that money is going to a non-profit."
Support for the organization itself was kind of my point about APS being non-profit, but certainly tossing all tangible benefits aside, and considering the membership fee as a donation to a useful non-profit, $45 as a donation that supports the hobby is something some of us can afford.
Even if you don't like all the articles in the magazine (or even any), just using the magazine as a vehicle to keep in touch with the hobby and the non-profit that supports it is a good idea.
I support other non-profits, but don't necessarily actively participate. Take Sierra Club for example. I don't even read the Sierra Club newsletter, and I sorta enjoy reading the APS magazine, so donating to the APS has pluses over other organizations.
The National Model Railroad Association also provides a nice monthly magazine. When I have a table at a show, I give away the magazines (APS, and NMRA) at my table. At shows where I don't have a table there usually is a table where free literature is given away. I'll put the magazines there to give them away to others.
I’ve belonged to the APS for a number of years, I forget when it was I actually joined, but my membership number starts with 132…
I joined and remain a member for two main reasons. First, to get access to their insurance program. It’s hassle free when compared to what it would take to add it to my homeowner’s policy, and it’s relatively inexpensive. Second, I want to support the hobby. Membership in the APS, at least to some extent does that.
As for the circuits, I did receive them once, but given my interests the selection is somewhat limited and the costs of postage and insurance make them not worth my while. I do read some of the articles in their magazine when the headline catches my attention, but I don’t consider it as a very well written periodical.
I've belonged to APS for 22 years. I consider it money well spent.
Over the years, I've bought many sets from the stamp store. And I've had about two dozen stamps expertized. If you buy from the stamp store, you get a deal on expertization.
I've ordered catalogs and other books from the library. The cost is minimal, as Bobstamp said. And the library staff has always gone out of its way to help.
Perhaps the biggest benefit for me has been insurance. I have a large airmail collection. Given what I have read online, insuring that collection under my homeowner's policy would probably be a hassle. That is, if it were even possible. Buying a policy through APS is a snap, and not expensive.
Furthermore, I often buy at auction. My APS number ensures that my participation is accepted. That APS number is always good, not just in the U.S. and Canada, but overseas, too.
Lastly, I'm happy to support the hobby. It's only $45 a year.
Ed Foster
"Seems like all of the posts have been either "I got enough" or "I did not get enough" out of an APS membership, but no one is talking about a social obligation to support the hobby via its broadest umbrella organization."
I agree with angore. They may be a non-profit organization, but they are not a charity. I feel no obligation whatsoever to donate $45 a year to them, when I get little to nothing in return.
I tried their approval books. One big problem I had with them was that too many stamps were damaged due to both inadequate mounting and poor handling. That, along with the shipping & insurance costs, just makes approval books non-cost-effective, frustrating, and, ultimately, a waste of time.
AP magazine, as pointed out, is simply filled with too many esoteric specialized articles. Is the answer really, as someone suggested above, for me to write the article I want to read, and submit it? That's like saying if BidStart doesn't have the stamps you want to buy, you should post them for sale yourself.
The simple fact is, for-profit or not-for-profit, the APS is a business, and if you cater to only a select few, then you will attract the patronage of only a select few. If that's your business plan, that's fine with me. Just don't tell me that, as a member of the hobby, I "need" to financially support this organization.
I work for a non-profit; essentially I'm their publisher. Non-profit is nothing more than a tax status accorded by the IRS that grants us some tax benefits and requires we do some things and not do others. The NRA is also a non-profit as are some super PACs. There are many types of non-profits, and one's tax status need not be a referrendum on one's value to the universe, writ big or small.
I've also been a member of the APS, off and on, for decades. I've tried to find utility in it, but it's tough. I get maybe one or two articles max per issue that's of any interest to me. I'm really a specialist; while I'm willing to commit the 5 minutes to a Linn's article on X or Y, I'm not willing to spend 90 minutes going indepth on large Queen shade varieties. I haven't visisted Zillions (I assume it's still operational) in years, and the sales circuits overpriced and underwhelming for my hardened heart and wallet.
But I serve two of its affiliates: SOR and Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (#s 242 and 101, respectively, both palindromic) paying the fee in time and effort and, with the latter, with dues. I truly get value, although this may be due as much to the maxim that you get back ten-fold what you put in as to anything else. I also contribute to our local club (Phil is our president and he and Jopie have both individually put far more BS&Ts into than I have, but I contribute and, as before, I get great value and reward from it).
I was mortified by volunteer activities back in the early Match Factory days, and found the political shenanigans and dark dealings dreadful. I find the on-again, off-again focus on fund-raising and non-dues revenue difficult to understand, and am always mistrustful of those organizations that put a development officer at the top of the food chain. I found the hiring of Peter Mastroangelo odd; was glad that Ken Martin was finally rewarded; was sad he was pushed aside. I don't know; but I find the ongoing Match Factory saga emotionally draining and the ship rudderless. Perhaps if I were involved, I would see things more accurately. It seems to me that APS is purposely opaque on all this. I am neither well-versed enough a philatelist nor well-heeled enough to ever believe I might have a voice, and perhaps that's why I never got more involved, and that lack of involvement has condemned an innocent body into irrelevance. This latter is speculation.
Example: I am happy to support philatelic libraries that I have never needed and am unlikely to need, but do so to support the infrastructure of my hobby & community. Libraries are not charities, and my obligation to chip in is independent of whether/not I derive an accountable, individual benefit.
/s/ ikeyPikey
Got the invoice to reinstate in the mail today. When I posted a week or so ago I asked members about the value that they see in membership and about creative, little known or intangible benefits. I appreciate the responses. In a way, I kind of see it as an elitist club and that dues go to subsidize the big high rollers and their cocktail meet and greets at the major philatelic events. I'm hoping to turn that perception around and really enjoy my membership in 2017 but I just don't see it as an organization for the average Joe collector at this point. Others have made the point that you get out of it what you put into it so we shall see.
I feel a little less guilty about my perceptions after reading the posts here. There are some collectors here that are passionate, extremely knowledgeable and somewhat "meh" about membership.
I have been a member for some time and rarely avail myself of the services, other than the AP. In the interest of full disclosure, I did make one purchase from the Stamp Store and have used the APRL one time to acquire some material from the State Revenue Society holding.
I don't mind paying my annual dues, as well as the dues for a Chapter of which I'm a member, to support APS programs that benefit the hobby as a whole.
For example, the Stamps Teach program provides information and resources to K-12 educators in a number of content areas. The program's goal is to develop and share learning activities using philatelic materials as instructional tools. The program has introduced over 30,000 potential future stamp collectors to our hobby.
All Star Stamp Clubs, youth clubs that affiliate with APS, receive stamp collecting supplies and other resources for meeting activities. They can be formed in a number of ways (e.g., classroom, after school program, church group, etc) and the children involved become club members at no cost to them.
Scouting. APS has prepared information and activities for each requirement of the Boy Scout merit badge and offers two workshops annually to help prepare Scout leaders.
There are a number of other areas in which APS strives to ensure the future of the hobby using resources provided, in part, by membership dues. I'd expand upon them but I'm missing Olympics coverage so I'm cutting this short.
I am a two year member, I blew more on pizza and beers last weekend than my APS membership cost me for the year.
Yup, two beer-inspired lunches at the local BBQ place can easily run to $45. Doesn't mean I'll drink less beer for the sake of the APS, but just saying.
I just switched my insurance policy for my stamp collection this spring over to the Hugh Wood company that works through APS (they give a discount to APS members). I previously had it insured as a stand-alone collectibles policy through the insurance company where I have my renters and auto policies. When I switched to the Hugh Wood policy, I doubled the dollar value of the insurance coverage since my collection has really grown the past few years. But even with doubling the insured amount, the cost for insurance is less than half of what is was previously. So for me, the discounted insurance pays for the APS membership fee many times over.
The insurance company that I had my previous coverage with also insisted that I scan in photos of all of my stamps and provide them with the pictures. That was virtually impossible since my worldwide collection is housed in three bookcases. And much of the material that is still waiting to be sorted through and mounted is contained in numerous albums, stock books, boxes of loose stamps and kiloware (another twelve bookcases). With Hugh Wood, all they wanted was the dollar amount to be insured.
I am presently slowly scanning in all pages and stamps that are housed in the albums in my collection just in case I do need proof of ownership, but as a backup I have retained scanned copies of all receipts related to my stamp and stamp supply purchases made over the past 15-20 years (to help explain what contained in those other twelve bookcases). I am not so worried about theft since most people wouldn't have any idea what to do with all these stamps if they did take off with them, but tornados or a building fire are my biggest worry. When it finally comes time to sell off my collection either to a stamp dealer or in auctions by myself, I will already have everything scanned in a ready to go.
I have also used the expertizing service provided by APS with some satisfaction. I have not purchased any stamps through them but plan on doing so soon. Their other services I do not make use of at the present time. Their monthly journal I do not find very useful.
For the APS members that also get Linn's stamp news, do you find the articles in the monthly edition more interesting?
Yes, I find the Linn's articles more interesting. But then I guess I am kind of dumb (stupid).
I've been collecting since I was 8, off and on, and find new interesting articles both in AP and Linn's. Sometimes an author may get a little carried away in listing how many covers are known with the Upper Slobovian postmarks with or without a broken "o" but I'm happy to learn that covers with Upper Slobovian postmarks actually exist.
Back when I was into US modern local posts, I didn't pay too much attention to various specialized articles. But once in a while, one would grab my attention. There is value in any philatelic publication.
"For the APS members that also get Linn's stamp news,
do you find the articles in the monthly edition more interesting?"
"... most people care little about all the hoopla they seem to attach to these high-brow auctions ..."
"As for the AP & specialist journals, I find that I'll enjoy that article about Upper Slobovian postmarks with or without a broken "o" if I take it as infotainment, and relax, and do not try to commit the material to memory."
I find that Linn's gives me news about the APS before I get it from the APS, since their magazine is monthly and Linn's is weekly. However the national news services usually run stamp and post office stories before Linn's reports them. Case in point - the found inverted Jenny was reported 3 weeks before Linn's ran the story.
I also subscribe to Stamps Monthly and Gibbons Stamp News and they sometimes run stories about American stamp news before our own publications run them.
Regarding APS membership - I am a life member and I don't always find useful articles in the American Philatelist but I enjoy reading the letters, the APS Officer and editor pieces and Robert Lamb's one page article about smaller nation stamp history. And I do get my insurance through them - have for 25 years and the price is better than through regular property insurance plans.
I realize this is going more off topic but Linn's used to advertise a cost to reach a subscriber when selling ad space. I wonder how much that cost has changed.
Expired #173697--I was a member and have no desire to re-up. I did like their magazine and maybe when I'm 80 I'll be able to afford a plane ticket, a hotel room and a rent a car to go sit in a library. The archaic design of of the stamp store that sells fake stamps by the hundreds doesn't work for me. I get more enjoyment out of the monies spent in the many other clubs I belong to..Scott English even came out to our stamp club and spoke..membership is dying he reports;Then get with times I tell him.. 'Oh, we will he replies'....when Scott? I've been waiting 20 years...
Member 147xxx and received a 25 year pin several years ago. I really enjoy the APS magazine especially the stamp show information and the collector notes information where they profile stamp collectors occasionally plus the articles about using computers with stamp collecting especially the more detailed information.
I enjoy reading about the history of stamps in various areas although I admit I am more interested in stamps and their designs than postal history of postal usage. Also, I enjoy the articles where the writer has researched information about the person who sent or received a letter and the writer found information about the people themselves and their lives.
Lately I have been using the information they provide about stamp clubs and this is where I first found out about StampoRama which has been very interesting as I have the opportunity to hear from people about their collections and interests as well as their day to day lives. It is often quite fun to hear from people who have my collecting aberration and learn about their approaches to collecting and their alternative suggestions for albums and the mechanics of storing stamps. The international flavor of membership and posters has an attraction as well as the extended relationships that are demonstrated as concern is expressed about health and weather events.
Of course, I really like seeing the pictures of stamps on StampoRama that AntoniusRa posts and the banter between collectors. Really like the online versions of books and articles about stamp collecting as well that StampoRama presents as well and have read through quite a few of them.
In this thread a year ago, I said I was planning to start selling in the APS store, but I had second thoughts because of the poor quality of their scans. They recently reported that they've upgraded the quality of their scans. I haven't taken the time to look for examples of their recent scans, but am hopeful that this improvement is being implemented effectively. From my perspective, it may not have a dramatic impact on store sales, but it sure can't hurt.
I believe forums like SOR and others are key to getting more out of the hobby. Many have no access to a local club and they meet like once a month. SOR is 24x7 and the diversity is outstanding.
"the stamp store that sells fake stamps by the hundreds"
It's been 13 months since I posted on this thread, last weekend pizza and beers for four came out to $75 bucks, APS membership still a bargain.
"...APS membership still a bargain. "
"last weekend pizza and beers for four came out to $75 bucks, APS membership still a bargain. "
This could go on forever..the casual collector who does not travel 500 miles to attend an APS show will have little interest in joining. The APS leadership is made up of type A people who are at the top of their game in their fields..they also take their stamp collecting very seriously. Myself i like to think i am enough of a stamp collector to want to belong to what is still a classy organization even though they may be losing 10 percent membership a year.
I joined the APS earlier this year and have made several purchases from the stamp store ,I will admit nearly everything in slanted to the US stamp collector.Even the monthly magazine ,most of the things that are available are not available to overseas members.I think they could give overseas members the choice of not receiving the magazine and reduce the membership fee?
just a thought.
That's a good idea Brian.
I have been a member since 1994 and purchase from the Stamp Store quick often and have used the library only once.
"...I think they could give overseas members the choice of not receiving the magazine and reduce the membership fee?..."
Great point they just hired a new editor..I think your post sums it up nicely, Brian..
tomiseksj (wrote)
Non-US residents who opt for online delivery of the American Philatelist do get a reduced rate.
I am sorry but I find the magazine rather irrelevant I have yet to see anything in the copies I have received that is of any interest to me (collecting wise).
Just to bring you all up to speed. I did join. They even let me reuse my old member number from some time ago. The magazine is great and the website has some neat stuff on it. But like someone else said a few postings up I feel I get a lot from SOR. And a copy of the American Philatelist looks good on the coffee table!
APS serves members all over the world but I hope they resist globalist pressures to become something else. I'm certain those conversations are taking place. I'm a member. Hope it remains and stays focused on being the "American" Philatelic Society.
The cost of many magazine subscriptions in general are comparable to the cost of an APS
membership -
therefore, I believe it is a good value and you get all the other benefits as well from your membership.
In that regard, I believe it is well worth it.
To Brian;
with so many different collecting-interest possibilities around the world regarding stamps/postal history, its not unusual that some people's interests are rarely covered from issue to issue.
That being said, I do find articles that are interesting to read even though they don't pertain to any of my collecting interests.
(my wife tells me I'm a bit too curious about everything sometimes... )
My wife and yours should get on famously !
She says I am the largest untapped source of Natural Gas in the world !!!
I just purchased insurance through APS for my collection. Extremely reasonable and simple. Way better than what my local agent wanted to do.
APS #54968, 1966 to 1989 I dropped out after a severe cardiac incident forced me to re-evaluate many expenses and cut away the fluff. Two years later when things were going great, I felt that I hadn't missed membership. I got much more from the then bi-weekly Western Stamp Collector for half the price. I still miss WSC.
I've been an APS member for several years now and I find it a good deal for the price (I also joined the APRL). The magazine is a good value for the price of membership alone, and although not every article sings to me, I read them all - philately is such a broad hobby encompassing so many things.
I have stamps listed for sale on their online site, where I purchased my first Penny Black. I also got insurance through APS - HW Wood, at a very reasonable cost.
I volunteered for the week in July a couple of years ago in Bellefonte and at the World Stamp Show last year. Luckily, I have some travel and time flexibility for this sort of thing (Bellefonte is challenging to get to) but found the experience at both events entertaining and informing, and I hope to get back there.
Occasionally I request a box of stamps from the Education department in need of trimming, and send the finished product back to them. It's a nice pastime during the cold winter months.
Everyone's stamp budget is different, but I find it a good investment in knowledge, experience, and fun.
My two cents...
Just looking for some input. Are must SOR members also in the APS or RCPS? I was a member of both years ago. But never rejoined when I started to collect once more. The cost of both has gone up
over the years, does it really help one to enjoy the hobby to be in both or one of the national clubs?
re: APS membership
Many people will tell you that you get nothing out of being in a philatelic society. I'll tell you this, look at what the society has to offer, and then make up your own mind. You will get out of it what you want depending on how you avail yourself of what the society has to offer its members.
For the APS, you have free admission to APS shows, can attend APS meetings, get special treatment at APS headquarters, get APS monthly publication, can buy/sell through APS Sales Division online or through sales circuits, get discounted insurance for your collection, can borrow books from the APS library, get discounts for expertization, your family can benefit from the free APS Estate Advisory Service when you pass on, you get free translation of letters/documents, and more. Like I said, you get what out of it what you want. I have been an APS member for over 26 years. I have gotten alot from the APS, and I have given back through donations and my work as an APS Estate Advisor and other activities.
re: APS membership
I too have been an APS member for a long time, and everything Michael said is 100% accurate. He left out one very important thing, and that references; when dealing with other collectors or dealers, the APS logo on your correspondence is better than three other trade references, I have the logo printed on my stationery, and use it in almost all my correspondence.
Join now, while it is fresh on your mind.
If you have any questions, you can email me directly at
re: APS membership
I joined a couple of years ago. Last fall, I took one of their classes in expertizing. Now anyone can go to the classes but members get a discount on all of their services. However only members can buy or sell. The APS also offers a Philatelic reference library with its online catalogue that can access most of the philatelic libraries around the world. It is well worth the money.
re: APS membership
I can certainly agree with all of the above endorsements. The APS is a wonderful organization that all stamp collectors should belong to. Everyone that I have ever met or talked to from the APS is very polite, knowledgeable and ready to help in any way they can.
re: APS membership
I joined for one year and didn't renew. This isn't to bash the organization, it simply didn't bring value to me.
1. The American Philatelist: In 1 year, they printed exactly one article that I found of interest, vis a vis philately. That was about the Wesson time-on-bottom postmark, and even that very article is available, now, online, at no charge.
For me, far too many of the articles were just history lessons on certain events, with nothing to do about stamp collecting, per se. While I don't expect them to taylor the content specifically towards my interests, again it's about the value (or lack of such) I received.
2. Stamp Circuits: This was quite the losing proposition. When you consider just the cost of shipping and insurance, you'll spend $10 before (well, actually, after) you've bought anything. Too much of the stuff was packet material. Other stamps I might otherwise have had a desire to buy were damaged from improper handling by previous members and/or poor mounting and positioning on the page, so that stamps often got creased when closing the books.
3. The "Lending" Library: Between lending fees, and shipping and insurance costs, the first book you "borrow" will cost you $20. Each additional book lowers the average cost per book a little, but, unless you are going to spend days taking a copious amount of notes, or risk damaging the bindings trying to scan them, that is an awful lot to spend for information you will have only temporarily.
4. The "cachet" of APS membership: It means nothing to me when I see it on a dealer's web page or ad. I've had far too many unpleasant experiences with APS dealers as well as non-member dealers, to think that the logo means anything. I'm not talking about anything actionable or reportable, like fraud, but subjective (though well-defined) things such as grading and condition, communication, customer service, etc.
As Michael stated:
"You will get out of it what you want depending on how you avail yourself of what the society has to offer its members."
re: APS membership
I joined the APS in about 1965 or 1966. Paid my membership and contributed several lettrs to discussions for over twenty years.
In October 1988 I had my first adventure in cardiology and was out of the loop for some time with six children to feed regardless so my wife cut things back, letting several subscriptions and club memberships end. Once I was up and around, able to go back to work I realised that no one in State College noticed that a twenty year member was missing or had bothered to wonder why or if a widowed spouse might need some help.
I never bothered to rejoin and really don't miss the society at all.
I have noticed in this year alone several members, noting someone's absense, have made an effort to seek the reason or inquire after their health.
Sometimes one of the local club members brings in his dated copy of the journal and if I get the chance will look thm over.
re: APS membership
Was a member for 3 years. didn't renew for pretty much the same reasons "youpiao" states.
Also they quit using stamps on their mail. Disappointed in that. If they had say an associate membership where you didn't have to get the magazine for like 20 bucks a year , I could handle that. I do find the integrity of the organization outstanding.
re: APS membership
Also they quit using stamps on their mail.
That's an incorrect statement. Mail sent directly from APS headquarters (sales circuits, online store purchases, Sales Division supply orders, other contact letters, etc. always has postage stamps. APS also uses custom postage labels (nice collectables) for business mail. If the APS has a mass mailing to its membership, it sometimes contracts that work out, and that mailing will get meter or permit as it is sent directly from the contractor's facility and not the APS.
The APS does have associate memberships, but there also has to be a full member in the household. AAA is the same way as are many other organizations like that.
re: APS membership
I did the half a year deal a few years ago to check it out. The magazine was okay but not may classified ads were of interest to me. I find several similar ads in Linn's, which I have received for years. I work full time and don't have time for the circuits, which I could do through my local club if I chose to. I can still go to the shows when they are in my area, and I did enjoy their shows in recent years in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. They were larger than local and somewhat intimidating, but I still found vendors that carried items that were pleasing. Let me say that I never spend more than $60-$75 per show, and I realize you could spend a lot more at their shows. BTW, I actually prefer the ASDA magazine which I have picked up back issues of from my club.
You will definitely have fun with local "face to face" clubs or smaller organizations. I used to also belong to ISWSC (World wide stamps) and FICC (First Issues Collectors Club) which had nice auctions every quarter of #1 issues of several countries. Almost joined ATA recently, but I am not really a topical collector. Maybe I can do more when I retire...
re: APS membership
This is awesome!!!! Thanks Michael for mentioning that they have a stamp store. All the stamps i want are available there at good rates. I intend to have them expertised as well.
I just had a talk with APS. I guess my cc is going to be very well used today.
re: APS membership
Just renewed and reactivated my long lapsed APS membership.
I am still member # 203949! They extended an offer of $45 for the rest of 2016 and all of 2017. I wonder who has the lowest membership number here. I know some of yall have been members since the Wilson administration ha ha.
Would love to hear some lesser known or unique ways that people have enjoyed membership.
re: APS membership
My number starts with 136... Probably isn't the lowest around here, though.
Through my 30+ years of membership, I have often spoken to, written or emailed many of the staff, directors, etc. They have all been friendly, helpful, and enjoy talking about stamps, even the employees who do not collect stamps. That's a sideline to membership that I enjoy in addition to those and more that I discussed previously in this thread.
re: APS membership
You have me beat, Michael. My number is 156###. Any members with a five digit number?
re: APS membership
My number starts with 164, and I just recently received my 25 year pin and certificate.
I continue to maintain it because it keeps me on top of what is going on in the hobby nationally, plus is a great reference for joining the specialist clubs. BOB
re: APS membership
I am a lifer..paid dues a couple of years after my free memberships should have started. If i join something APS, Stamporama, stamp club...i tend to stick with it. Phil APS 070059
re: APS membership
Phil has a 5 digit number. I never stick with something just to stick with it. For me, there has to be a real benefit. I did miss the magazine. I liked the process of the circuit books but was disappointed in the content. I think I was getting classic US. For members who regularly receive them, which books do you think have been the best regarding quality and variety? Don't think I've been activated yet. I was unable to pull up the lists when I tried earlier. Maybe someone could post them, PM or email it to me.
re: APS membership
We have a few active members who have a four digit APS Number.
re: APS membership
I'm a five digit guy- now a life member. I have used the sales books only briefly. It wasn't cost effective, too much cheap material and short sets. I really like the online Stampstore and have used that a lot. Nonmembers can also use it but it costs more.
Fairly happy with the APS at least for now.
re: APS membership
I just recently decided to suspend the APS circuit has been a tradition in the club since the 1960's but its hard to justify $6.80 postage plus $2.00 insurance amonth from our club treasury when members were buying less than Five dollars from the circuit books. The type of stamps we have been receiving in the past year or two are not the type that appeal to the membership. Some folks said they dropped out of the APS because the dues were expensive...sounds like they might not have been too interested in being an APS member in the first place.
re: APS membership
One can always belong to the National Model Railroad Association. Dues are about $70 per year for national. Then there's an optional extra dues charge for regional. Going to an NMRA event? You need to register, and pay the fees for getting through the door, and for each clinic that you want to attend. Coming from out of town? Have to stay in the hotel where the event is, or else pay a $50 surcharge. Can cost you a bundle just to go to one show. Even the regional shows are like this. Some local shows will have a door fee.
Many other organizations are like this.
APS shows? Free.
All of the fees paid to the organizations go to support those groups. Joining and maintaining a membership in such an organization serves to give back, in the case of the APS, to the hobby that has given one enjoyment to help others become part of the hobby.
re: APS membership
There is a model railroad club in Kingston,New York in the building next to the YMCA i belong to. They had been there for decades so you can imagine what they had setup in there. A couple of years ago the landlord wanted them out...i guess he could get more rent from another tenant. Things were pretty tense for a while but in the end the railroad club is still there.Watching the small city politics in a town like Kingston is a trip all by itself.
re: APS membership
My 187### number doesn't truly reflect how long ago I started collecting. It simply reflects how long ago (2000 or 2001?) I began writing and publishing articles in American Philatelist. I haven't done much writing in recent years. So there are no APS checks to cover the cost of membership these days. Still, I keep the membership, occasionally getting an APEX certificate and fully intending to begin selling a few higher value items in the APS StampStore some day. Some day...............
re: APS membership
My number starts with 122... joined in 1982... overall worthwhile... APS journal has its ups and downs with periods of fluff and periods of stuffy content of interest ot relatively few. I'll keep on paying dues, all things considered.
re: APS membership
I have been a member for many many years. Except for the stamp insurance, I have really used much of the benefits except getting the journal which sporadically has articles i like.
For some, a specialist group may be more important. For example, I have received more useful info from PNC3 due to their content rich web site although it looks quite dated.
I do not think $45 is very high compared to costs in today's world. I hope no one is going out to see a movie, sporting event, or concert these days and then complains about APS fee.
If I were younger, I may think twice about joining.
re: APS membership
I joined the APS in 1965 or '66, and couldn't recall the number till I remembered the round "APS" stamp.
Number 54968
Actually I had used it up to about ten years ago to identify pages in my albums.
I was a paid up member for over twenty years till around 1989 when i cardiac Infarction laid me up and forced me to rethink expenditures. I kept Linn's and The Western Stamp Collector but dropped APS and several club memberships to save money.
I never rejoined.
re: APS membership
I have been a proud member of the APS for 12 years. It is worth every penny! My APS number starts with 20.... I was a member of the RPSC for one year, but I found them to be a disaster.
Ottawa, Canada
re: APS membership
David said,
"I was a member of the RPSC for one year, but I found them to be a disaster."
re: APS membership
At the end of the meal when the bill comes and some hands appear to be frozen in place, that is called "Shellout Falter"
re: APS membership
I've been a member for several years, but not in the running for lowest APS memnbership number. I semi-enjoy the APS magazine and have used the APRL a few times. That's really all the benefits I have enjoyed so far. That's enough for me, so I'm not complaining. I think its a pretty good deal to get 12 issues of a magazine for $45 when that money is going to a non-profit.
I say semi-enjoy because the really long articles in very specialized philatelic topics are just not appropriate for a broad membership base and can be an extreme burden to get through when you feel you need to digest everything in the issue. I'm talking about multi-page articles about such and such mail routes during whatever period etc. (no offense to the authors) that are dry as a bone unless you are one of hand full of people in the world that cares. But, I've learned to just read the captions on the photos in those boring articles and I can get through an issue pretty fast now.
re: APS membership
I too have mixed feelings about the APS. My membership number begins with 202; I think I joined ca. 2001, but I could be way wrong about that. I'll have to admit that I rarely get around to regularly reading the journal, despite telling myself that I should!
Some articles seem really shallow. I remember one about covers posted by U.S. Marines throughout their many incursions, invasions, and occupations around the world. The article was OK as far as it went, which wasn't very far: it mainly was a listing of the many places the Marines had been sent, and failed to mention that many of the missions the Marines were involved in were purely imperialistic. Worse was the article's failure to note the huge numbers of Marines who died and were wounded on these missions. I'm kinda touchy about that, having served with the Marines in Vietnam. Many of us never returned to the U.S., and shouldn't have been in Vietnam in the first place.
re: APS membership
I have been a member for a while (#175366), but I debate with myself every year when it comes time to renew and pay $45. I'm not sure it is worth the cost since most of their "services" cost additional fees. I agree with some of the others that the cost and hassles of getting the circuits are not worth it, and I find little of interest in most of the AP magazines. I might buy something from the StampStore 2-3 times a year, but now even non-members can purchase from there. I may hang in there another couple of years, but not sure.
re: APS membership
"even non-members can purchase from there"
re: APS membership
Anglophile said,
"The journal can only publish articles that are submitted, so if you don't like the content of the journal, write the article that you want to read. "
re: APS membership
I have a 5-digit number starting with 88. I joined many years ago but raising a family got in the way of stamp collecting for several years. When I picked up my tongs again, I got reinstated. I have never used the APRL but intend to. I have used the Expertizing Service and have purchased several items through the Stamp Store. I am probably going to quit receiving Circuits as it is mostly common material that I already have. In summary, I am happy being an APS member.
re: APS membership
Here's documented proof that APS was using 5 digits back in the 1930s. They might have had more members back then! That would be interesting to see.
I've included the enclosure which was written on a prescription pad... look at what the good doctor was looking for!
I've never been an APS member but my club was part of APS which allowed me to use the library as a kid. I took out the Max Johl book of US stamps and copied all the pages related to my Ben Franklins. I still have that in a binder. I also got the year 1932 of Linn's Stamp News, which was nicely bound. I looked up every cover for the George Washington Bicentennial that was listed for the year. I don't know what I did with that list. I still may come across it.
And per the very specialized articles in their publication, that's for the posterity of the hobby. That detailed information needs to be recorded during the lifetime of the experts. Otherwise it would be lost forever.
Who once said when a learned man dies, a library has burned to the ground?
re: APS membership
Awesome Dr. Meikle was on the hunt for mint blocks of Columbians. Good stuff. He had good taste. Whats the 50c Omaha?
re: APS membership
I presume "Omaha" is Trans-Mississippi as that was the site of the exhibition.
re: APS membership
"Whats the 50c Omaha?"
re: APS membership
Smart doctor. He knew what the perfect prescription is!
re: APS membership
I have a 6 digit number but the first digit is a zero and the rest are 58xxx. I have been a member since November of 1969 and started collecting in 1961 when I was stationed in New Haven, Conn while in the USAF. Some years ago, I became a life member. Over the years, I have used a number of services and enjoyed all of them. Even though life members do not pay dues, I continue to support the society in any other ways including the "Mighty Buck Club". If my wife should pass first, I intend to redo my will and include the society. I really enjoy my membership.
re: APS membership
Hi BenFranklin1902,
Thanks for sharing your cover and prescription! It's a fascinating item.
I'm surprised to see such small telephone numbers on the prescription even for 1936.
Why are there two telephone numbers, Bell and Citizens? Were these competing telephone services in the same town?
My APS number starts 21xxxx so I'm a much newer member than most here.
I joined the APS after reading Michael#'s posts in StampWants so I could learn more about collecting in the US as I live in the UK.
Like many members I don't take advantage of the APS services and I now just get the digital edition of the magazine which saves me quite a bit.
re: APS membership
"Why are there two telephone numbers, Bell and Citizens?"
"The first telephone service in Hammond was provided in 1895 by American Telegraph and Telephone Service which ran wires from Hammond to Chippewa Bay. In 1904, W.T. Stiles leased the Chippewa lines and in March of that year expanded with new lines and telephones, thus Citizens Telephone Company was founded. In 1912, a twelve-line switchboard was installed which was used until 1957 when the dial system was placed into operation.
Donald and Patricia Ceresoli purchased Citizens Telephone in August 1968 and later purchased Macomb Telephone Company in 1973, which nearly doubled their subscriber base. Over the years in an effort to provide exceptional service, the Ceresoli family expanded the business into other areas.
Currently Citizens Telephone has grown to over 1,800 subscribers. The company provides Internet and DSL service as well as telephone and cable TV to its customers."
re: APS membership
So, back to the topic at hand.
Did anyone come up with a number lower than my "54968" ?
Did we find the longest continuous membership ?
"The whole world wonders. ...."
re: APS membership
As long as we're wondering, I've been waiting for someone to talk about an APS membership in, well, non-transactional non-consumerist terms.
Seems like all of the posts have been either "I got enough" or "I did not get enough" out of an APS membership, but no one is talking about a social obligation to support the hobby via its broadest umbrella organization.
While some of us are on a tight budget, an awful lot of us buy forty dollar stamps (or forty dollar auction lots) without agonizing second thoughts, so chipping-in one stamp per year for the hobby seems like an easy call.
Sign of the times?
/s/ ikeyPikey
re: APS membership
Ah, but I did say that in my August 14 reply:
"All of the fees paid to the organizations go to support those groups. Joining and maintaining a membership in such an organization serves to give back, in the case of the APS, to the hobby that has given one enjoyment to help others become part of the hobby."
re: APS membership
"I think its a pretty good deal to get 12 issues of a magazine for $45 when that money is going to a non-profit."
Support for the organization itself was kind of my point about APS being non-profit, but certainly tossing all tangible benefits aside, and considering the membership fee as a donation to a useful non-profit, $45 as a donation that supports the hobby is something some of us can afford.
Even if you don't like all the articles in the magazine (or even any), just using the magazine as a vehicle to keep in touch with the hobby and the non-profit that supports it is a good idea.
I support other non-profits, but don't necessarily actively participate. Take Sierra Club for example. I don't even read the Sierra Club newsletter, and I sorta enjoy reading the APS magazine, so donating to the APS has pluses over other organizations.
re: APS membership
The National Model Railroad Association also provides a nice monthly magazine. When I have a table at a show, I give away the magazines (APS, and NMRA) at my table. At shows where I don't have a table there usually is a table where free literature is given away. I'll put the magazines there to give them away to others.
re: APS membership
I’ve belonged to the APS for a number of years, I forget when it was I actually joined, but my membership number starts with 132…
I joined and remain a member for two main reasons. First, to get access to their insurance program. It’s hassle free when compared to what it would take to add it to my homeowner’s policy, and it’s relatively inexpensive. Second, I want to support the hobby. Membership in the APS, at least to some extent does that.
As for the circuits, I did receive them once, but given my interests the selection is somewhat limited and the costs of postage and insurance make them not worth my while. I do read some of the articles in their magazine when the headline catches my attention, but I don’t consider it as a very well written periodical.
re: APS membership
I've belonged to APS for 22 years. I consider it money well spent.
Over the years, I've bought many sets from the stamp store. And I've had about two dozen stamps expertized. If you buy from the stamp store, you get a deal on expertization.
I've ordered catalogs and other books from the library. The cost is minimal, as Bobstamp said. And the library staff has always gone out of its way to help.
Perhaps the biggest benefit for me has been insurance. I have a large airmail collection. Given what I have read online, insuring that collection under my homeowner's policy would probably be a hassle. That is, if it were even possible. Buying a policy through APS is a snap, and not expensive.
Furthermore, I often buy at auction. My APS number ensures that my participation is accepted. That APS number is always good, not just in the U.S. and Canada, but overseas, too.
Lastly, I'm happy to support the hobby. It's only $45 a year.
Ed Foster
re: APS membership
"Seems like all of the posts have been either "I got enough" or "I did not get enough" out of an APS membership, but no one is talking about a social obligation to support the hobby via its broadest umbrella organization."
re: APS membership
I agree with angore. They may be a non-profit organization, but they are not a charity. I feel no obligation whatsoever to donate $45 a year to them, when I get little to nothing in return.
I tried their approval books. One big problem I had with them was that too many stamps were damaged due to both inadequate mounting and poor handling. That, along with the shipping & insurance costs, just makes approval books non-cost-effective, frustrating, and, ultimately, a waste of time.
AP magazine, as pointed out, is simply filled with too many esoteric specialized articles. Is the answer really, as someone suggested above, for me to write the article I want to read, and submit it? That's like saying if BidStart doesn't have the stamps you want to buy, you should post them for sale yourself.
The simple fact is, for-profit or not-for-profit, the APS is a business, and if you cater to only a select few, then you will attract the patronage of only a select few. If that's your business plan, that's fine with me. Just don't tell me that, as a member of the hobby, I "need" to financially support this organization.
re: APS membership
I work for a non-profit; essentially I'm their publisher. Non-profit is nothing more than a tax status accorded by the IRS that grants us some tax benefits and requires we do some things and not do others. The NRA is also a non-profit as are some super PACs. There are many types of non-profits, and one's tax status need not be a referrendum on one's value to the universe, writ big or small.
I've also been a member of the APS, off and on, for decades. I've tried to find utility in it, but it's tough. I get maybe one or two articles max per issue that's of any interest to me. I'm really a specialist; while I'm willing to commit the 5 minutes to a Linn's article on X or Y, I'm not willing to spend 90 minutes going indepth on large Queen shade varieties. I haven't visisted Zillions (I assume it's still operational) in years, and the sales circuits overpriced and underwhelming for my hardened heart and wallet.
But I serve two of its affiliates: SOR and Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (#s 242 and 101, respectively, both palindromic) paying the fee in time and effort and, with the latter, with dues. I truly get value, although this may be due as much to the maxim that you get back ten-fold what you put in as to anything else. I also contribute to our local club (Phil is our president and he and Jopie have both individually put far more BS&Ts into than I have, but I contribute and, as before, I get great value and reward from it).
I was mortified by volunteer activities back in the early Match Factory days, and found the political shenanigans and dark dealings dreadful. I find the on-again, off-again focus on fund-raising and non-dues revenue difficult to understand, and am always mistrustful of those organizations that put a development officer at the top of the food chain. I found the hiring of Peter Mastroangelo odd; was glad that Ken Martin was finally rewarded; was sad he was pushed aside. I don't know; but I find the ongoing Match Factory saga emotionally draining and the ship rudderless. Perhaps if I were involved, I would see things more accurately. It seems to me that APS is purposely opaque on all this. I am neither well-versed enough a philatelist nor well-heeled enough to ever believe I might have a voice, and perhaps that's why I never got more involved, and that lack of involvement has condemned an innocent body into irrelevance. This latter is speculation.
re: APS membership
Example: I am happy to support philatelic libraries that I have never needed and am unlikely to need, but do so to support the infrastructure of my hobby & community. Libraries are not charities, and my obligation to chip in is independent of whether/not I derive an accountable, individual benefit.
/s/ ikeyPikey
re: APS membership
Got the invoice to reinstate in the mail today. When I posted a week or so ago I asked members about the value that they see in membership and about creative, little known or intangible benefits. I appreciate the responses. In a way, I kind of see it as an elitist club and that dues go to subsidize the big high rollers and their cocktail meet and greets at the major philatelic events. I'm hoping to turn that perception around and really enjoy my membership in 2017 but I just don't see it as an organization for the average Joe collector at this point. Others have made the point that you get out of it what you put into it so we shall see.
I feel a little less guilty about my perceptions after reading the posts here. There are some collectors here that are passionate, extremely knowledgeable and somewhat "meh" about membership.
re: APS membership
I have been a member for some time and rarely avail myself of the services, other than the AP. In the interest of full disclosure, I did make one purchase from the Stamp Store and have used the APRL one time to acquire some material from the State Revenue Society holding.
I don't mind paying my annual dues, as well as the dues for a Chapter of which I'm a member, to support APS programs that benefit the hobby as a whole.
For example, the Stamps Teach program provides information and resources to K-12 educators in a number of content areas. The program's goal is to develop and share learning activities using philatelic materials as instructional tools. The program has introduced over 30,000 potential future stamp collectors to our hobby.
All Star Stamp Clubs, youth clubs that affiliate with APS, receive stamp collecting supplies and other resources for meeting activities. They can be formed in a number of ways (e.g., classroom, after school program, church group, etc) and the children involved become club members at no cost to them.
Scouting. APS has prepared information and activities for each requirement of the Boy Scout merit badge and offers two workshops annually to help prepare Scout leaders.
There are a number of other areas in which APS strives to ensure the future of the hobby using resources provided, in part, by membership dues. I'd expand upon them but I'm missing Olympics coverage so I'm cutting this short.
re: APS membership
I am a two year member, I blew more on pizza and beers last weekend than my APS membership cost me for the year.
re: APS membership
Yup, two beer-inspired lunches at the local BBQ place can easily run to $45. Doesn't mean I'll drink less beer for the sake of the APS, but just saying.
re: APS membership
I just switched my insurance policy for my stamp collection this spring over to the Hugh Wood company that works through APS (they give a discount to APS members). I previously had it insured as a stand-alone collectibles policy through the insurance company where I have my renters and auto policies. When I switched to the Hugh Wood policy, I doubled the dollar value of the insurance coverage since my collection has really grown the past few years. But even with doubling the insured amount, the cost for insurance is less than half of what is was previously. So for me, the discounted insurance pays for the APS membership fee many times over.
The insurance company that I had my previous coverage with also insisted that I scan in photos of all of my stamps and provide them with the pictures. That was virtually impossible since my worldwide collection is housed in three bookcases. And much of the material that is still waiting to be sorted through and mounted is contained in numerous albums, stock books, boxes of loose stamps and kiloware (another twelve bookcases). With Hugh Wood, all they wanted was the dollar amount to be insured.
I am presently slowly scanning in all pages and stamps that are housed in the albums in my collection just in case I do need proof of ownership, but as a backup I have retained scanned copies of all receipts related to my stamp and stamp supply purchases made over the past 15-20 years (to help explain what contained in those other twelve bookcases). I am not so worried about theft since most people wouldn't have any idea what to do with all these stamps if they did take off with them, but tornados or a building fire are my biggest worry. When it finally comes time to sell off my collection either to a stamp dealer or in auctions by myself, I will already have everything scanned in a ready to go.
I have also used the expertizing service provided by APS with some satisfaction. I have not purchased any stamps through them but plan on doing so soon. Their other services I do not make use of at the present time. Their monthly journal I do not find very useful.
re: APS membership
For the APS members that also get Linn's stamp news, do you find the articles in the monthly edition more interesting?
re: APS membership
Yes, I find the Linn's articles more interesting. But then I guess I am kind of dumb (stupid).
re: APS membership
I've been collecting since I was 8, off and on, and find new interesting articles both in AP and Linn's. Sometimes an author may get a little carried away in listing how many covers are known with the Upper Slobovian postmarks with or without a broken "o" but I'm happy to learn that covers with Upper Slobovian postmarks actually exist.
Back when I was into US modern local posts, I didn't pay too much attention to various specialized articles. But once in a while, one would grab my attention. There is value in any philatelic publication.
re: APS membership
"For the APS members that also get Linn's stamp news,
do you find the articles in the monthly edition more interesting?"
re: APS membership
"... most people care little about all the hoopla they seem to attach to these high-brow auctions ..."
re: APS membership
"As for the AP & specialist journals, I find that I'll enjoy that article about Upper Slobovian postmarks with or without a broken "o" if I take it as infotainment, and relax, and do not try to commit the material to memory."
re: APS membership
I find that Linn's gives me news about the APS before I get it from the APS, since their magazine is monthly and Linn's is weekly. However the national news services usually run stamp and post office stories before Linn's reports them. Case in point - the found inverted Jenny was reported 3 weeks before Linn's ran the story.
I also subscribe to Stamps Monthly and Gibbons Stamp News and they sometimes run stories about American stamp news before our own publications run them.
Regarding APS membership - I am a life member and I don't always find useful articles in the American Philatelist but I enjoy reading the letters, the APS Officer and editor pieces and Robert Lamb's one page article about smaller nation stamp history. And I do get my insurance through them - have for 25 years and the price is better than through regular property insurance plans.
re: APS membership
I realize this is going more off topic but Linn's used to advertise a cost to reach a subscriber when selling ad space. I wonder how much that cost has changed.
re: APS membership
Expired #173697--I was a member and have no desire to re-up. I did like their magazine and maybe when I'm 80 I'll be able to afford a plane ticket, a hotel room and a rent a car to go sit in a library. The archaic design of of the stamp store that sells fake stamps by the hundreds doesn't work for me. I get more enjoyment out of the monies spent in the many other clubs I belong to..Scott English even came out to our stamp club and spoke..membership is dying he reports;Then get with times I tell him.. 'Oh, we will he replies'....when Scott? I've been waiting 20 years...
re: APS membership
Member 147xxx and received a 25 year pin several years ago. I really enjoy the APS magazine especially the stamp show information and the collector notes information where they profile stamp collectors occasionally plus the articles about using computers with stamp collecting especially the more detailed information.
I enjoy reading about the history of stamps in various areas although I admit I am more interested in stamps and their designs than postal history of postal usage. Also, I enjoy the articles where the writer has researched information about the person who sent or received a letter and the writer found information about the people themselves and their lives.
Lately I have been using the information they provide about stamp clubs and this is where I first found out about StampoRama which has been very interesting as I have the opportunity to hear from people about their collections and interests as well as their day to day lives. It is often quite fun to hear from people who have my collecting aberration and learn about their approaches to collecting and their alternative suggestions for albums and the mechanics of storing stamps. The international flavor of membership and posters has an attraction as well as the extended relationships that are demonstrated as concern is expressed about health and weather events.
Of course, I really like seeing the pictures of stamps on StampoRama that AntoniusRa posts and the banter between collectors. Really like the online versions of books and articles about stamp collecting as well that StampoRama presents as well and have read through quite a few of them.
re: APS membership
In this thread a year ago, I said I was planning to start selling in the APS store, but I had second thoughts because of the poor quality of their scans. They recently reported that they've upgraded the quality of their scans. I haven't taken the time to look for examples of their recent scans, but am hopeful that this improvement is being implemented effectively. From my perspective, it may not have a dramatic impact on store sales, but it sure can't hurt.
re: APS membership
I believe forums like SOR and others are key to getting more out of the hobby. Many have no access to a local club and they meet like once a month. SOR is 24x7 and the diversity is outstanding.
re: APS membership
"the stamp store that sells fake stamps by the hundreds"
re: APS membership
It's been 13 months since I posted on this thread, last weekend pizza and beers for four came out to $75 bucks, APS membership still a bargain.
re: APS membership
"...APS membership still a bargain. "
re: APS membership
"last weekend pizza and beers for four came out to $75 bucks, APS membership still a bargain. "
re: APS membership
This could go on forever..the casual collector who does not travel 500 miles to attend an APS show will have little interest in joining. The APS leadership is made up of type A people who are at the top of their game in their fields..they also take their stamp collecting very seriously. Myself i like to think i am enough of a stamp collector to want to belong to what is still a classy organization even though they may be losing 10 percent membership a year.
re: APS membership
I joined the APS earlier this year and have made several purchases from the stamp store ,I will admit nearly everything in slanted to the US stamp collector.Even the monthly magazine ,most of the things that are available are not available to overseas members.I think they could give overseas members the choice of not receiving the magazine and reduce the membership fee?
just a thought.
re: APS membership
That's a good idea Brian.
I have been a member since 1994 and purchase from the Stamp Store quick often and have used the library only once.
re: APS membership
"...I think they could give overseas members the choice of not receiving the magazine and reduce the membership fee?..."
re: APS membership
Great point they just hired a new editor..I think your post sums it up nicely, Brian..
re: APS membership
tomiseksj (wrote)
Non-US residents who opt for online delivery of the American Philatelist do get a reduced rate.
I am sorry but I find the magazine rather irrelevant I have yet to see anything in the copies I have received that is of any interest to me (collecting wise).
re: APS membership
Just to bring you all up to speed. I did join. They even let me reuse my old member number from some time ago. The magazine is great and the website has some neat stuff on it. But like someone else said a few postings up I feel I get a lot from SOR. And a copy of the American Philatelist looks good on the coffee table!
re: APS membership
APS serves members all over the world but I hope they resist globalist pressures to become something else. I'm certain those conversations are taking place. I'm a member. Hope it remains and stays focused on being the "American" Philatelic Society.
re: APS membership
The cost of many magazine subscriptions in general are comparable to the cost of an APS
membership -
therefore, I believe it is a good value and you get all the other benefits as well from your membership.
In that regard, I believe it is well worth it.
To Brian;
with so many different collecting-interest possibilities around the world regarding stamps/postal history, its not unusual that some people's interests are rarely covered from issue to issue.
That being said, I do find articles that are interesting to read even though they don't pertain to any of my collecting interests.
(my wife tells me I'm a bit too curious about everything sometimes... )
re: APS membership
My wife and yours should get on famously !
She says I am the largest untapped source of Natural Gas in the world !!!
re: APS membership
I just purchased insurance through APS for my collection. Extremely reasonable and simple. Way better than what my local agent wanted to do.
re: APS membership
APS #54968, 1966 to 1989 I dropped out after a severe cardiac incident forced me to re-evaluate many expenses and cut away the fluff. Two years later when things were going great, I felt that I hadn't missed membership. I got much more from the then bi-weekly Western Stamp Collector for half the price. I still miss WSC.
re: APS membership
I've been an APS member for several years now and I find it a good deal for the price (I also joined the APRL). The magazine is a good value for the price of membership alone, and although not every article sings to me, I read them all - philately is such a broad hobby encompassing so many things.
I have stamps listed for sale on their online site, where I purchased my first Penny Black. I also got insurance through APS - HW Wood, at a very reasonable cost.
I volunteered for the week in July a couple of years ago in Bellefonte and at the World Stamp Show last year. Luckily, I have some travel and time flexibility for this sort of thing (Bellefonte is challenging to get to) but found the experience at both events entertaining and informing, and I hope to get back there.
Occasionally I request a box of stamps from the Education department in need of trimming, and send the finished product back to them. It's a nice pastime during the cold winter months.
Everyone's stamp budget is different, but I find it a good investment in knowledge, experience, and fun.
My two cents...